Addresses (A-I)
Scientists Working with DNA Typing and Short Tandem Repeats
Name |
Email Address/ Phone/Fax |
Address |
Abati, Angelo |
04/3416984 04/3416982 0496/212801 |
Institut de medecine legale de
rue Dos Fanchon, 37-39 B4020 |
Abercrombie, Tom |
(510) 540-2434 Fax: (510) 540-2701 |
Ali, Nadir | 004407909486133 |
PhD Student SNAPS University of Lincoln UK |
Akhteruzzaman, Sharif |
National Forensic DNA Profiling Laboratory Dhaka Medical College Dhaka-1000 BANGLADESH |
Alipour Tabrizi, Arash |
L.M.O. forensic genetic lab Mashad City IRAN |
Allen, Stewart |
+2712 8455686 Fax: +2712 8455914 |
South African Police Service Forensic Science Laboratory Private bag X620 |
Alonso, S. |
Dpto. De Biologia Celular y CC. Morforlogicas Facultad de Medicina, Universidas del Pais Vasco E-48940 Leioa, Bizkaia |
Alpazar, Victor |
800-404-8110 Fax: (713) 798-8515 |
Laboratory Director Identigene 7400 Fannin, |
Alves, Cíntia |
+351 22 5570700 Fax: +351 22 5570799 |
Rua Dr. Roberto Frias s/n 4200 |
Amick, Gray |
(803) 576-3031 |
Richland County Sheriff's Department 5623 Two Notch Road Columbia, SC 29223 U.S.A. |
Amorim, Antonio |
+351-2-5570754 Fax: +351-2-5570799 |
IPATIMUP R. Roberto Fias s/n 4050 |
Anderson, Jack |
760-757-2283 877-899-5700 Fax: 760-757-2108 |
Laboratory Director Andergene Labs 3548 Seagate Way #150 |
Anderson, Julia F. |
Metropolitan Police Forensic Science Laboratory 109 Lambeth Road |
Anghel, Andrei |
+40-56-137612/413 Fax: +40-56-221554 |
Nucleic Acids Laboratory Biochemistry Deptartment P/ta. Eftimie Murgu, Nr.2 1900 |
Armando, Flávio Dias Quivixi |
(661) 868-5367
Kern Regional Crime Laboratory U.S.A |
Arrey, Ben |
(210) 692-3800 Fax: (210) 615-0100 |
DNA Reference Lab, Inc. |
Arroyo,Eduardo |
00-34-91-3941578 Fax: 00-34-91-3941606
Depto. Toxicologia y Legislacion Sanitaria Pabellon 7, planta 3 Facultad de Medicina 28040-Madrid |
Asif, Rana Muhammad |
+92 42 37516149 |
Forensic Scientist (DNA/Serology) Punjab Forensic Science Agency Government of the Punjab Thokar Niaz Baig, opposite Metro, Multan Road, Lahore, Pakistan |
Asmundo, Alessio |
Insistute of Legal Medicine
via Consolare Valeria - 98125 |
Atasoy, Sevil |
(90-212) 588-0880/444 Fax: (90-212) 588-0011 |
Professor and Director (Adli Tip Enstitusu) 34303 Cerrahpasa, |
Badger, Charles |
(407) 245-0888 Fax: (407) 245-0889 |
Florida Department of Law Enforcement-Orlando 500 West Robinson |
Badu-Boateng, Alexander | Tel: 002 33 54 63 71 829 |
DNA Analyst Ghana Police Forensic Science Laboratory Box 505, Accra, Ghana |
Balazs, I. |
Lifecodes Corp.
