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CD4 References

(Alphabetical Order; numbers refer to the listing in complete STR reference set)

115. Alford, R. L., Hammond, H. A., Coto, I., and Caskey, C. T. (1994) Rapid and efficient resolution of parentage by amplification of short tandem repeats. Am.J.Hum.Genet. 55: 190-195.

948. Augustin, C., Grobevollmer, E., and Puschel, K. (1998) Identification of human remains: Short tandem repeat analysis versus mitochondrial DNA. Advances in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 83-85.

437. Benecke, M., Schmitt, C., and Staak, M. (1997) Development of a fast STR triplex system for identification of urine samples. Proceedings from the First European Symposium on Human Identification (1996). pp. 148-148.

213. Brinkmann, B. (1996) The STR approach. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 6, pp. 41-51.

427. Brinkmann, B. and Meyer, E. (1997) Discrimination between populations using STRs. Proceedings from the First European Symposium on Human Identification (1996). pp. 45-53.

666. Brinkmann, B., Klintschar, M., Neuhuber, F., Huhne, J., and Rolf, B. (1998) Mutation rate in human microdatellites: Influence of the structure and length of the tandem repeat. Am.J.Hum.Genet. 62(6): 1408-1415.

952. Capelli, C., Hall, D., and Maviglia, R. (1998) Fingerprints from fingernails? Advances in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 100-102.

344. Casarino, L., Mannucci, A., Kimpton, C. P., Presciuttini, S., Bruni, G., Costa, M. G., and De Stefano, F. (1996) Forensic evaluation of HUMCD4: an Italian database. Int.J.Leg.Med. 109: 49-51.

116. Caskey, C. T. and Hammond, H. A. (1992) Forensic use of short tandem repeats via PCR. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 4, pp. 18-25.

154. Chakraborty, R. and Stivers, D. N. (1996) Paternity exclusion by DNA markers: effects of paternal mutations. J.Forensic Sci. 41(4): 671-677.

1131. Cossutta, F., Perossa, R., Frassanito, F., Altamura, B. M., and Fattorini, P. (2000) Population genetics of fourteen STR loci in North-East Italy. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 178-180.

1224. d'Aloja, F., Domenici, R., Alu, M., Asmundo, A., Caenazzo, L., Carnevali, E., Cerri, N., Cossu, G., Cucurachi, N., De Stefano, F., Di Nunno, C., Fattorini, P., Graziosi, G., Pascali, V. L., Pasqui, G., Pelotti, S., Piccinini, A., Previdere, C., Procaccianti, S., Ricci, U., Tagliabracci, A., and Presciuttini, S. (2000) Report of three further collaborative exercises on STR loci by the Italian Group of Forensic Hematology. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 622-624.

1099. Dauber, E. M., Glock, B., Schwartz, D. W. M., and Mayr, W. R. (2000) Mutational events at human micro- and minisatellite loci: Mutation rates and new STR-alleles. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 21-23.

653. Deforce, D. L., Millecamps, R. E., van Hoofstat, D. E., and van de Eeckhout, G. (1998) Comparison of slab gel electrophoresis and capillary electrophoresis for the detection of the fluorescently labeled polymerase chain reaction products of short tandem repeat fragments. J.Chromatogr.A. 806(1): 149-155.

1052. Degenhartt, S., Leim, K., Clerici, S., Reichert, W., and Mattern, R. (1998) Studies on 7 autosomal and 5 Y-chromosomal STR loci in a south-west German population. Advances in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 527-530.

566. Dimo-Simonin, N., Grange, F., and Brandt-Casadevall, C. (1997) F13B and CD4 allele frequencies in South West Switzerland. Int.J.Legal Med. 110(2): 109-109.

985. Dobosz, M., Caglia, A., Maviglia, R., and Boschi, I. (1998) Allele frequencies of four STR polymorphisms in an Italian population sample. Advances in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 270-271.

986. Domenici, R., Bibbiani, R., Fornaciari, S., Nardone, M., Rocchi, A., Spinetti, I., and Bargagna, M. (1998) Allele frequencies distribution of three STRs loci (CD4, CSF1PO, F13B) in Tuscany (Italy). Advances in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 272-273.

