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DYS385 a/b Variants

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Allele Designation

Allele Size


Amp Kit*


Verification/Conformation Method(s)


8.2232.08 (By-PowerplexY23 System Kit), 235.16 (By-Yfiler Plus System Kit)ABI 3500XLPowerplexY23 Yfiler PlusDr. Rajesh Kumar, Kunwar Veer Vikram Srivastav and Ankit - DNA Division, State Forensic Science Laboratory, Rajasthan, Jaipur 302016, India.Repeated with both the multiplex systems and got the peak at the same position.1
8.3 250.83 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson MO State Hwy Patrol Redo sample   1 in 45824
9.1 253.89; 254.18 ABI 3730 Yfiler DNA Forensic Division, Supreme Prosecutor's Office, South Korea Re-amplified and re-analyzed with ABI 3130   3 in 6300
9.2 254.02 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson MO State Hwy Patrol Redo sample   1 in 41635
9.3 254.79 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson MO State Hwy Patrol Redo sample   1 in 41635
10.1 256.98 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson MO State Hwy Patrol Redo sample   5 in 41635
10.2 258.27 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson MO State Hwy Patrol Redo sample   5 in 41635
11.1 257.84 ABI 3500xl Yfiler Tal Ariel, Aviva Dell'Ariccia-Carmon, and Aliza Raziel, Israel Police DNA Database Reamplified and reanalyzed    
11.2 262.05 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson MO State Hwy Patrol Redo sample   3 in 41635
11.3 263.07 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson MO State Hwy Patrol Redo sample   4 in 41635
12.1 265.00 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson MO State Hwy Patrol Redo sample   4 in 41635



Silver staining of poly-acrylamide gel

2 primers described in the NIST page

Franklin D. Rumjanek, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Direct nucleotide sequencing of cloned PCR products

Observed once in a father/son pair


12.2 [2] 266.23 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson MO State Hwy Patrol Redo sample   5 in 41635
12.2 [3] 264.74 ABI 310 Yfiler Oscar Garcia, Forensic Genetics Dept, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country Reamplified and reanalyzed convicted offender sample  
12.2 [4] 264.50 ABI 3130 Yfiler Cemal Gurkan & Kerem Terali, Turkish Cypriot DNA Laboratory, North Cyprus Re-analyzed population study  
12.3 267.20 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson MO State Hwy Patrol Redo sample   1 in 45824
13.1 269.65 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson MO State Hwy Patrol Redo sample   2 in 41635
13.1 [2] 270.63 ABI 3730 Yfiler DNA Forensic Division, Supreme Prosecutor's Office, South Korea Re-amplified and re-analyzed with ABI 3130   1 in 6300
13.2 266.69 ABI 3500 Yfiler Oscar García, Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country Reamplified and reanalyzed Convicted offender sample  
13.2 [2] 266.57 ABI 3500 Yfiler Oscar García, Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country Reamplified and reanalyzed Criminal case sample, no suspect  
13.3 271.31 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson MO State Hwy Patrol Redo sample   1 in 41635
15.1 277.38 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson MO State Hwy Patrol Redo sample   1 in 41635
15.1 [2] 276.09 ABI 310 Yfiler Oscar Garcia, Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country Re-amplified and re-analyzed Criminal case sample, no suspect from the Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country,  
15.2 278.39 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson MO State Hwy Patrol Redo sample   3 in 41635
15.2 [2] 276.43 ABI 3130 & ABI 3130xl Yfiler Monnie Michalik, North Louisiana Criminalistics Laboratory Re-amplified Observed in reference and evidence  
16.1 281.30 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson MO State Hwy Patrol Redo sample   1 in 45824
16.1 [2] 282.67 ABI 3730 Yfiler DNA Forensic Division, Supreme Prosecutor's Office, South Korea Re-amplified and re-analyzed with ABI 3130   1 in 6300
16.2 282.43 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson MO State Hwy Patrol Redo sample   2 in 41635
18.2 290.35 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson MO State Hwy Patrol Redo sample   1 in 41635
18.2 [2] 289.12 & 289.22 ABI 3130 Yfiler Anna Wilson, Washington State Patrol Crime Lab Re- injection Reference sample 1
19.1 293.31 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson MO State Hwy Patrol Redo sample   3 in 41635
19.2 295.41 ABI 3730 Yfiler DNA Forensic Division, Supreme Prosecutor's Office, South Korea Re-amplified and re-analyzed with ABI 3130   1 in 6300
20.2 298.18 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson MO State Hwy Patrol Redo sample   1 in 41635
20.2 [2] 299.83 ABI 3730 Yfiler DNA Forensic Division, Supreme Prosecutor's Office, South Korea Re-amplified and re-analyzed with ABI 3130   1 in 6300

