DYS385 a/b Variants
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Allele Designation |
Allele Size |
Instrument |
Amp Kit* |
Contributor |
Verification/Conformation Method(s) |
Notes |
Frequency |
8.2 | 232.08 (By-PowerplexY23 System Kit), 235.16 (By-Yfiler Plus System Kit) | ABI 3500XL | PowerplexY23 Yfiler Plus | Dr. Rajesh Kumar, Kunwar Veer Vikram Srivastav and Ankit - DNA Division, State Forensic Science Laboratory, Rajasthan, Jaipur 302016, India. | Repeated with both the multiplex systems and got the peak at the same position. | 1 | |
8.3 | 250.83 | ABI 3130xl | PPY | Jackie Johnson MO State Hwy Patrol | Redo sample | 1 in 45824 | |
9.1 | 253.89; 254.18 | ABI 3730 | Yfiler | DNA Forensic Division, Supreme Prosecutor's Office, South Korea | Re-amplified and re-analyzed with ABI 3130 | 3 in 6300 | |
9.2 | 254.02 | ABI 3130xl | PPY | Jackie Johnson MO State Hwy Patrol | Redo sample | 1 in 41635 | |
9.3 | 254.79 | ABI 3130xl | PPY | Jackie Johnson MO State Hwy Patrol | Redo sample | 1 in 41635 | |
10.1 | 256.98 | ABI 3130xl | PPY | Jackie Johnson MO State Hwy Patrol | Redo sample | 5 in 41635 | |
10.2 | 258.27 | ABI 3130xl | PPY | Jackie Johnson MO State Hwy Patrol | Redo sample | 5 in 41635 | |
11.1 | 257.84 | ABI 3500xl | Yfiler | Tal Ariel, Aviva Dell'Ariccia-Carmon, and Aliza Raziel, Israel Police DNA Database | Reamplified and reanalyzed | ||
11.2 | 262.05 | ABI 3130xl | PPY | Jackie Johnson MO State Hwy Patrol | Redo sample | 3 in 41635 | |
11.3 | 263.07 | ABI 3130xl | PPY | Jackie Johnson MO State Hwy Patrol | Redo sample | 4 in 41635 | |
12.1 | 265.00 | ABI 3130xl | PPY | Jackie Johnson MO State Hwy Patrol | Redo sample | 4 in 41635 | |
12.2 |
263 |
Silver staining of poly-acrylamide gel |
2 primers described in the NIST page |
Franklin D. Rumjanek, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
Direct nucleotide sequencing of cloned PCR products |
Observed once in a father/son pair |
12.2 [2] | 266.23 | ABI 3130xl | PPY | Jackie Johnson MO State Hwy Patrol | Redo sample | 5 in 41635 | |
12.2 [3] | 264.74 | ABI 310 | Yfiler | Oscar Garcia, Forensic Genetics Dept, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country | Reamplified and reanalyzed | convicted offender sample | |
12.2 [4] | 264.50 | ABI 3130 | Yfiler | Cemal Gurkan & Kerem Terali, Turkish Cypriot DNA Laboratory, North Cyprus | Re-analyzed | population study | |
12.3 | 267.20 | ABI 3130xl | PPY | Jackie Johnson MO State Hwy Patrol | Redo sample | 1 in 45824 | |
13.1 | 269.65 | ABI 3130xl | PPY | Jackie Johnson MO State Hwy Patrol | Redo sample | 2 in 41635 | |
13.1 [2] | 270.63 | ABI 3730 | Yfiler | DNA Forensic Division, Supreme Prosecutor's Office, South Korea | Re-amplified and re-analyzed with ABI 3130 | 1 in 6300 | |
13.2 | 266.69 | ABI 3500 | Yfiler | Oscar García, Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country | Reamplified and reanalyzed | Convicted offender sample | |
13.2 [2] | 266.57 | ABI 3500 | Yfiler | Oscar García, Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country | Reamplified and reanalyzed | Criminal case sample, no suspect | |
13.3 | 271.31 | ABI 3130xl | PPY | Jackie Johnson MO State Hwy Patrol | Redo sample | 1 in 41635 | |
15.1 | 277.38 | ABI 3130xl | PPY | Jackie Johnson MO State Hwy Patrol | Redo sample | 1 in 41635 | |