949. Domenici, R., Bibbiani, R., Fornaciari, S., Nardone, M., Rocchi, A., Spinetti, I., Venturi, M., and Bargagna, M. (1998) Application of conventional and DNA polymorphisms to paternity cases. Advances in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 89-91.

124. Edwards, M. C., Clemens, P. R., Tristan, M., Pizzuti, A., and Gibbs, R. A. (1991) Pentanucleotide repeat length polymorphism at the human CD4 locus. Nucleic Acids Res. 19(17): 4791-4791.

176. Fourney, R. M., Elliot, J. C., Bowen, K. L., Robertson, J. M., and Fregeau, C. J. (1994) An evaluation of automated fluorescent PCR-based DNA typing. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 312-316.

2. Fregeau, C. J. and Fourney, R. M. (1993) DNA typing with fluorescently tagged short tandem repeats: a sensitive and accurate approach to human identification. BioTechniques. 15(1): 100-119.

293. Gene, M., Huguet, E., Moreno, P., Sanchez, C., Corbella, J., and Mezquita, J. (1996) Suitability of the HUMTH01, HUMCD4, and HUMVWA STR polymorphisms for legal medicine investigations in the population of Catalonia (North-east Spain). Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 6, pp. 540-541.

801. Gerstenberger, J., Hummel, S., Schultes, T., Hack, B., and Herrmann, B. (1999) Reconstruction of a historical genealogy by means of STR analysis and Y-haplotyping of ancient DNA. Eur.J.Hum.Genet. 7(4): 469-477.

27. Glock, B., Schwartz, D. W. M., Schwartz-Jungl, E. M., and Mayr, W. R. (1996) Sequence determination of an allelic ladder for the STR polymorphism at the CD4 locus and application of the ladder in testing an Austrian Caucasian population sample. Forensic Sci.Int. 78: 125-130.

215. Glock, B., Schwartz, D. W. M., Dauber, E. M., Schwartz-Jungl, E. M., and Mayr, W. R. (1996) AMPFLP-typing for the HUMCD4 STR polymorphism in an Austrian Caucasoid population sample: sequence data and allele distribution. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 6, pp. 55-57.

1179. Guarducci, S., Ricci, U., Biondi, C., Lapi, E., Cecconi, A., Ricotti, G., Vieri, F., Gori, F., Sereni, A., Ombroni, L., and Giovannucci Uzielli, M. L. (2000) Practical application of DNA study for forensic genetic analysis in complex situations involving presumed incest as cause of Mendelian disorders. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 381-383.

446. Gusmao, L., Silva, F., Bessa, I., Amorim, A., Prata, M. J., and Santos, M. T. (1997) Population and formal genetics of the STRs CD4 and TP53 in North Portugal. Proceedings from the First European Symposium on Human Identification (1996). pp. 169-169.

445. Gusmao, L., Silva, F., Bessa, I., Prata, M. J., Amorim, A., Trovoada, M. J., and Santos, M. T. (1997) Population genetics of the STRs CD4, MBP-locus B- and TP53 in S. Tome E Principe (W. Africa). Proceedings from the First European Symposium on Human Identification (1996). pp. 168-169.

122. Hammond, H. A. and Caskey, C. T. (1993) Personal identification via short tandem repeats. Proceedings from the 3rd International Symposium on Human Identification (1992). pp. 163-175.

3. Hammond, H. A., Jin, L., Zhong, Y., Caskey, C. T., and Chakraborty, R. (1994) Evaluation of 13 short tandem repeat loci for use in personal identification applications. Am.J.Hum.Genet. 55: 175-189.

505. Iwasa, M., Wiegand, P., Rand, S., Schurenkamp, M., Atasoy, S., and Brinkmann, B. (1997) Genetic variation at five STR loci in subpopulations living in Turkey. Int.J.Legal Med. 110(3): 170-172.

1205. Jobim, L. F., Jobim, M. R., and Fernandes, L. (2000) Identification of a decapitated lady found in the fields and her bloodstain in the boyfriend's car. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 517-519.

1206. Jobim, L. F., Fernandes, L., and Jobim, M. R. (2000) Identification of a carbonzied body found inside the boot compartment of a burnt car found in a farm. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 520-522.

