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DYS439 Variants

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Allele Designation

Allele Size (bp)


Amp Kit*


Verification/Conformation Method(s)


7 (<8) 194.26 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol redo sample   1 in 41635
10.1 207.20 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol redo sample   2 in 41635
11.1 211.22 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol redo sample   1 in 41635
11.1 [2] 210.7 ABI 3730 Yfiler DNA Forensic Division, Supreme Prosecutor's Office, South Korea Re-amplified and re-analyzed with ABI 3130   1 in 6300
16 (>15) 230.44 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol redo sample   1 in 41635

4 reported variants as of 07/24/13

Locus Duplication

Allele Designation


Amp Kit*


Verification/Conformation Method(s)


10,11 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol redo sample   19 in 50,859
10,12 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol redo sample   2 in 50,859
11,12 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol redo sample   14 in 50,859
11, 12 [2]ABI PRISM 3130XLApplied Biosystems GlobalFiler and YFiler+Sylvie Frackowiak, Institut National de Police Scientifique - Laboratoire de Marseille (SFR) - FRANCEAllele Sizes: 170.21 / 174.20 bp - associated with another locus duplication (same sample) = DYS391 8, 90
11, 12 [3]ABI 3500XLPPY, YF Plus, Investigator® Argus Y-28 QS Forensic DNA division, National Forensic Service, Ministry of the Interior and Safety, Republic of KoreaFirst re-injection and concordance test with PPY (allele size: [283.84, 287.81] ), YF Plus (allele size: [170.74, 174.71]) and Investigator® Argus Y-28 QS (allele size: [116.09, 120.25])Duplication was detected at DYS389 II and DYS439 concurrently.3 related individuals (3 in 1119)
11,13 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol redo sample   2 in 50,859
12,13 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol redo sample   10 in 50,859
12, 13, 14ABI 3500XLPower Plex Y23/ YFIler PlusCentral Laboratory for the National DNA Database, Ministry of Justice, Department of Penitentiary Administration, Penitentiary Police- Rome ItalyAllele Size: Y23: 287.86, 291.82, 295.91 YFP:174.59, 178.67, 182.71

5 reported as of 11/28/17


* Use the following abbreviations for amplification kit names:




Last Updated: 07/24/2013