15.1 [2] | 276.09 | ABI 310 | Yfiler | Oscar Garcia, Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country | Re-amplified and re-analyzed | Criminal case sample, no suspect from the Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country, | |
15.2 | 278.39 | ABI 3130xl | PPY | Jackie Johnson MO State Hwy Patrol | Redo sample | 3 in 41635 | |
15.2 [2] | 276.43 | ABI 3130 & ABI 3130xl | Yfiler | Monnie Michalik, North Louisiana Criminalistics Laboratory | Re-amplified | Observed in reference and evidence | |
16.1 | 281.30 | ABI 3130xl | PPY | Jackie Johnson MO State Hwy Patrol | Redo sample | 1 in 45824 | |
16.1 [2] | 282.67 | ABI 3730 | Yfiler | DNA Forensic Division, Supreme Prosecutor's Office, South Korea | Re-amplified and re-analyzed with ABI 3130 | 1 in 6300 | |
16.2 | 282.43 | ABI 3130xl | PPY | Jackie Johnson MO State Hwy Patrol | Redo sample | 2 in 41635 | |
18.2 | 290.35 | ABI 3130xl | PPY | Jackie Johnson MO State Hwy Patrol | Redo sample | 1 in 41635 | |
18.2 [2] | 289.12 & 289.22 | ABI 3130 | Yfiler | Anna Wilson, Washington State Patrol Crime Lab | Re- injection | Reference sample | 1 |
19.1 | 293.31 | ABI 3130xl | PPY | Jackie Johnson MO State Hwy Patrol | Redo sample | 3 in 41635 | |
19.2 | 295.41 | ABI 3730 | Yfiler | DNA Forensic Division, Supreme Prosecutor's Office, South Korea | Re-amplified and re-analyzed with ABI 3130 | 1 in 6300 | |
20.2 | 298.18 | ABI 3130xl | PPY | Jackie Johnson MO State Hwy Patrol | Redo sample | 1 in 41635 | |
20.2 [2] | 299.83 | ABI 3730 | Yfiler | DNA Forensic Division, Supreme Prosecutor's Office, South Korea | Re-amplified and re-analyzed with ABI 3130 | 1 in 6300 | |
23 reported variants as of 07/24/13
Locus Duplication/Triplication
Allele Designation |
Instrument |
Amp Kit* |
Contributor |
Verification/Conformation Method(s) |
Notes |
Frequency |
9,11,15 | ABI 3130xl | PPY | Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol | redo sample | 1 in 50,859 | |
10,11,14 | ABI 3130xl | PPY | Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol | redo sample | 1 in 50,859 | |
11,12,14 | ABI 3130xl | PowerPlex Y | Josh Corbin & Kaylene Jaramillo The Genetic Testing Laboratories, Inc. |
2nd Independent Analysis | 260.15, 264.20, 272.39 | 1 |
11,12,14 [2] | ABI 3130xl | PPY | Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol | redo sample | 4 in 50,859 | |
11,13,14 | ABI 3130xl | PPY | Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol | redo sample | 5 in 50,859 | |
11,14,15 | ABI 3130xl | PPY | Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol | redo sample | 4 in 50,859 | |
12,13,14 | ABI 3130xl | PPY | Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol | redo sample | 1 in 50,859 | |
12,13,15 | ABI 3130xl | PPY | Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol | redo sample | 2 in 50,859 | |
12,14,16 | ABI 3130xl | PPY | Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol | redo sample | 4 in 50,859 | |
12, 14, 18, 20 | ABI 3500XL | PowerPlex Y23, YFiler Plus | Central Laboratory for the National DNA Database, Ministry of Justice, Department of Penitentiary Administration, Penitentiary Police - Rome Italy | Allele Size - Y23: 246.46; 254.67; 271.22; 279.26, YFP: 249.45; 257.50; 273.61; 281.64 | ||
