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STR Training Materials


Workshop presentations by John Butler, Robin Cotton, Mecki Prinz, and Charlotte Word at the 73rd Annual American Academy of Forensic Sciences (VIRTUAL MEETING), February 16, 2021 "MVPs of Forensic DNA: Examining the Most Valuable Publications in the Field" [.pdf]


Workshop presentations by John Butler and Hari Iyer at the 31th International Symposium on Human Identification (ISHI) (VIRTUAL MEETING), September 18, 2020 "Validation Principles, Practices, Parameters, Performance Evaluations, and Protocols" [.pdf]


Workshop presentation by John Butler and Charlotte Word at the 30th International Symposium on Human Identification (ISHI) (Palm Springs, CA), September 23, 2019 "Keys to Evaluating Published Data and Summarizing Your Validation Studies" [.pdf]


Workshop presentation by John Butler, Hari Iyer and Sheila Willis at the 30th International Symposium on Human Identification (ISHI) (Palm Springs, CA), September 26, 2019 "DNA Mixture Interpretation: Principles and Best Practices" [.pdf]


John Butler workshop presented at the 28th ISFG Congress (Prague, Czech Republic), September 10, 2019, "Scientific Publication: Reading, Writing, and Reviewing" [.pdf]


Peter Vallone invited lecturer at the 28th ISFG Congress (Prague, CZ) September 9, 2019, "NGS Workflows for Forensic Genetics" [.pdf]


AAFS 2019 Workshop #10 - DNA Mixture Interpretation Principles: Observations from a NIST Scientific Foundation Review (Baltimore, MD) - February 18, 2019 [workshop page with links to individuals presentations]


Presentations for the Judicial College of Maryland course "Everything a Judge Needs to Know about the Wonderful World of DNA and Then Some" organized by Judge Sheila R. Tillerson Adams (Annapolis, MD), October 6, 2016, [Overview of DNA and What Happens in the Lab (with Bruce Heidebrecht)] [The Future of DNA] [glossary of forensic DNA terms]


AAFS 2016 Workshop #1 - Information Does Exist Beyond the First Page of Your Google Search!: Tools and Strategies for Forensic Science Literature Searching and Use (Las Vegas, NV) - February 22, 2016 [.pdf handouts] [workshop page with links to individuals presentations]


Becky Steffen, Peter Vallone, Erica Romsos, and Mike Coble presentations for "Countdown to 2017: Internal Validation of the New CODIS Loci" workshop at the International Symposium on Human Identification (Grapevine, TX), October 15, 2015 [.pdf - handouts]  [Meet the New Loci Slides]


Peter Vallone presentation for the Analyzing and Utilizing Data from Next-Generation Sequencers in the Forensic Genomics Era workshop at the International Symposium on Human Identification (Grapevine, TX), October 12, 2015, "Underlying sequence variation within STRs: considerations for nomenclature, storage, searching, and reporting" [.pdf]


Mike Coble and Katherine Butler Gettings presentation for the Analyzing and Utilizing Data from Next-Generation Sequencers in the Forensic Genomics Era workshop at the International Symposium on Human Identification (Grapevine, TX), October 12, 2015, "NGS and Implications for Mixture Analysis" [.pdf]


Mike Coble and Simon Gittelson workshop for the Northeastern Association of Forensic Scientists (Allentown, PA), September 25-26, 2015, "Probabilistic DNA Mixture Interpretation Workshop" [Introduction and Overview] [Probability Theory and Likelihood Ratios] [Likelihood Ratios for Single Contributor Profiles] [Likelihood Ratios for Mixtures: Binary Approach] [Likelihood Ratios for Mixtures: Semi-Continuous Approach] [Likelihood Ratios for Mixtures: Continuous Approach] [Probabilistic Genotyping Software] [Mixture Example] [Reference Profile for Person of Interest]


John Butler and Simone Gittelson workshop at the 26th Congress of the International Society for Forensic Genetics (Krakow, Poland), August 31, 2015, "Basic STR Interpretation Workshop" [handouts]


John Butler presentation at the 26th Congress of the International Society for Forensic Genetics (Krakow, Poland), September 5, 2015, "Reviewing Scientific Literature" [.pdf]


Simone Gittelson workshop on Mixture Interpretation & Statistics at the Bode East 14th Annual DNA Technical Conference (Orlando, FL), May 29, 2015


Mike Coble, Charlotte Word, and Robin Cotton workshop at the ASCLD Symposium (Washington, DC), April 27, 2015 "An Application of the Kipling Method to DNA Validation in the 21st Century" [Workshop Overview] [Introduction to Validation] [Questions to Consider] [Validation Organization] [From Validation to SOP] [Thinking Ahead]


Mike Coble and Daniel Katz workshop at the ASCLD Symposium (Washington, DC), April 27, 2015 "DNA Mixture Interpretation" [Mixtures Past] [Maryland State Police Experience] [Mixtures Present] [Mixtures Future] [The DNA Community Experience]


