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DYS448 Variants

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Allele Designation

Allele Size (bp)


Amp Kit*


Verification/ Conformation Method(s)


DELETION -- ABI 3130 YF Erica Graham, Washington State Patrol Observed in both evidence & reference sample    
DELETION (NULL) [2] -- ABI 3130xl Yfiler New York State Police Forensic Investigative Center Re-amplification Suspect reference sample 1
for other DYS448 deletions, see NullAlleles              
15 (<17) 268.35 ABI 3130xl Yfiler Tayla L. Pinell, Louisiana State Police Crime Laboratory Re-amplification Unidentified remains (right phalanx bone); this specific Y-STR profile has three off-marker range alleles; see also DYS456 and DYS635 1
18.2 288.61 ABI 3500xl Yfiler Tal Ariel, Aviva Dell'Ariccia-Carmon and Aliza Raziel, Israel Police, DNA Database Reamplified and reanalyzed    
18.5ABI3500Promega Powerplex Y23Netherlands Forensic Institutereamplification and reanalyzedTrace sample
20.5 304.15 ABI 3730 Yfiler DNA Forensic Division, Supreme Prosecutor's Office, South Korea Re-amplified and re-analyzed with ABI 3130   1 in 6300

4 reported variants as of 07/08/15


Locus Duplication

Allele Designation


Amp Kit*


Verification/Conformation Method(s)


18, 20 ABI 310 Yfiler Bethany L. Harris, Acadiana Crime Lab (New Iberia, LA) Re-extracted sample and re-amplified Sample was a suspect reference 1
19, 20 ABI 310 Yfiler Bethany Harris Acadiana Criminalistics Laboratory (New Iberia, LA) Reinjection and reamplification Suspect reference sample 1
19, 20 [2] ABI 3130xl PowerPlex Y23 Crystal Beepot, Forensic Science Lab - Jamaica Multiple amplifications   seen twice
19, 20 [3]ABI 3500xl AmpFLSTR YfilerIGNA (Marseille, France)Haplotype was obtained from from a buccal swab sample.Allele Size: 307.65, 313.54 pb - Veriti Thermal Cycler, 24-capillary 3500xL Genetic Analyzer, Thermo Fisher Scientific1
19, 21ABI 3500XLAmpFLSTR YfilerIGNA (France) two PCR reactions were performed. Haplotype was obtained from a vaginal swab sample.1
20, 21 ABI 3500 PowerPlex Y23 Christine Barnes, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Re-extracted and re-amplified Buccal swab; allele sizes:  227.46, 233.47 (original); 227.33, 233.33 (re-extracted)  

3 reported as of 07/08/15


* Use the following abbreviations for amplification kit names:




Last Updated: 07/08/2015