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DYS458 Variants

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Allele Designation

Allele Size (bp)


Amp Kit*


Verification/Conformation Method(s)


11 119.24, 119.22, 119.28, 119.22, 119.22, 119.34 ABI 310 Yfiler Bethany L. Harris, Acadiana Criminalistics Laboratory, New Iberia, LA Re-injection of all listed samples

Allele Size: 119.24 (vaginal swabs epithelial fraction), 119.22 (rectal swabs), 119.28 (external genital swabs), 119.22 (buttocks swabs), 119.22 (fingernails swab 1), 119.34 (fingernails swab 2)

forensic samples US-YSTR: 1 in 8621; Harris County single-source mode in Mix Tool: 1 in 4163
11.2Y23: 165.19; YFP: 122.08ABI 3500XLPowerPlex Y23, YFiler PlusCentral Laboratory for the National DNA Database, Ministry of Justice, Department of Penitentiary Administration, Penitentiary Police - Rome Italy
12 122.64 ABI 3130xl ABI YFiler Michelle McArdle, Crystal Allen, Natalie Caponera, Lousiana State Police, Krisha Addanki,Claflin University SC Re-extracted sample from original liquid blood sample, followed by amplification & PCR or multiple dilutions Sample testing done at Northeast Regional Forensic Institute (NERFI), University of Albany.

Allele originally seen individually by the four persons listed above

13(<14) 126.68 ABI 310 Yfiler Oscar Garcia Forensic Genetics Dept, Autonomous Police of Basque Country Re-amplified and reanalyzed Convicted offender sample  
13(<14) [2] 126.70 ABI 3130XL Yfiler Jonathan Drobac, Phoenix PD Crime Lab, AZ Re-injection Known sample 1
13 [3] 127.49 ABI 3500xl Yfiler

Tal Ariel, Aviva Dell'Ariccia-Carmon and Aliza Raziel, Israel Police, DNA Database

Reamplified and reanalyzed    
13 [4] 126.75 ABI 3130xl Yfiler Rachid Aboukhalid, Mehdi Bouabdellah, Meryem Abbassi, Mohammed El Mzibri, Kaoutar Bentayebi, Driss Squalli, Saaid Amzazi, Genetic Forensic Unit, Mohammed V University, Faculty of Sciences, Rabat - Morocco Reamplified and re-injected Data basing, population size = 267 1
13 [5]

126.86 (vaginal swabs, amp 1), 126.76 (fingernail scrapings, amp 1), 126.82 (standard, amp 1), 126.96 (vaginal swabs, amp 2), 126.80 (fingernail scrapings, amp 2), 126.88 (standard, amp 2)

ABI 310 YF Kelly Lawrence, Northeastern Illinois Regional Crime Laboratory Re-injected and re-amplified    
<14 127.21 ABI 3130 Yfiler Amulya Pande, Vaishali Mahajan, Dhanshree Samarth, Nutan Pawde, K.R. Gorle, Forensic DNA division, Regional Forensic Science Laboratory, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India Re-extraction and reamplification Forensic sample  
13.1 128.05 ABI 3730 Yfiler DNA Forensic Division, Supreme Prosecutor's Office, South Korea Re-amplified and re-analyzed with ABI 3130   1 in 6300
14.1 131.99; 131.57; 131.72; 131.78 ABI 3730 Yfiler DNA Forensic Division, Supreme Prosecutor's Office, South Korea Re-amplified and re-analyzed with ABI 3130   4 in 6300
14.3 133.29 ABI 3130 Yfiler Cantagalli, VD; Gattás, GJF / Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil Re-injection   1
15.2 135.05 ABI 3130 Yfiler Teresa Shank, WA State Patrol Vancouver Crime Laboratory, Vancouver, WA Reinjection of reference sample allele observed in evidence sample and reference sample  
16.1 139.57 ABI 310 Yfiler Jeremy Dubois, Acadiana Crime Laboratory (New Iberia, LA) Sample re-amplified known sample 1
16.2 140.54, 140.53, 140.48 ABI 3130xl Yfiler Ildiko Palmer, Phoenix PD Crime Lab, Arizona Re-injection Forensic sample 1
16.2 [2] 141.01 ABI 3500xl Yfiler Tal Ariel, Aviva Dell'Ariccia-Carmon and Aliza Raziel, Israel Police DNA Database Reamplified and reanalyzed    
16.2 [3] 140.10, 140.11 ABI 3130 Yfiler Forensic DNA Division, Regional Forensic Science Laboratory, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India Re-extraction and re-amplification Known sample - same variant allele observed in father and son  
17.2 144.75,144.76,144.73 ABI 3130XL Yfiler Stephanie Novak, Phoenix Police Crime Lab  Arizona Re-injections Known sample 1
17.2 [2] 144.78 ABI 3130 XL ID Kathleen Stoller, Phoenix PD Crime Lab, Arizona Re-inject Forensic Sample 1
17.2 [3] 144.67 & 144.73 ABI 3130 Yfiler Anna Wilson, Washington State Patrol Crime Lab Re- injection Reference sample 1
17.2 [4] 144.93 ABI 3500xl Yfiler

