Sex-Typing Markers

[References to Sex-typing Markers]

Locus (reference)


Product Size






X = 106 bp

Y = 112 bp

may be multiplexed with STRs





X = 212 bp

Y = 218 bp

may be multiplexed with STRs or D1S80

Amelogenin (99)



X = 977 bp

Y = 788 bp

may be analyzed with agarose gels





X = 80 bp

Y = 83 bp

may be multiplexed with miniSTRs

Centromeric alphoid repeat (98)





X = 157 bp

Y = 200 bp

both X- and Y-sequences were coamplified

Centromeric alphoid repeat (100)





X = 170 bp

Y = 130 bp

separate PCR reactions were performed

ZFX/ZFY zinc finger gene 




X/Y = 209bp

after HaeIII cuts

X = 172 +37 

Y = 88 +84 +37

reverse dot blot typing assay; may be used with AmpliType PM and HLA-DQA1

SRY 93
(800, 1185)


Y = 93 bp

can be multiplexed with amelogenin


Sex-Typing References

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46 References as of 07/10/07