12, 18, 19 | ABI 3500XL | Promega PowerPlex Y23, Thermo Y Filer Plus kit | Dr. Ila Gautam and Dr. Pankaj Shrivastava - DNA Fingerprinting Unit, State Forensic Science Laboratory, Sagar (MP) India | 1. Re-isolated , quantified and re-amplified. 2. Repeated with both the multiplex systems and got the peak at same position | Allele Designation and size: 12 (245.93),18(270.65),19 (274.77)- Profile generated with Promega PowerPlex Y23 Allele Designation and size: 12 (249.42),18(273.52),19 (277.48)- Profile generated with Thermo Y Filer Plus kit | 1 |
13,14,15 | ABI 3130xl | PPY | Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol | redo sample | 2 in 50,859 | |
13, 14, 15 [2] | Genetic Analyzer 3130 | Powerplex Y-23 | R.K. Kumawat, Rajesh Singh , State Forensic Science Laboratory, Rajasthan, Jaipur-302016 | Confirmed by repeated PCR and re-electrophoresis | Allele size:- 13 (251.30), 14(255.48), 15(259.66), Instrument:- Genetic Analyzer 3130 ( 4 capillary -POP-4) | 1 |
13,14,16 | ABI 3130xl | PPY | Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol | redo sample | 1 in 50,859 | |
13, 14, 17, 20 | ABI 3500XL | Power Plex Y23/ YFIler Plus | Central Laboratory for the National DNA Database, Ministry of Justice, Department of Penitentiary Administration, Penitentiary Police- Rome Italy | Allele Size: Y23: 250.56, 254.70,267.14, 279.43 YFP:253.62, 257.60, 269.61, 281.72 | ||
13,14,18 | ABI 3130xl | PPY | Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol | redo sample | 4 in 50,859 | |
13,15,16 | ABI 3130xl | PPY | Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol | redo sample | 3 in 50,859 | |
13,15,20 | ABI 3130xl | PPY | Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol | redo sample | 1 in 50,859 | |
13,16,17 | ABI 3130xl | PPY | Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol | redo sample | 1 in 50,859 | |
14,15,16 | ABI 3130xl | PPY | Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol | redo sample | 1 in 50,859 | |
14, 16, 18 | ABI 3130 | Yfiler | Kristi Barr Washington State Patrol-Spokane | Re-extracted | 1 | |
14, 16, 18 [2] | ABI 3130 | PPY | Gisele Rosas, Genetics Dept, PGJ DF, Mexico City | Re-extract and re-amplify | Criminal case sample, no suspect | 1 |
15,16,17 | ABI 3130xl | PPY | Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol | redo sample | 2 in 50,859 | |
15, 16, 17, 18 | ABI 3500XL | Power Plex Y23 | Central Laboratory for the National DNA Database, Ministry of Justice, Department of Penitentiary Administration, Penitentiary Police- Rome Italy | Allele Size: 259.08, 263.29, 267.38, 271.47 | ||
15,16,18 | ABI 3130xl | PPY | Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol | redo sample | 1 in 50,859 | |
15,16,19 | ABI 3130xl | PPY | Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol | redo sample | 1 in 50,859 | |
15, 19, 20 | ABI 3500XL | YFiler Plus | Central Laboratory for the National DNA Database, Ministry of Justice, Department of Penitentiary Administration, Penitentiary Police - Rome Italy | Allele Size - 261.48; 277.66; 281.67 |
19 reported as of 07/24/13
* Use the following abbreviations for amplification kit names:
- CO: Applied Biosystems COfiler
- PR: Applied Biosystems Profiler
- PS: Applied Biosystems Profiler Plus
- ID: Applied Biosystems Identifiler
- PP: Promega PowerPlex 16
- CV: Promega CTTV
- CA: Promega CTTA
- MP: Promega MonoPlex
- Other: Please specify
Last Updated: 07/24/2013