Tal Ariel, Aviva Dell'Ariccia-Carmon and Aliza Raziel, Israel Police, DNA Database

Reamplified and reanalyzed    
17.2 [5] 144.88 & 144.90 ABI 3130 Yfiler Neha Bhale, Regional Forensic Science Laboratory, Nagpur, India Re-extraction Evidence sample  
18.2 148.99 ABI 310 YF Cordelia Willis, Santa Clara County Crime Lab Re-injection Forensic sample 1
18.2 [2] 148.91 ABI 310 Yfiler Oscar Garcia, Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country Re-amplified and re-analyzed Criminal case sample, no suspect; from the Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country  
18.2 [3] 148.85 ABI 310 Yfiler Oscar Garcia, Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country Re-amplified and re-analyzed Criminal case sample, no suspect; from the Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country  
18.2 [4] 148.91 ABI 310 Yfiler Oscar Garcia, Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country Re-amplified and re-analyzed Criminal case sample, no suspect; from the Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country  
18.2 [5] 149.08 ABI 310 Yfiler Oscar Garcia, Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country Re-amplified and re-analyzed Criminal case sample, no suspect; from the Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country  
18.2 [6] 148.76 ABI 310 Yfiler Oscar Garcia, Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country Re-amplified and re-analyzed Convicted offender sample  
18.2 [7] 149.16 ABI 310 Yfiler Carmen Alaez Verson, Department of Immunology and Immunogenetics, InDRE, SSA, Mexico City, Mexico Re-amplification, re-injection; brother produced the same off-ladder allele Paternity case, Mexican Mestizo Ethnicity  
18.2 [8] 147.43 ABI 3500 Yfiler Oscar Garcia, Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country Re-amplified and re-analyzed Criminal case sample, no suspect  
18.2 [9] 147.43 ABI 3500 Yfiler Oscar Garcia, Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country Re-amplified and re-analyzed Convicted offender sample  
18.2 [10] 147.51 ABI 3500 Yfiler Oscar Garcia, Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country Re-amplified and re-analyzed Convicted offender sample  
18.2 [11] 148.81 ABI 3500xl Yfiler

Tal Ariel, Aviva Dell'Ariccia-Carmon and Aliza Raziel, Israel Police, DNA Database

Reamplified and reanalyzed    
19.2 153.40 ABI 310 YF Cordelia Willis, Santa Clara County Crime Lab Re-injection Forensic sample 1
19.2 [2] 153.37 ABI 3130xl Yfiler Jonathan Drobac, Phoenix PD Crime Lab, Arizona Re-injection Known samples 2
19.2 [3] 152.75 ABI 3500xl Yfiler

Tal Ariel, Aviva Dell'Ariccia-Carmon and Aliza Raziel, Israel Police, DNA Database

Reamplified and reanalyzed    
20.2 (>20) 155.75 ABI 3500 Yfiler Oscar García, Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country Reamplified and reanalyzed Convicted offender sample  
20.2 [2] 156.72 ABI 3500xl Yfiler

Tal Ariel, Aviva Dell'Ariccia-Carmon and Aliza Raziel, Israel Police, DNA Database

Reamplified and reanalyzed    
20.2 [3]ABI3500Promega Powerplex Y23Netherlands Forensic Institutereamplification and reanalyzedTrace sample
21 (>20) 159.55 ABI 310 Yfiler Oscar Garcia Forensic Genetics Dept, Autonomous Police of Basque Country Re-amplified and reanalyzed Convicted offender sample  
21 [2] 159.61 ABI 3130xl Yfiler Christina Davis, Phoenix Police Crime Lab Re-injection   1
21 [3] 158.80 ABI 3500xl Yfiler

Tal Ariel, Aviva Dell'Ariccia-Carmon and Aliza Raziel, Israel Police, DNA Database

Reamplified and reanalyzed    
21 [4] 159.62 ABI 3730 Yfiler DNA Forensic Division, Supreme Prosecutor's Office, South Korea Re-amplified and re-analyzed with ABI 3130   5 in 6300
21.2 161.3 ABI 3130 XL YF Kathleen Stoller, Phoenix PD Crime Lab, Arizona Re-injections Known sample 1
22 (>20) 163.53 ABI 3130xl YF Ildiko Palmer, Phoenix PD Crime Lab, Arizona Re-injection Known sample 1
22.2 (>20) 163.63 ABI 3500 Yfiler Oscar García, Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country Reamplified and reanalyzed Convicted offender sample  

18 reported variants as of 04/20/16


Locus Duplication

Allele Designation


Amp Kit*


Verification/Conformation Method(s)


16,17 ABI 3130XL Yfiler Kevin Knapp, Phoenix Police Crime Lab, AZ Re-amplify and Re-run Known Sample 1
18,21 ABI 3730 Yfiler DNA Forensic Division, Supreme Prosecutor's Office, South Korea Re-amplified and re-analyzed with ABI 3130 147.42, 159.35 1 in 6300
19,20 ABI 3730 Yfiler DNA Forensic Division, Supreme Prosecutor's Office, South Korea Re-amplified and re-analyzed with ABI 3130 151.40, 155.33 1 in 6300

3 reported as of 04/20/16


* Use the following abbreviations for amplification kit names:




Last Updated: 04/20/2016