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DYF387S1 Variants

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Allele Designation

Allele Size (bp)


Amp Kit*


Verification/Conformation Method(s)


36.2290.07 & 290.02ABI 3500Y Filer PlusDr. Renee Leduc, BCIT Forensic DNA Laboratory, CANADAHaplotype observed in father and son buccal FTA samples.2 related individuals

0 reported variant as of 11/28/17

Locus Duplication

Allele Designation


Amp Kit*


Verification/Conformation Method(s)


33, 36, 37ABI 3500XLYFilerPlusCentral Laboratory for the National DNA Database, Ministry of Justice, Department of Penitentiary Administration, Penitentiary Police- Rome ItalyAllele Size: 276.44, 288.29, 292.03
33, 37, 38ABI 3500XLYFilerPlusCentral Laboratory for the National DNA Database, Ministry of Justice, Department of Penitentiary Administration, Penitentiary Police- Rome ItalyAllele Size: 276.74, 292.17, 296.27
34, 36, 39ABI 3500Y Filer PlusValeria Marcucci y Hortensia Cano. Laboratorio Regional de Investigación Forense. Santa Cruz-ArgentinaRe-amplified and re-analyzed1 reference sample
34, 37, 38ABI 3500YFiler Plus. ABValeria Marcucci y Claudia Sarapura. Laboratorio Regional de Investigación Forense (Santa Cruz-Argentina)Re-amplififcationAllele Size: 280.35, 291.94, 295.841 reference sample and 1 evidence sample (same case)
35, 36, 37ABI 3500xl AmpFLSTR YfilerIGNA (Marseille, France)at least, two PCR reactions were performed. Haplotype was obtained from different forensic samples and from a buccal swab sample.Allele Size: 284.21, 288, 291.87 pb - Veriti Thermal Cycler, 24-capillary 3500xL Genetic Analyzer, Thermo Fisher Scientific1
35, 38, 39ABI 3500xl AmpFLSTR YfilerIGNA (Marseille, France)at least, two PCR reactions were performed. Haplotype was obtained from different forensic samples and from a buccal swab sample.Allele Size: 284.17, 295.81, 299.64 pb - Veriti Thermal Cycler, 24-capillary 3500xL Genetic Analyzer, Thermo Fisher Scientific1
35, 38, 39, 40ABI 3500XLYFiler PlusCentral Laboratory for the National DNA Database, Ministry of Justice, Department of Penitentiary Administration, Penitentiary Police - Rome ItalyAllele Size - 284.59; 295.95; 299.81; 303.64
36, 37, 38ABI 3500XLYFilerPlusCentral Laboratory for the National DNA Database, Ministry of Justice, Department of Penitentiary Administration, Penitentiary Police- Rome ItalyAllele Size: 288.12, 291.95, 295.882 times
36, 38, 39ABI 3500XLYFilerPlusCentral Laboratory for the National DNA Database, Ministry of Justice, Department of Penitentiary Administration, Penitentiary Police- Rome ItalyAllele Size: 288.02, 295.79, 299.632 times
36, 38, 40ABI 3500YFilerPlusAlejandro Ruiz Trevisan and Santiago Lamuedra. Laboratorio GENIA, Buenos Aires, Argentina.Re-amplified and re-analyzed with dilutionsAllele Size: 285.93, 293.61, 301.251
36, 39, 40, 41ABI 3500XLYFilerPlusCentral Laboratory for the National DNA Database, Ministry of Justice, Department of Penitentiary Administration, Penitentiary Police- Rome ItalyAllele Size: 288.23, 299.81, 303.67, 307.58
37, 38, 39ABI 3500xl ABI Y Filer PlusKamlesh Kaitholia and Dr. Pankaj Shrivastava, DNA Fingerprinting Unit, State Forensic Science Laboratory, Sagar, Govt of Madhya Pradesh, INDIARE PCR and Regenotyping Allele Size:37(292.27), 38(296.04),39(299.91) Quality control - Contributor in YHRD (Passed QC exercise in 2008). Passed US YSTRs database QC (2016). Also passed QC exercise conducted by Dr Jose A Lorente's laboartory(Spain)5th observation
37, 38, 40ABI 3500XLYF PlusForensic DNA division, National Forensic Service, Ministry of the Interior and Safety, Republic of Korea Re-injectionDYF387S1 triplication and DYS448 deletion were observed concurrently, and the same was observed between father and 2 son. - Allele Size 292.36, 296.27, 303.973 related individuals (3 in 1119)
37, 39, 40ABI 3500YFP (YFiler Plus)Kimberly Ley, Wyoming State Crime LaboratoryReamplification and typing of known casework sample extractAllele Sizes: 291.97, 299.73, 303.49 - Instrument(s): LifeTech ProFlex Thermal Cycler, 8-capillary 3500 Genetic Analyzer1
37, 39, 42ABI 3500XLYFilerPlusCentral Laboratory for the National DNA Database, Ministry of Justice, Department of Penitentiary Administration, Penitentiary Police- Rome ItalyAllele Size: 292.11, 299.81, 311.46
37, 39, 43ABI 3500XLYFilerPlusCentral Laboratory for the National DNA Database, Ministry of Justice, Department of Penitentiary Administration, Penitentiary Police- Rome ItalyAllele Size: 292.04, 299.81, 315.26
38, 39, 40ABI 3500XLYFilerPlusCentral Laboratory for the National DNA Database, Ministry of Justice, Department of Penitentiary Administration, Penitentiary Police- Rome ItalyAllele Size: 295.96, 299.81, 303.58
38, 39, 40 [2]ABI 3500XLY-Filer Plus, Applied Biosystems (Thermo)Anand Kumar, Rajesh Kumar,Ginni Kumawat,Akansha Dixit,Rahul Kaushik & Vijaya Rani Singh. - DNA Division, State Forensic Science Laboratory, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.Re- amplified and Re-analyzedVeriti thermal cycler (Thermo), 3500xL Genetic Analyser (Thermo), GeneMapper ID-X Software v1.6. - Allele size: 295.88, 299.73, 303.521
39, 40, 41ABI 3500XLYFiler PlusCentral Laboratory for the National DNA Database, Ministry of Justice, Department of Penitentiary Administration, Penitentiary Police - Rome ItalyAllele Size - 300.00; 303.76; 307.57
39, 40, 41, 42ABI 3500XLYFilerPlusCentral Laboratory for the National DNA Database, