Page last updated: 03/17/2023
FESFPS Variants
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Allele Designation |
Allele Size |
Instrument |
Amp Kit* |
Contributor |
Verification/Conformation Method(s) |
Notes |
Frequency |
10.2 | 235.42 | ABI 310 | FFFL | Robert W. Allen H.A. Chapman Institute of Medical Genetics, Tulsa OK |
Seen as an inherited allele within a family group. Size analysis comparisons to allele #10 and #11 contained within ladder supplied with kit and ROX500 size standards | twice in single family group | |
1 reported variants as of 07/10/07
Tri-Allelic Patterns
Allele Designation |
Instrument |
Amp Kit* |
Contributor |
Verification/Conformation Method(s) |
Notes |
Frequency |
10, 11, 12 | ABI 377 | In-house multiplex | Martin Whittle, Sao Paulo, Brasil | Re-amplification as a monoplex | Observed during routine parentage testing, Brazilian Caucasian | 1 in 29836 |
1 reported tri-allelic pattern as of 07/10/2007
* Use the following abbreviations for amplification kit names:
- CO: Applied Biosystems COfiler
- PR: Applied Biosystems Profiler
- PS: Applied Biosystems Profiler Plus
- ID: Applied Biosystems Identifiler
- PP: Promega PowerPlex 16
- CV: Promega CTTV
- CA: Promega CTTA
- MP: Promega MonoPlex
- Other: Please specify