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VWA Variants

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Allele Designation

Allele Size


Amp Kit*


Verification/Conformation Method(s)



<10 123.61 ABI 3130xl ESX 16 Malin Sanga, Swedish National Laboratory of Forensic Science (SKL) Re-amplified and re-electrophoresed Crime scene sample 1 (first observation)
12.1 156.8 ABI 3130 ID Plus Kristi Barr, Washington State Patrol-Spokane appeared in two separate samples    
>13.3/<14 166.84, 166.95 ABI 3130 ID Ashley Trausch, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Dept. Re-extracted Reference standard 1
14.1 168.72; 168.97 ABI 310 ID

Enrique Medina-Acosta,


Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro Avenida Alberto Lamego 2000 Parque Califórnia CEP 28013-602 Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ, Brazil

Re-extraction Blood sample, routine paternity testing 1 in 926
14.1 [2] 167.89; 167.92; 168.01 ABI 3130 and ABI 3100 Profiler Plus

Laboratoire de sciences judiciaires et de médecine légale, Montréal, Canada

Re-amplified and reanalyzed In a mixture result of criminal case  
14.2 168.84 ABI 3100 ID Marsha Garcia, Orchid Cellmark, Nashville TN Re-extracted    
15.1 174.27 ABI 3500 GlobalFiler Steen Hartsen, British Columbia Institute of Technology Re-amplified and re-analyzed this variant was also found in a tri-allelic pattern (vWA 14,15.1, 17) 1
15.3 171.14 ABI 3500 NGM SElect Oscar García, Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country Re-amplified and reanalyzed Criminal case sample, no suspect  



ABI 377


Nicole Swinton

Re-extracted and re-amplified



16.1 [2] 175.42 ABI 3100 ID Marsha Garcia, Orchid Cellmark, Nashville TN      
16.1 [3] 175.16 ABI 3130 ID Direct Nelson Gaburo Junior, Department of Molecular Biology, Diagnosticos da America, DASA, Brazil Re-amplified and re-analyzed    
16.1 [4] 150.09 ABI 3130xl ESX 16 Malin Sanga, Swedish National Laboratory of Forensic Science (SKL) Re-amplified and re-electrophoresed Reference sample 1 (first observation)
16.2151.26, 151.25, 151.25ABI 3500XLPowerPlex Fusion 6CKathryn Heinzmann, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime LaboratoryObserved in three unknown samples in same case3 samples
16.3180.09ABI 3500xlVerifiler PlusSimon Knights, Michalis Mavrommatis & William Stevenitt – Anglia DNA ServicesRe-amplification and re-run on capillary electrophoresis1
17.1 179.39 179.51 ABI 3130XL ID Marie-Beatrice Tonanny & Frederic G. Brard. IRCGN-National Forensic Institute of the French Gendarmerie.Rosny-sous-Bois,France re-extraction and re-amplification FTA card - saliva 1 in 25000
17.1 [2] 154.08 ABI 3130xl ESX 16 Malin Sanga, Swedish National Laboratory of Forensic Science (SKL) Re-amplified and re-electrophoresed Reference sample 1 (first observation)
17.3 179.29, 179.32 (ref), 179.30 x2, 179.40, 179.59 ABI 3500 ID Plus Cherie Andersen, Forensic Biology Section, Los Angeles Sheriff's Department A reference sample and five forensic unknowns from a sexual assault kit    
17.3 [2] 182.13; 181.97 ABI 3130 ID

Laboratoire de sciences judiciaires et de médecine légale, Montréal, Canada

18.1 158.14 ABI 3500xl ESX 16 Malin Sanga, Swedish National Laboratory of Forensic Science (SKL) Re-amplified and re-electrophoresed Reference sample 1 (first observation)
18.2 156.57 ABI 3100/3130XL PP Jaclyn Garfinkle, Illinois State Police, DNA Indexing Laboratory Re-Extraction    
18.2 [2] 184.42 ABI 3100 ID Marsha Garcia, Orchid Cellmark, Nashville TN


18.2 [3] 184.65 ABI 3100 Profiler Plus Laboratoire de sciences judiciaires et de médecine légale, Montréal, Canada on two distinct results    
18.2 [4] 159.10 ABI 3130xl ESX 16 Malin Sanga, Swedish National Laboratory of Forensic Science (SKL) Re-amplified and re-electrophoresed Reference sample 1 (first observation)



ABI 377


Nicole Swinton

Re-extracted and re-amplified



18.3 [2]


ABI 310


Malena B. Jimenez, MO State Highway Patrol

Re-extract and Re-amplify

Convicted Offender

1 in 69600

18.3 [3]