23 reported variants as of 07/24/13


Locus Duplication/Triplication

Allele Designation


Amp Kit*


Verification/Conformation Method(s)


9,11,15 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol redo sample   1 in 50,859
10,11,14 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol redo sample   1 in 50,859
11,12,14 ABI 3130xl PowerPlex Y Josh Corbin & Kaylene Jaramillo

The Genetic Testing Laboratories, Inc.

2nd Independent Analysis 260.15, 264.20, 272.39 1
11,12,14 [2] ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol redo sample   4 in 50,859
11,13,14 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol redo sample   5 in 50,859
11,14,15 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol redo sample   4 in 50,859
12,13,14 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol redo sample   1 in 50,859
12,13,15 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol redo sample   2 in 50,859
12,14,16 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol redo sample   4 in 50,859
12, 14, 18, 20ABI 3500XLPowerPlex Y23, YFiler PlusCentral Laboratory for the National DNA Database, Ministry of Justice, Department of Penitentiary Administration, Penitentiary Police - Rome ItalyAllele Size - Y23: 246.46; 254.67; 271.22; 279.26, YFP: 249.45; 257.50; 273.61; 281.64
12, 18, 19ABI 3500XLPromega PowerPlex Y23, Thermo Y Filer Plus kitDr. Ila Gautam and Dr. Pankaj Shrivastava - DNA Fingerprinting Unit, State Forensic Science Laboratory, Sagar (MP) India1. Re-isolated , quantified and re-amplified. ​2. Repeated with both the multiplex systems and got the peak at same positionAllele Designation and size: 12 (245.93),18(270.65),19 (274.77)- Profile generated with Promega PowerPlex Y23 Allele Designation and size: 12 (249.42),18(273.52),19 (277.48)- Profile generated with Thermo Y Filer Plus kit1
13,14,15 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol redo sample   2 in 50,859
13, 14, 15 [2]Genetic Analyzer 3130Powerplex Y-23R.K. Kumawat, Rajesh Singh , State Forensic Science Laboratory, Rajasthan, Jaipur-302016Confirmed by repeated PCR and re-electrophoresisAllele size:- 13 (251.30), 14(255.48), 15(259.66), Instrument:- Genetic Analyzer 3130 ( 4 capillary -POP-4)1
13,14,16 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol redo sample   1 in 50,859
13, 14, 17, 20ABI 3500XLPower Plex Y23/ YFIler PlusCentral Laboratory for the National DNA Database, Ministry of Justice, Department of Penitentiary Administration, Penitentiary Police- Rome ItalyAllele Size: Y23: 250.56, 254.70,267.14, 279.43 YFP:253.62, 257.60, 269.61, 281.72
13,14,18 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol redo sample   4 in 50,859
13,15,16 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol redo sample   3 in 50,859
13,15,20 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol redo sample   1 in 50,859
13,16,17 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol redo sample   1 in 50,859
14,15,16 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol redo sample   1 in 50,859
14, 16, 18 ABI 3130 Yfiler Kristi Barr Washington State Patrol-Spokane Re-extracted   1
14, 16, 18 [2] ABI 3130 PPY Gisele Rosas, Genetics Dept, PGJ DF, Mexico City Re-extract and re-amplify Criminal case sample, no suspect 1
15,16,17 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol redo sample   2 in 50,859
15, 16, 17, 18 ABI 3500XLPower Plex Y23Central Laboratory for the National DNA Database, Ministry of Justice, Department of Penitentiary Administration, Penitentiary Police- Rome ItalyAllele Size: 259.08, 263.29, 267.38, 271.47
15,16,18 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol redo sample   1 in 50,859
15,16,19 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol redo sample   1 in 50,859
15, 19, 20ABI 3500XLYFiler PlusCentral Laboratory for the National DNA Database, Ministry of Justice, Department of Penitentiary Administration, Penitentiary Police - Rome ItalyAllele Size - 261.48; 277.66; 281.67

19 reported as of 07/24/13


* Use the following abbreviations for amplification kit names:




Last Updated: 07/24/2013