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DYS456 Variants

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Allele Designation

Allele Size (bp)


Amp Kit*


Verification/ Conformation Method(s)


11 94.94 ABI 3500xl Yfiler Tal Ariel, Aviva Dell'Ariccia-Carmon, and Aliza Raziel, Israel Police DNA Database Reamplified and reanalyzed    
11 [2] 96.16 ABI 3130xl Yfiler Pinellas County Forensic Laboratory Reinjection   1
12 (<13) 99.84 ABI 3130XL Yfiler Kathleen Stoller,  Phoenix  PD Crime Lab  Arizona Re-Inject Casework sample 1
12 [2] 99.24 ABI 3500xl Yfiler

Tal Ariel, Aviva Dell'Ariccia-Carmon and Aliza Raziel, Israel Police, DNA Database

Reamplified and reanalyzed    
12 [3] 98.17, 98.07, 98.17 ABI 3500 Yfiler Anthony Birchfield, Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation Observed in 3 casework samples   3
12 (<13) [4] 100.00 ABI 3130xl Yfiler Tayla L. Pinell, Louisiana State Police Crime Laboratory Re-amplification Unidentified remains (right phalanx bone); this specific Y-STR profile has three off-marker range alleles; also DYS635 and DYS448 1
<13 (a) 98.61 ABI 3130 Yfiler Amulya Pande, Vaishali Mahajan, Dhanshree Samarth, Nutan Pawde, K.R. Gorle, Forensic DNA division, Regional Forensic Science Laboratory, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India Re-extraction and reamplification Forensic sample  
<13 (b) 100.09 ABI 3130 Yfiler Amulya Pande, Vaishali Mahajan, Dhanshree Samarth, Nutan Pawde, K.R. Gorle, Forensic DNA division, Regional Forensic Science Laboratory, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India Re-extraction and reamplification Forensic sample  
14.3 111.17, 111.03 ABI 310 Yfiler Winnie Kurowski, Acadiana Criminalistics Laboratory Re-amplified with Yfiler Known reference sample 1
19 (>18) 127.25; 127.29 ABI 3130xl YF (Yfiler) Stephanie Novak, Phoenix Police Crime Lab Re-injection Known sample 1
19 [2] 129.43; 127.45 (129.45?) ABI 3730 Yfiler DNA Forensic Division, Supreme Prosecutor's Office, South Korea Re-amplified and re-analyzed with ABI 3130   5 in 6300
19 [3] 127.57; 127.67; 127.64 ABI 3130 Yfiler Susana Maulini Yrayzoz, Scientific Police Division, Catalonian Police, Sabadell, Barcelona, Spain Observed in three samples from the same evidence Casework samples 3
20 131-132 ABI 3130xl Yfiler Heather Pyles, WA State Patrol Vancouver Crime Lab Re-injection and re-extraction N-4 stutter peak designated OL also observed at ~15-16% of parent peak 1
22 (>18) 139.43 ABI 3130xl Yfiler Phoenix PD Crime Lab Re-amped Standard sample. Also, peak in stutter location also called "OL" in both amps. It is at ~19% (high stutter?) 1

8 reported variants as of 07/08/15


Locus Duplication

Allele Designation


Amp Kit*


Verification/Conformation Method(s)


15, 16 ABI 310 Yfiler Oscar Garcia Forensic Genetics Dept, Autonomous Police of Basque Country Reamplified and reanalyzed Convicted offender sample  
16, 17 ABI 310 Yfiler Bethany L. Harris, Acadiana Crime Lab, New Iberia, LA Re-extracted and re-amplified a second time with Yfiler Two loci (DYS456 and DYS393) showed duplications in both amplifications of the sample. Sample was a buccal swab from the suspect. For DYS456 (2 in 28118) and for DYS393 (1 in 35295)

2 reported as of 07/08/15


* Use the following abbreviations for amplification kit names:




Last Updated: 07/08/2015