Ballantyne, Jack |
(407) 823-0163 Fax: (407) 823-2252 |
Department of Chemistry |
Ban, Jeffrey |
(804)786-9818 Fax: (804) 786-9985 |
Bansal, Deen Dayal |
Mobile: 9425326516 |
Scientific Officer DNA Fingerprinting Unit State Forensic Science Laboratory, Sagar-470001(M.P.) INDIA |
Bär, Walter |
+ 41 1 635 56 11 Fax: + 41 1 635 68 15 |
Institute fur Rechtsmedizin Universitat Zurich-Irchel Winterthurerstrasse 190 CH-8057 |
Barash, Mark |
04 30960755 |
Faculty of Health, Science and Medicine Bond University Gold Coast, QLD 4229 AUSTRALIA |
Barbaro, Anna |
+39-0965-891184 Fax: +39-0965-891125 |
Department of Medical Genetics Office of Medical and Forensic Investigations (SIMEF) 89128 Reggio Calabria |
Barber, M. D. |
Metropolitan Police Forensic Science Laboratory 109 Lambeth Road |
Barna, Charles |
Barron, John C. |
(803) 576-3088 Fax (803) 576-3190 |
5623 |
Baum, Howard |
(212) 447-2631 Fax: (212) 447-2630 |
NYC - Office of the Chief Medical Examiner Forensic Biology Department 520 |
Beatty, Kelly |
(304) 690-4363 |
Forensic 1401 Forensic |
Beecher, Compton
888-DNA TEST 876-935-8791 876-977-4342 876-319-7734 Fax 876-977-7852 |
Caribbean Genetics University of West Indies Department of Basic Medical Sciences Molecular Biology Building 4 St. John's Close, Mona Campus Kingston 7
Bernath, Viviana |
0541-8214333 int.4 Fax: 0541-824-2290 |
Biologia Molecular Diagnostica Avenida
2ndo piso Depto 23 (1425) Capital Federal |
Benecke, Mark |
+49-173-287-3136 Fax: +49-221-660-2644 |
International Forensic Research and Consulting Postfach 250411 50520
Benitez Paez, Alfonso |
57 1 2550024 |
Biogenoma Carrera 30 # 52-04 Apt 401 |
Bergeron, Jean |
(514) 873-3301 ext 563
Laboratoire de science judiciaires et de medecine legale 1701, rue Parthenais 12e etage |
Berschick, Peter |
+49-211-8114969 |
Inst. f. Zoophys., 26.12 Heinrich-Heine-Univ. Universitaetsstr. 1 40225 Duesseldorf |
Bever, Robert |
(703) 646-9811 Robert |
10430 Furnace Rd. Suite 107 Lorton VA 22079 U. S. A. |
Bille, Todd |
(240) 264-3754 |
DNA Technical Leader Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Ammendale
MD 20705 |
Blackmore, Valerie |
Tel: (519) 822-9344 Fax: (519) 822-9350 |
Wyndham Forensic Group 204-128 Woolwich St Guelph ON N1H 3V2 CANADA |
Bogan, Kenneth L. |
Phone: (803) 896-7310 Fax: (803) 896-7541 Email: |
Forensic DNA Analyst South Carolina Law Enforcement Division 4416 Broad River Road |
Bramanti, Barbara |
(++49) 551 393649 Fax: (++49) 551 393645 |
Historical Anthropology and Human Ecology Georg August Universitaet Goettingen Buergerstr.50 D 37073 Goettingen |
Brard, Frederic G. | |
Institut de Recherche Criminelle de la Gendarmerie Nationale-Service Central d'analyses genetiques 5 bd de l'Hautil, BP 73727 CERGY F95037 CERGY pontoise cedex FRANCE |
