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DYS19 Variants

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Allele Designation

Allele Size (bp)


Amp Kit*


Verification/Conformation Method(s)


9 170.83 & 170.88 ABI 3130 Yfiler Anna Wilson, Washington State Patrol Crime Lab Re- injection Reference sample and evidence sample 2
13.2 242.21 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol redo sample   2 in 41,635
14.2 246.29 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol redo sample   1 in 41,635

3 reported variants as of 02/28/14


Locus Duplication/Triplication

Allele Designation


Amp Kit*


Verification/Conformation Method(s)


12,15 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol redo sample   11 in 50,859
13,15 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol redo sample   2 in 50,859
14,15 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol redo sample   23 in 50,859
14, 15 [2] ABI 3130 Yfiler Norah Rankin, Tucson Police Department Crime Lab Re-amplified extracted DNA   1
14, 15 [3]ABI 3500Y ABI Filer Plus and Y FilerLiana Melo, Instituto de Genética Forense Eduardo Campos – Pernambuco – BrazilFirst amplified with Y ABI Filer Plus and re-amplified with YfilerForensic - Allele Size: 204.18, 208.14 (ABI YF+), 188.54, 192.67 (Y Filer)3
14-15-16 ABI 3130xl Yfiler Servicio Médico Legal Santiago, Chile  Reextracción, y posterior amplificación y análisis de las muestras


Primera extracción de las 2 muestras 

14: 190.51, 190.50

15: 194.41, 194.45

16: 198.30, 198.32

Segunda extracción de las 2 muestras

14: 190.73, 190.73

15: 194.63, 194.59

16: 198.53, 198.52

Las muestras corresponden a manchas de sangre en tarjeta FTA. Se amplificó las muestras con Kit Yfiler  (Appiled Biosystems). Posteriormente el producto amplificado fue inyectado en un equipo ABI 3130xl, utilizando el programa DataCollection v3.0. El análisis de los datos fue realizado mediante el programa GeneMapper v 3.2.1 2
14,16 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol redo sample   1 in 50,859

15, 16

ABI 3130xl


Phoenix PD Crime Lab


Allele sizes:

194.53, 198.44

194.56, 198.46



15,16 [2] ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol redo sample   27 in 50,859
15, 17 ABI 3130 Yfiler Anna Wilson, Washington State Patrol Crime Lab Independent re-analysis Reference sample 1
15,17 [2] ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol redo sample   8 in 50,859
17,18 ABI 3130xl PPY Jackie Johnson, MO State Hwy Patrol redo sample   1 in 50,859

8 reported as of 02/28/14


* Use the following abbreviations for amplification kit names:




Last Updated: 02/28/2014