ABI 3100


Jan Nicklas,VT Forensic Laboratory




18.3 [4] 185.44 ABI 3100 ID Marsha Garcia, Orchid Cellmark, Nashville Re-amplified    
18.3 [5] 183.37 ABI 3500 NGM SElect Oscar García, Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country Reamplified and reanalyzed Convicted offender sample  
19.2 224.83 224.88 ABI 3130 ID Christine Cericeros, TX DPS El Paso Observed in two samples    
20.1 191.04; 191.19 ABI 3130 ID Plus Laboratoire de sciences judiciaires et de médecine légale, Montréal, Canada   Suspect origin: Native population (Inuit) with an allele 28.3 for D2S1338 twice in the same case
20.3 229.3 ABI 3130XL ID Genetica, DNA Laboratories, Inc., Cincinnati OH Inheritance (found in Father & Child)    





Susan Greenspoon




22 [2]


ABI 310


Greg Sykes


Re-extracted and re-amplified

Colon carcinoma, ATCC cell line CRL-2577; name:  RKO


22 [3]


ABI 310

vWA monoplex

Greg Sykes


Re-extracted and re-amplified

Colon carcinoma, ATCC cell line CRL-2577; name:  RKO


22 [4]


ABI 310


Kansas Bureau of Investigation

Re-extracted and re-amplified

"22" was in known blood, bone marrow sample, and semen stains

6 times in the same case (known blood, bone marrow, 4 semen stains)

22 [5] 199.23 ABI 310 PS Janice Youngsteadt, Illinois State Police Forensic Science Center at Chicago Previously reported   1



ABI 310


Jackie Johnson

MO State Hoghway Patrol


Re-extract and Re-amplify

Convicted Offender

1 in 32660

23 (>21)


ABI 3100


Misty Marra


Re-amplified x 2

WV convicted offender sample

1 in 12432

23 (>22) 174.13 ABI 3100 PP 16 Laura Kuyper M U F S C Amplification x 2   2



ABI 310

PP 1.2

Greg Sykes


Re-extracted and re-amplified

From a colon carcinoma (RKO derivative) with integrated

CMV-promoter-driven GADD45a expression vector, ATCC cell line CRL-2579;

name:  RKO-AS45-1



24 [2]


ABI 310

vWA monoplex

Greg Sykes


Re-extracted and re-amplified

From a colon carcinoma (RKO derivative) with integrated

CMV-promoter-driven GADD45a expression vector, ATCC cell line CRL-2579;

name:  RKO-AS45-1



24 [3]


ABI 310


Jackie Johnson

MO State Hoghway Patrol


Re-extract and Re-amplify

Convicted Offender

1 in 32660

24 [4]


ABI 3100/3130

Profiler Plus

Anthony Brown


National Forensic Services Vancouver

Sequencing (courtesy of NIST)



24.1 207.46; 207.81 ABI 3130 ID Laboratoire de sciences judiciaires et de médecine légale, Montréal, Canada Re-analyzed, re-amplified In a mixture  


186.03 (PP), 

188.41 (VWA MP)

ABI 310

PP, VWA MonoPlex


Greg Sykes



allele discovered in a colon carcinoma cell line transfected with HPV E6 inserted in pCMV.3 (name designation: RKO-E6)

in PP profile, allele falls into TH01 size range


26 191.98 ABI 3500 PP21 Denise Grover, NT Forensic Biology, Australia Re-amplification   1

24 reported variants as of 12/30/16

*Note: vWA allele 24.1 (which had previously been reported was removed 5/20/2014 at the request of the submitter as further testing with another STR kit revealed that the original observation of "24.1" was due to a PCR artifact and does not appear to be a true allele)


Tri-Allelic Patterns

Allele Designation


Amp Kit*


Verification/Conformation Method(s)



10.3, 15, 18 ABI 3130 ID Barbara Frankovoch, B.Minyon Jones, Chris Larsen, University of North Texas Center for Human Identification Re-extraction, re-amplification and re-analysis This not only was an aff ladder variant but a tri-allele as well.  