John Butler organized workshop on New Autosomal and Y-STR Loci and Kits: Making Data Driven Decisions at the 25th International Symposium on Human Identification (Phoenix, AZ), October 2, 2014


NIST DNA Analyst Webinar Series: Probabilistic Genotyping and Software Programs (Part 1) (webcast May 28, 2014; 1pm to 5pm Eastern; organized by Mike Coble and John Paul Jones) taught by Susan Berdine (Denver Police Department), Todd Bille (ATF Laboratory), Mike Coble (NIST), Ate Kloosterman (Netherlands Forensic Institute), Craig O'Connor (NYC Office of Chief Medical Examiner), Charlotte Word (Consultant); for more information, see and


NIST DNA Analyst Webinar Series: Probabilistic Genotyping and Software Programs (Part 2) (webcast September 18, 2014; 11am to 2pm Eastern; organized by Mike Coble and John Paul Jones) taught by Tim Clayton (LGC Forensics, UK), Matthew Greenhalgh (Cellmark Forensics, UK), Lisa Schiermeier-Wood (Virginia Department of Forensic Sciences), Tim Kalafut (US Army Defense Forensic Science Center), and Mike Coble (NIST); for more information see and  


John Butler presentation for NIST DNA Analyst Webinar Series: Validation Concepts and Resources - Part 1 (Gaithersburg, MD), August 6, 2014, "Validation Overview" [.pdf]


John Butler workshop at the 25th Congress of the International Society of Forensic Genetics (Melbourne, Australia), September 5, 2013, "Scientific Publication: Reading, Writing, and Reviewing" [.pdf slides] [.pdf handouts] [reference list]


ISFG 2013 Workshops on Forensic DNA Evidence Interpretation at the 25th Congress of the International Society of Forensic Genetics (Melbourne, Australia), September 2-3, 2013: Basic Principles in Forensic DNA Evidence Interpretation & Advanced Principles in Forensic DNA Evidence Interpretation


ISHI 2013 Workshop on New Autosomal and Y-STR Loci and Kits at the 24th International Symposium on Human Identification (Atlanta, GA), October 10, 2013



NIST 2013 DNA Mixture Interpretation Workshop and Webcast (April 12, 2013 8-hour webcast)


Mixtures Using SOUND Statistics, Interpretation & Conclusions (ISHI 2012 Workshop: Butler, Coble, Cotton, Grgicak, Word) [Introduction] [Overview] [Profile1] [Statistics] [Profile Enhancement] [Different Assumptions] [BU Website] [Complex Mixtures] [Probabilistic Genotyping] [Complexity Threshold] [Court] [Future]


John Butler and Mike Coble workshop at the Midwestern Association of Forensic Scientists (MAFS) Fall Meeting (Milwaukee, WI), September 25, 2012, "Forensic DNA Mixture Interpretation" [Introductions] [Fundamentals& Literature] [Statistical Approaches] [Thresholds & Low-Level Mixtures] [Probabilistic Genotyping] [Literature Listing]


Mixture Interpretation: Using Scientific Analysis (ISHI 2011 Workshop: Butler, Coble, Cotton, Grgicak, Word)


Troubleshooting Laboratory Problems (ISHI 2011 Workshop: Butler and McCord)



DNA Mixture Workshop at the American Academy of Forensic Sciences meeting (Chicago, IL), February 22, 2011



Workshops at American Academy of Forensic Sciences meeting (Washington, DC), February 18-19, 2008

PowerPoint slides for figures from Fundamentals of Forensic DNA Typing (3rd Edition, 1st volume) [572 slides, 39.6 Mb in total across 19 files]: [Ch. 1] [Ch. 2] [Ch. 3] [Ch. 4] [Ch. 5] [Ch. 6] [Ch. 7] [Ch. 8] [Ch. 9] [Ch. 10] [Ch. 11] [Ch. 12] [Ch. 13] [Ch. 14] [Ch. 15] [Ch. 16] [Ch. 17] [Ch. 18] [App. 3]

PowerPoint slides for figures from Advanced Topics in Forensic DNA Typing: Methodology (3rd Edition, 2nd volume) [118 slides, 4.12 Mb]

PowerPoint slides for figures from Advanced Topics in Forensic DNA Typing: Interpretation (3rd Edition, 3rd volume) [137 slides, 4.12 Mb]

PowerPoint slides for figures from Forensic DNA Typing (2nd Edition) [181 slides, 8.72 Mb file]

DNA Section Training Manual [2.5 Mb pdf file] for the Missouri State Highway Patrol Forensic Laboratory - an example of information taught, required reading, and expectations for DNA analysts and technicians in training - provided by Ruth Montgomery of the Missouri State Highway Patrol Crime Laboratory

Helpful Resources on Forensic DNA Testing (websites and glossary)

PowerPoint Presentations and Slide Shows


PDF Versions of Presentations  

(recommended for lower bandwidths; requires Adobe Acrobat; Click Adobe icon to download) 


























Last Updated: 10/17/2016