4. Kimpton, C. P., Gill, P., Walton, A., Urquhart, A., Millican, E. S., and Adams, M. (1993) Automated DNA profiling employing multiplex amplification of short tandem repeat loci. PCR Meth.Appl. 3: 13-22.

519. Klintschar, M. and Crevenna, R. (1997) HUMCD4 - Validation of a STR system for forensic purposes in an Austrian caucasian population sample. J.Forensic Sci. 42(5): 907-910.

632. Klintschar, M., Kozma, Z., Al Hammadi, N., Fatah, M. A., and Nohammer, C. (1998) A study on the short tandem repeat systems HumCD4, HumTH01, and HumFIBRA in population samples from Yemen and Egypt. Int.J.Legal Med. 111(2): 107-109.

994. Klintschar, M. and Al Hammadi, N. (1998) A study on five short tandem repeat systems in a Yemenian population sample. Advances in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 300-302.

1112. Klintschar, M., Al Hammadi, N., Ebner, A., and Reichenpfader, B. (2000) Is it possible to determine the ethnic origin of caucasian individuals using short tandem repeat loci? Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 100-102.

1252. Klintschar, M. and Neuhuber, F. (2000) Evaluation of an alkaline lysis method for the extraction of DNA from whole blood and forensic stains for STR analysis. J.Forensic Sci. 45(3): 669-673.

625. Kubat, M., Furac, I., Strinovic, D., and Zecevic, D. (1997) Short tandem repeat polymorphism at the HUMCD4 and HUMF13B loci in a Croatian population. Int.J.Legal Med. 110(4): 230-231.

1106. Lach, C., Schmitt, C., and Staak, M. (2000) Sequence structure of the three autosomal STR-loci CD4, DHFRP2 and D8S306: A new triplex for forensic casework. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 52-54.

399. Lareu, M. V., Pestoni, M. C., Barros, F., Salas, A., and Carracedo, A. (1996) Sequence variation of a hypervariable short tandem repeat at the D12S391 locus. Gene. 182: 151-153.

219. Lareu, M. V., Barros, F., Salas, A., Pestoni, C., Munoz, I., Rodriguez-Calvo, M. S., and Carracedo, A. (1996) D12S391: a highly useful STR for forensic purposes. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 6, pp. 69-71.

869. Laszik, A., Weisser, H.-J., Keresztury, L., Pollak, S., Papp, G., and Pozsgai, I. (1999) PCR typing of human semen stains after SEM-EDX examination. Int.J.Legal Med. 112: 376-379.

500. Lee, J. C., Chen, C. H., Tsai, L. C., Linacre, A., and Chang, J. G. (1997) The screening of 13 short tandem repeat loci in the Chinese population. Forensic Sci.Int. 87(2): 137-144.

606. Manetto, G., Crivellente, F., Tagliaro, F., Turrina, S., and Pascali, V. L. (1998) A simplified approach to capillary electrophoretic separation of polymerase chain reaction fragments of forensic interest. Forensic Sci.Int. 92(2-3): 259-268.

398. Mannucci, A., Casarino, L., Bruni, G., Lomi, A., and De Stefano, F. (1995) Individual identification of flood victims by DNA polymorphisms and autopsy findings. Int.J.Leg.Med. 107: 213-215.

1184. Maviglia, R., Moscetti, A., Dobosz, M., Caglia, A., Pascali, V. L., van Boxel, D. W., and Dawid, A. P. (2000) Forensic inference from incomplete pedigrees by probabilistic expert systems. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 399-401.

564. Meldgaard, M. and Morling, N. (1997) Detection and quantitative characterization of artificial extra peaks following polymerase chain reaction amplification of 14 short tandem repeat systems used in forensic investigations. Electrophoresis. 18(11): 1928-1935.

617. Mertens, G., Mommers, N., Heylen, H., Gielis, M., Muylle, L., and Vandenberghe, A. (1997) Allele frequencies of nine STR systems in the Flemish population and application in parentage testing. Int.J.Legal Med. 110(4): 177-180.

959. Morhart, V., Keil, W., Weichhold, G., and Bayer, B. (1998) STR analysis of semen contained in vaginal swabs and postcoital interval. Advances in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 129-132.

385. Neuhuber, F., Radacher, M., and Krasa, B. (1996) F13B and CD4 allele frequencies in an Austrian population sample. Int.J.Legal Med. 108: 227-228.

407. Pastore, L., Vuttariello, E., Sarrantonio, C., Coto, I., Roviello, S., Fortunato, G., Salvatore, F., and Sacchetti, L. (1996) Allele frequency distributions at several variable number of tandem repeat (VNTR) and short tandem repeat (STR) loci in a restricted Caucasian population from South Italy and their evaluation for paternity and forensic use. Molecular and Cellular Probes. 10: 299-308.

435. Pawlowski, R., Maciejewska, A., Paszkowska, R., and Welz, A. (1997) The current status of forensic DNA analysis in Poland. Proceedings from the First European Symposium on Human Identification (1996). pp. 116-125.

506. Pawlowski, R., Maciejewska, A., Paszkowska, R., and Welz, A. (1997) Frequencies for five short tandem repeat (STR) systems in a population from North Poland. Int.J.Legal Med. 110(1): 10-13.

487. Pereira, L., Gusmao, L., Amorim, A., Prata, M. J., Silva, F., Bessa, I., and Santos, M. T. (1997) Population and segregation data of the STRs CD4, FES/FPS, MBP (Locus B), TH01, TP53, TPO and vWA31/A in North Portugal. Proceedings from the Seventh International Symposium on Human Identification. pp. 193-193.

1219. Piccinini, A., Betti, F., Bulfamante, G., Capra, C., Cattaneo, C., Fiori, S., and Farneti, A. (2000) Medical malpractice metaphase spreads and STR-PCR: A case report. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 570-573.

1004. Pinheiro, M. F., Pontes, M. L., Huguet, E., Gene, M., and Pinto da Costa, J. (1998) Validation of a frequency database for two loci (CD4 and D12S391). Advances in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 332-334.

993. Prata, M. J., Gusmao, L., Mota, P., Silva, D., and Amorim, A. (1998) Genetic profiling of S. Miguel island (Azores). Advances in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 294-296.

657. Ricci, U., Klintschar, M., Neuhuber, F., and Uzielli, M. L. G. (1998) Study on the STR TPOX in an Italian and an Austrian population using two different primer pairs and three different electrophoretic methods. Int.J.Legal Med. 111(4): 212-214.

1007. Ricci, U., Gori, F., Sereni, A., Biondi, C., and Giovannucci Uzielli, M. L. (1998) Typingof three STRs loci (Hum CD4, Hum CSF1PO, Hum TPOX). Development of a multiplex PCR system for forensic samples and parentage testing and allele frequency distribution in Tuscany region (Italy). Advances in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 341-343.

737. Rolf, B., Horst, B., Eigel, A., Sanguansermsri, T., Brinkmann, B., and Horst, J. (1998) Microsatellite profiles reveal an unexpected genetic relationship between Asian populations. Hum.Genet. 102(6): 647-652.

661. Saitoh, H., Ueda, S., Kurosaki, K., and Kiuchi, M. (1998) The different mobility of complementary strands depends on the proportion AC/GT. Forensic Sci.Int. 91(2): 81-90.

686. Schneider, A., Westwood, B., Yim, C., Cohen-Solal, M., Rosa, R., Labotka, R., Eber, S., Wolf, R., Lammi, A., and Beutler, E. (1996) The 1591C mutation in trisephosphate isomeric (TPI) deficiency. Tightly linked polymorphisms and a common haplotype in all known families. Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases. 22(12): 115-125.

966. Schulz, M., Reichert, W., and Mattern, R. (1998) DNA typing from human dentine. Advances in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 153-155.

1204. Schulz, M. and Reichert, W. (2000) A strategy for STR-analysis of cryptic epithelial cells on several textiles in practical casework. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 514-516.

326. Schumm, J. W., Lins, A. M., Puers, C., and Sprecher, C. J. (1994) Development of nonisotopic multiplex amplification sets for analysis of polymorphic STR loci. Proceedings from the 4th International Symposium on Human Identification (1993). pp. 177-187.

815. Silva, F., Gusmao, L., and Amorim, A. (1999) Segregation analysis of tetra- and nucleotide short tandem repeat polymorphisms: Deviation from Mendelian expectations. Electrophoresis. 20(8): 1697-1701.

572. Szabo, A., Schurenkamp, M., and Huhne, J. (1998) Hungarian population data for six STR loci. Int.J.Legal Med. 111(1): 49-51.