11, 16, 17

ABI 310


Sheree Enfinger

 Jacksonville Regional Operations Center FDLE

Re-extraction & amplification

Peak heights of 16 and 17 equal 11


11, 16, 17 [2]

ABI 310


Malena B. Jimenez, MO State Highway Patrol

Re-extract and Re-amplify

Convicted Offender

1 in 69600

12, 14, 15 ABI 310 ID Overson_T USACIL Re-extracted and re-amplified Reference Blood  

12, 18, 19

ABI 377


David W. Miller,WV State Police, Biochemistry Lab

Re-extracted and Re-amplified

Known blood specimen


14, 15, 16 ABI 3130 ID Oliver Stojković, Institute of Forensic Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Serbia Re-extraction/re-amplification Routine paternity testing, balanced peak heights 1 in 4884

14, 15, 17

ABI 310


Gavin Turbett

Forensic Biology Lab
PathCentre, Perth, Western Australia



1 in at least 20,000

14, 15.1, 17 ABI 3500 GlobalFiler Steen Hartsen, British Columbia Institute of Technology Re-amplified and re-analyzed (allele sizes: 169.07, 174.27, 181.05) This tri-allelic pattern also contained a variant allele 1

14, 15, 18

ABI 310


Nora E. Rankin

Tucson Police Dept Crime Lab




14, 16, 18

ABI 377

ABI 310


William Stubbs

Washington State Patrol

Re-extracted and smplified

Convicted offender

1 in 30,000

14, 16, 19ABI 3500Applied Biosystems GlobalFiler Ellyn Colquhoun Monroe County Crime Laboratory Re-amp x 1 Allele Size: 168.76, 176.99, 189.06 - Criminal case sample, dental floss. A tri-allelic pattern also observed at D13S3170

14, 17, 18

ABI 310


Angela Zimmerman

Marshall University FSC

Re-extraction X 2

Convicted offender

1 in 1120

14, 17, 18 [2]

ABI 310


Malena B. Jimenez, MO State Highway Patrol

Re-extract and Re-amplify

Convicted Offender

1 in 69600

14, 17, 18 [3] ABI 3730 ID DNA Forensic Division, Supreme Prosecutor's Office, South Korea Re-analyzed with ABI 3730   1 in 31,330
14, 17, 18 [4]ABI 3130Identifier PlusJwala Kumar Nand and Aparajita Neena Soren, State Forensic Science Laboratory, Ministry of Home Affairs, Near Birsa Munda Jail, Hotwar, Ranchi, Jharkhand - 835217, India, E-mail: kumar.jwala22@gmail.comRe-extraction , Re-amplification with kits from different lot.Allele Size: 167.37 bp, 179.19 bp and 183.40 bp - Tissue sample from crime scene01/1000

14, 18, 19

ABI 310


Malena B. Jimenez, MO State Highway Patrol

Re-extract and Re-amplify

Convicted Offender

1 in 69600

14, 18, 19 [2] ABI 3130xl ID Robert Dorion, Washington State Patrol Crime Laboratory Re-extraction Convicted Offender  

15, 16, 17

ABI 377


Chris Piwonka

Texas DPS


Convicted offender

1 in 49,000

15, 16, 17 [2]

ABI 3130XL


Arnaud Gleizes & Laurent Pene, Laboratoire de Police Scientifique de Lyon, FRANCE

Re-amplified and re-analyzed


1 in 11500

15, 16, 17 [3] ABI 3500 ESI 16 Horolma Pamjav, Network of Forensic Science Institutes, Institute of Forensic Medicine, DNA Laboratory, Budapest, Hungary   Observed in Hungarian population data 1 in 21,473
15, 16, 17 [4]ABI 3500Applied Biosystems GlobalFilerRyan Petruccelli, Iowa DCI Crime LabRe-amplifiedKnown buccal swab
15, 16, 17 [5]ABI 3500 and ABI 3130Applied Biosystems ID PlusE. Yareli Gallegos-Gonzalez, A. Carolina Gonzalez-Cavazos and Hector E. Sanchez-Ibarra, Vitagénesis S.A de C.V.Re-extraction, re-amplification and re-analyisis using different instrument (AB3130)Buccal swab Allele Sizes: 171.08, 174.39, 178.871 in 900
15, 16, 20 ABI 3100 PP ICMP Re-extraction and amplification Type 1 1 in 11000
15, 17, 18 ABI 3130xl ID Robert Dorion, CODIS, Washington State Patrol Crime Lab, Seattle Re-extraction & re-amplification Verified by Technical Leader  

15, 17, 19

ABI 310


Malena B. Jimenez, MO State Highway Patrol

Re-extract and Re-amplify

Convicted Offender

1 in 69600

15, 18, 19 ABI 3130 ID Direct Nelson Gaburo Junior, Department of Molecular Biology, Diagnosticos da America, DASA, Brazil Re-amplified and re-analyzed Allele sizes: 170.52; 182.58; 186.53  
15, 19, 20 ABI 310 PR Jennifer Dohring, Michigan State Police-Northville Crime Lab Re-extraction and re-amp Lab employee profile 2
15, 19, 20 [2] ABI 3130xl ID

Francis Hermitte, Sylvain Hubac and Frederic Brard, National Forensic Science Institute of the French Gendarmerie. IRCGN, Rosny-sous-Bois, France


male reference sample on FTA (buccal cells) extracted and amplified twice separately

Type 1 pattern

1st analysis: 15=3425 rfu; 19=2662 rfu ; 20=856 rfu.