Brenneke, Susanne |
(573) 526-6134 Fax: (573) 751-9922 |
Crime Laboratory |
Brinkmann, B |
Budowle, Bruce |
Burger, Joachim |
Tel: 0049 - 6131 - 392 4489
Fax: 0049 - 6131 - 392 5132
Dept. of Molecular Anthropology Saarstrasse 21 55099 |
Buse, Ed |
(714) 834-4510 Fax: (714) 834-4519 |
Forensic Scientist III Orange Santa Anna CA 92703 |
Butler, John M. |
(301) 975-4049 Fax: (301) 975-8505 |
National Biochemical Science Division |
Butt, Nasir, A. |
Fax: 216-707-3123
Supervisor, DNA Department
Cuyahoga County Regional Forensic Science
Office of the Cuyahoga County Coroner
11001 Cedar Av.
Cleveland OH 44106
Caballero, Catherine |
650-554-2254 |
Human Identification Specialist Applied Biosystems Technical Training Department U.S.A |
Cakir, A. Hadi |
90-312-456 2790 Fax: 90-312-213 9281 |
J.Gn.K.ligi Kriminal D.Bsk,ligi Biyoloji Sube Md. 06580 Anittepe Ankara-Turkiye |
Calafell, Francesc |
Department of Genetics |
Caraballo, Barbara |
(561) 688-4226 Fax: (561) 688-4228 |
Palm Beach Sheriff's Office Crime Laboratory
Carracedo, A. |
E-15705 Santiago de Compostela |
Cascardi, Jennifer |
Cassidy, Brandt G. |
(405) 271-6033
DNA Solutions |
Chakraborty, Ranajit |
(513) 558-5701 Fax: (513) 558-0071 |
Robert A. Kehoe Professor and Director Center for Genome Information Dept. of Environmental Health 3223 Eden Ave. Room 110 |
Chang, Jessica YM |
603-79853845 Fax: 603-795-81173 |
Forensic DNA Laboratory Department of Chemistry 46661 Petailing Jaya, Selangor |
Clayton, Tim |
Tel: +44 01924 241746 General email: Secure email:
Contact centre: +44 (0)844 2641 999
Follow LGC on twitter: Follow LGC’s Science blog: |
Senior Biologist Sir Alec Jeffreys Building, Peel Avenue, Calder Park, Wakefield. WF2 7UA
Clement, Meghan E. |
800-533-0567 x3391 Fax: 919-361-7753 |
LabCorp Forensic Identity Department Technical Director 1912 Alexander Drive Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 |
Coons, Terry M. |
(971) 673-8256 |
Oregon State Police Forensic Laboratory 13309 S.E. 84th Ave., Room 200 Clackamas OR 97015 U.S.A. |
Corach, Daniel
+54114-964-8281 Fax: +54114-964-8282 e.mail: |
Sevicio de Huellas Digitales Geneticas Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquimica-UBA Junin 956.1113-Buenos Aires |
Cordonnier, Jan |
32-50-310252 Fax: 32-50-310254 |
Lab for Biological Analysis L. Bauwensstraat 4 B 8200 |
Corrado, Kathleen |
(315) 435-3800 fax (315) 435-5049 email:
Center for Forensic Sciences |
Cortese, Mary |
(850) 410-7717 |
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
Crispino, Vincent |
(516) 853-5585 Fax: (516) 853-5739 |
North Veterans |
Crouse, Cecelia |
(561) 688-4224 Fax: (561) 688-4228 |
Palm Beach Sheriff's Office Crime Laboratory
Cruz, Dr. Ricardo Lleonart |
Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
Dabbs, Deanne |
(804) 225-2241 Fax: (804) 786-1383 |
Division of Forensic Science |
Davis, Lucy A. |
(518) 258-5428 Fax: (606) 766-0400 |
18 Van Buren Street Albany NY 12206 |
Deforce, Dr. Apr. Dieter |
+ 32 9 264 80 62 Fax: +32 9 220 66 88 |
Laboratory Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Harelbekestraat 72 B-9000 |
+90-242-2274355 |
Forensic Medicine Department Akdeniz Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Adli Tıp Anabilim Dalı C blok, 07070 Antaya/ TÜRKİYE
de Kock, Andre |
+27-51-4053283 Fax: +27-51-4441036 |
Department of Haematology & Cell Biology Faculty of Health Sciences University of the
deKnijff, Peter |
+31-71-5274318 Fax: +31-71-5274517 |
Forensic Laboratory for DNA-Research MGC-Department of Human and Clinical Genetics Sylvius Laboratory, Wassenaarseweg 72, 2333
de Pancorbo, M. Martinez |
Instituto Vasco de Criminologia Avda. Ategorrieta 22 E-20013 San Sebastain |
De Pancorbo, Marian M |
+34-4-464-77-00, ext. 2730 Fax: +34-4-464-89-66 |
Departamento de Biologia Celular y Ciencias Morfologicas Facultad de Medicina y Odontologia Universidad del Pais Vasco 48940 Lenioa (Bizkaia) |
De Ungria, Maria Corazon |
Telephone no.: 63 02 9252965 Fax no. : 63 02 9252965 email: |
DNA Analysis Laboratory Natural Sciences Research Institute University of the Diliman, Q.C. 1101
Demers, Daniel |
(800) 848-IDNA Fax: (703) 204-9125 |
Destro-Bisol, Giovanni |
Lab of Anthropology |
Donahue, John |
(214) 861-2190 Fax: (214) 861-2194 |
Texas Department of Public Safety Crime Laboratory 350 W. IH-30 |
Dowden, Annmarie |
(850)595-2130 |
Florida Department of Law Enforcement |
Drabek, Jiri |
Tel/Fax: ++420 585 415 116
HLA lab, Dpt.Immunology I.P.Pavlova 6 775 20 the |
Duncan,George |
(954) 831-6147 Fax: (954) 831-6413
DNA Unit Manager Broward Sheriff's Office |
Eastman, Allison |
(518) 237-2576 |
Forensic Identification and Profiling Laboratory Waterford NY 12188 |
Einum, David D |
(517) 349-3890 Ext 127 Fax: (517) 349-6879
Manager, Paternity & Associate Laboratory Director Orchid Gene Screen 2947 Parkway, |
Eisenberg, Arthur |
(817) 735-2397 Fax: (817) 735-2424 |
UNT, DNA Systems Laboratory |
Eisenberg, Marcia |
919-361-7760 Fax: 919-361-7797 |
LabCorp RTP NC 27709 |
Enfinger, Sheree |
Erdei, Linda M. |
(440)350-2184 Fax: (440)350-2731 |
Evett, |
The Forensic Science Service Priory House, |
Farfan, Maria Jose |
+34 954371233 +34 954375201 |
Instituto Nacional de Toxicologia y Ciencias Forenses Avda. Dr. Fedriani, s/n E-41009 Sevilla SPAIN |
Ferreira, Marcio Elias |
PHONE: +55-61-340-80-01 FAX: +55-61-340-6414 |
Hereditas - Tecnologia em Analise de DNA SHLN Edificio Primo Crosara salas 404/405
Figarelli, Debra A |
(602) 326-5636 Fax: (602) 495-0169
DNA Technical Leader National Forensic |
Figueiredo, Andre Luis Dos |
(5521) 944-4696 |
Associacao dos Peritos Judiciais do Estado do
Rua Rio de Janeiro/RJ |
Fisher, David |
(212) 323-1289 FAX: (212) 323-1590 |
Criminalist III Dept of Forensic Biology, 11-50 NYC Office of Chief Medical Examiner 421 East 26th Street New York NY 10016 U.S.A.
Florin, Stanciu |
+4037 131 5170 |
Forensic Science Institute General Inspectorate of Romanian Police Stefan cel Mare, No.13-15, Sector 2 Bucharest, 020123 ROMANIA |
Floyd, Judith |
GeneScreen 2600 Stemmons |
Fossati, Rosina |
Genia Montevideo, URUGUAY |
Foster, Garon |
(210) 335-4150 Fax: (210) 335-4101 |
7337 Louis Pasteur |
Fourney, Ron |
(613) 993-5761 Fax: (613) 952-7352 |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Central Forensic Laboratory Biology Research and Development Support Unit
Fowler, Stephanie |
(404) 212-3067 Fax: (404) 212-3030 |
Forensic Biology Technical Leader Georgia Bureau of Investigation Division of Forensic Sciences |
Freeman, David |
(919)662-4509 x 2236 |
Special Agent/Technical Leader NC SCI Crime Laboratory DNA Unit Raleigh NC U. S. A. |
Fregeau, Chantal |
(613) 993-4206 (613) 952-7325 |
DNA Methods and Data Base Central Forensic Laboratory Royal Canadian Mounted Police B.P. 8885 K1G 3M8 |
Galdi, Joseph |
(631) 853-5585 Fax: (631) 853-5739 |
Building 487 Veterans |
Garcia, Marsha |
(615) 360-5000 X 118 Fax: (615) 360-5003
Manager, Forensic Laboratory Orchid Cellmark 1400 Donelson Pike, A15 Nashville TN 37217 U.S.A. |
Garfinkle, Jaclyn |
(217) 782-4975 Fax: (217) 786-6956 |
Illinois State Police DNA Indexing Laboratory 3710 E. Lake Shore Dr. Springfield IL 62712 U.S.A. |
Gartside, Bill |
(909) 387-2200 |
San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department Scientific Investigations Division 711 E. Rialto Ave San Bernardino, CA 92415-0056 |
Gautam, Ila |
E-mail: |
Scientific Officer DNA Fingerprinting UNIT State Forensic Science Laboratory Sagar - 470001(MP) |
Gavrilidis, Alexandra |
Phone: 61-3-94157688 Fax: 61-3-94175434 E-mail: |
Senior Scientist Genetic Technologies Corporation Pty Ltd
Geada, Helena |
+315-1-8811800 Fax: +351-1-8850255 |
R. Manuel Bento de Sousa, 3 1150 |
Gill, Peter |
+121-622-2051 |
The Forensic Science Service Service Development Priory House, |
Gima, Lance |
(510) 540-2434 Fax: (510) 540-2701 |
CA DOJ DNA Laboratory |
Ginsberg, Lonnie |
(210) 335-4145 Fax: (210) 335-4101 |
Chief Forensic Serologist 7337 Louis Pasteur |
Giron, Lic. Santiago |
Applied Genetics Laboratory Quilmes National University Bueno Aires ARGENTINA
Gleizes, Arnaud |
+33 4 72 86 87 39 Fax: +33 4 72 86 85 85 |
Laboratoire de Police Scientifique de Lyon Section Biologie 31, avenue Franklin Roosevelt 69134 ECULLY cedex |
Glidewell, Debra E. |
(404) 469-3702 |
Glock, Barbara |
Clinical Department for Blood Group Serology
Waehringer Guertel 18-20/4I A-1090 Vennia |
Gomez, Maria Victoria |
Fax: (572) 558-6355 |
Laboratorio de Inmunologia e Inmunogenetica Hospital Universitario del Valle, Piso 2
Goonawardhana, N.D. Suraj |
e.mail. |
Scientist, Genetech, 54 Kitulwatte Road, Colombo 8, Sri Lanka |
Gorman, Kim |
(573) 442-9948 Fax: (573) 442-9870 Toll free: (888) 8378-8323 |
Paternity Testing Corporation |
Grattapaglia, Dario |
+55-61-3408001 Fax: +55-61-3406414 |
Hereditas - Tecnologia em Analise de DNA SHLN Edificio Primo Crosara salas 404/405
Greenspoon, Susan |
(804) 786-0456 FAX (804) 786-9985 |
Grimsbo, Raymond A. |
(503) 257-7177
Intermountain Forensic Laboratoryes, Inc |
Gross, Ann Marie |
(651) 793-2979 Fax: (651) 793-2945 |
BCA Forensic Science Laboratory 1430 Maryland Avenue East |
Gunn, Peter |
61-2-9983-0611 Fax: 61-2-9983-0943 |
Silbase Scientific Services Pty. Ltd.
Lindfield, N.S.W.
Haas, Hildegard |
0049/89/5434480 Fax: 0049/89/54344820 |
Genedia AG Biotec Services and products Schwanthalerstr.60 D-80336 |
Hall, Laura C. |
(573) 526-6134 x 237 |
Haller, Deborah K. |
(601) 987-1673 |
Han, Myun Soo |
+82-2-2600-4864 Fax: +82-2-2600-4866
DNA Identification Laboratory National Institute of Forensic Science |
Hao, Bingtao |
86-037-5736863 |
Medical Genetic Institute of PR China |
Hartmann, John |
(714) 834-6330 Fax: (714) 834-4519 |
Orange County Sheriff-Coroner |
Hass, Michael |
(305) 471-3040 Fax: (305) 471-2052 |
Metro-Dade Police Department 9105 N. W. 25th St. Room 2161 |
Heideman, Dale |
(904) 487-1806 Fax: (904) 488-8213 |
Heine, Uwe |
(336) 436-7308 Fax: (336) 538-6572 |
Laboratory Corporation of Parentage Testing and HLA Typing Division
Henke, Juergen |
0221 - 25 30 37 Tax: 0221 - 25 12 47
Institut fuer Blutgruppenforschung Hohenzollernring 57 D-50672 Koeln |
Henry, Berch |
(702) 229-5665 Fax: (702) 229-3948 |
Forensic Laboratory |
Herber, Birgit |
(++49) (0)30 - 4664 - 97 42 30 Fax: (++49) (0)30 - 4664 - 97 45 99 |
LKA PTU 42 Tempelhofer Damm 12 D 12101 |
Herrera, Mariana |
0541-8214333 int.4 Fax: 0541-824-2290 |
Biologia Molecular Diagnostica Avenida
2ndo piso Depto 23 (1425) Capital Federal |
Herrin, George |
(404) 244-2796 Fax: (404) 212-3030 |
Georgia Bureau of Investigation Division of Forensic Sciences |
Hicks, John |
(205) 939-0375 Fax: (205) 939-0527 |
Hildebrand, Dean P. |
(604) 822-8822 |
Bureau of Dentistry 146-2355 East Mall V6T 1Z4 |
Hirschfeld, Gabriela C.R. |
00 55 11 5531.3531 Fax: 00 55 11 3887.1675
Laboratorio de Biologia Molecular Universidade Bandieirante Rua. Tuim, 603 / 32 - 04514-103 |
Hitt, Jason |
(904) 360-7146
Florida Department of Law Enforcement |
Hochmeister, Manfred N |
Fax: +41-31-631-38-33 |
DNA Identity Laboratory Buehlstrasse 20, CH-3012
Holgersson, Stig |
National Instititue of Forensic (SKL) S-581 94
Holland, Mitchell |
(301) 295-5540 Fax: (301) 295-5932 |
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
Hollyday, Henry |
(210) 335-4149 Fax: (210) 335-4101 |
7337 Louis Pasteur |
Hou, Yiping |
0086-28-5583252 Fax: 0086-26-5501549 |
PR |
Hummel, Susanne |
(++49) 551 399728 Fax: (++49) 551 393645 |
Historical Anthropology and Human Ecology Georg August Universitaet Goettingen Buergerstr.50 D 37073 Goettingen |
Hussain, Manzoor |
92-42-5423942-45 Cell: 92-300-9415857 |
Centre for Applied Molecular Biology (CAMB) |
Iacovacci, Giuseppe |
+390680980319 |
V.le di Tor Di Quinto 151-00197 Roma |
Illeperuma, Ruwan J. |
+940112696992 |
DNA Typing Division Genetech Molecular Diagnostics No 54, Kithulwatte Road Colombo 08, SRI LANKA. A |
Imes, Danielle |
(215) 686-1547 Fax: (215) 686-1184 |
Forensic Scientist, DNA Specialty DNA Human Identification Laboratory |
Immel, Uta-Dorothee |
(0345) 557 1833 Fax : (0345) 557 1587 |
Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg Franzosenweg 1 06112 Halle/Saale |
Isaac, Biju |
0091-172-695215 (extn:414/413/412) 0091-172-690557 0091-172-690279
Research Fellow Institute of Microbial Technology Chandigarh-160036 |
If you work with STRs for DNA typing purposes and would like to have your name added to this list, please contact us.