273. Szibor, R., Plate, I., and Krause, D. (1996) Heteroduplex analysis is a rapid method for the detection of suballeles caused by mixed length and sequence variability in short tandem repeat systems. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 6, pp. 346-348.

441. Tagliabracci, A., Buscemi, L., Bianchi, F., and Paoli, M. (1997) Allele frequencies of the HUMCD4 system in an Italian population sample. Proceedings from the First European Symposium on Human Identification (1996). pp. 164-164.

678. Tagliabracci, A., Buscemi, L., Bianchi, F., Sassaroli, C., Ricci, U., Neri, T. M., and Rodriguez, D. (1998) Polymorphism ans sequence variations of the HumCD4 pentameric microsatellite in an Italian population sample. J.Forensic Sci. 43(4): 841-844.

683. Tishkoff, S. A., Dietzsch, E., Speed, W., Pakstis, A. J., Kidd, J. R., Cheung, K., Bonne-Tamir, B., Santachiara-Benerecetti, A. S., Moral, P., Krings, M., Paabo, S., Watson, E., Risch, N., Jenkins, T., and Kidd, K. (1996) Global patterns of linkage disequilibrium at the CD4 locus and modern human origins. Science. 271: 1380-1387.

538. Turakulov, R. I., Chistiakov, D. A., Odinokova, O. N., and Nosikov, V. V. (1997) Allelic polymorphism of short tandemly repeating sequences of the HUMF13A1 and HUMCD4 loci in Russian populations from Moscow and Tomsk. Genetika. 33(7): 979-985.

1070. Um, J. Y., Kim, E. Y., Hwang, C. H., Oh, S. J., Kim, M. Y., Lee, K. J., Jang, G. Y., and Chung, Y. B. (10-31-1999) Survey of the Korean population for 9 short tandem repeat loci. Mol.Cells. 9(5): 526-534.

5. Urquhart, A., Kimpton, C. P., Downes, T. J., and Gill, P. (1994) Variation in short tandem repeat sequences--a survey of twelve microsatellite loci for use as forensic identification markers. Int.J.Leg.Med. 107: 13-20.

597. van Hoofstat, D. E., Deforce, D. L., Millecamps, R. E., Brochez, V. M., van Geldre, E. G., Vergauwe, A., Sijs, A., and van de Eeckhout, G. (1998) Population genetic study of our short tandem repeat loci in the Belgian population, using capillary electrophoresis. Electrophoresis. 19(5): 719-722.

1249. van Hoofstat, D. E., Deforce, D. L., Hubert, De Pauw, I, and Van den Eeckhout, E. G. (1999) DNA typing of fingerprints using capillary electrophoresis: effect of dactyloscopic powders. Electrophoresis. 20(14): 2870-2876.

545. Vona, G., Calo, C. M., Mameli, G. E., Marini, E., Morelli, L., Succa, V., Casula, S., and Ristaldi, M. S. (1996) Variability of the CD4 and F13A1 short tandem repeats in Corsicans, Sardinians, and Piaroa Indians. Gene Geography. 10(1): 51-63.

210. Wall, W. J., Williamson, R., Petrou, M., Papaioannou, D., and Parkin, B. H. (1993) Variation of short tandem repeats within and between populations. Hum.Mol.Genet. 2(7): 1023-1029.

676. Watanabe, G., Umetsu, K., Yuasa, I., and Suzuki, T. (1998) Simultaneous determination of STR polymorphism and a new nucleotide substitution in its flanking region at the CD4 locus. J.Forensic Sci. 43(4): 733-737.

249. Weispfenning, R., Luckenbach, C., and Ritter, H. (1996) Non-automatic multiplex analysis and detection of six STR-loci: HPRT, FABP2, CD4, F13A1, CYP19 and LPL. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 6, pp. 223-225.

1018. Weispfenning, R., Luckenbach, C., and Ritter, H. (1998) CD4, CYP19, FABP2, and LPL: analysis, sequencing, and frequency data. Advances in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 378-380.

1202. Wiegand, P., Trubner, K., and Kleiber, M. (2000) STR typing of biological stains on strangulation tools. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 508-510.

85 References as of 06/15/00 (part of complete STR reference list)