2nd analysis : 15=1957 rfu; 19=1490 rfu;

20= 245 rfu

1 in 70,000
15, 20, 21 ABI 3500 ID Erik Hall, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime Lab Re-extraction Allele sizes: 168.3, 188.61, 192.77 only seen in this case at this time

16, 17, 18

ABI 377

In-house multiplex

Martin Whittle, Sao Paulo, Brasil

Re-amplification as a monoplex

Observed during routine parentage testing, Brazilian caucasian

1 in 31681

16, 17, 18 [2]

ABI 310


Malena B. Jimenez, MO State Highway Patrol

Re-extract and Re-amplify

Convicted Offender

1 in 69600

16, 17, 18 [3] ABI 3130xl PS Sorenson Forensics re-amplified Mummified toe found in parking lot. 16 and 18 are balanced (91.5%. 17 allele is 26% of 18 allele  
16, 17, 18 [4]ABI 3500XLPowerPlex Fusion 6CMonica Price, WA State Patrol Crime LabRe-extractionType 2, Convicted offender

16, 17, 19

ABI 310


Malena B. Jimenez, MO State Highway Patrol

Re-extract and Re-amplify

Convicted Offender

1 in 69600

16, 18, 19 ABI 3500 ID Plus Bill Gartside, Wyoming State Crime Laboratory Re-extracted and re-amplified   Type (1) 16 = 18+19

17, 18, 19

ABI 310


Malena B. Jimenez, MO State Highway Patrol

Re-extract and Re-amplify

Convicted Offender

1 in 69600

17, 18, 19 [2] ABI 3130xl ID Robert Dorion, Washington State Patrol Re-extraction Convicted Offender  
17, 18, 19 [3] ABI 3500 ESI 16 Horolma Pamjav, Network of Forensic Science Institutes, Institute of Forensic Medicine, DNA Laboratory, Budapest, Hungary   Observed in Hungarian population data 1 in 21,473
17, 18, 20 ABI 3130xl ID Sherri Phillips, Washington State Police CODIS Crime Laboratory Re-extracted    

17, 19, 20

ABI 310


Malena B. Jimenez, MO State Highway Patrol

Re-extract and Re-amplify

Convicted Offender

1 in 69600

17, 19, 20 [2] ABI 3730 PS Elizabeth H. Field, Iowa Regional Histocompatability & Immunogenetics Laboratory, Iowa City   Iowa We repeated the original sample and ran a separate sample obtained at a different time from the same individual The sum of the peak heights of alleles 19 and 20 is approximately equal to the peak height of allele 17 1
17, 20, 21ABI 3500PowerPlex Fusion 6CSt. Louis Metropolitan Police Department - Crime LaboratoryRe-extractionReference sample - Allele Size: Original extraction (154.53, 166.85, 170.90); Re-extraction (154.57, 166.97, 170.99)Only seen in this case at this time

18, 19, 20

ABI 310


KShepard & RRubocki

University of Nebraska

Re-extracted & Re-amplified

Peak Ht. of alleles 19 & 20 equals peak ht of 18.

Bone marrow transplant patient


18, 19, 20 [2]

ABI 310


Malena B. Jimenez, MO State Highway Patrol

Re-extract and Re-amplify

Convicted Offender

1 in 69600

18, 19, 20 [3] ABI 3130xl ID Robert Dorion, Washington State Patrol Re-extraction Convicted Offender  
18, 19, 20 [4] ABI 3730 ID, ID Plus DNA Forensic Division, Supreme Prosecutor's Office, South Korea Re-amplified and re-analyzed with ABI 3730   1 in 31,330
18, 19, 20 [5] ABI 310 ID Plus Oscar Garcia, Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country Reamplified and reanalyzed Convicted offender sample, type 1 tri-allele (18+19 ~20)  

23, 24, 25

ABI 310


Malena B. Jimenez, MO State Highway Patrol

Re-extract and Re-amplify

Convicted Offender

1 in 69600

26  reported tri-allelic patterns as of 12/30/2016


* Use the following abreviations for amplification kit names: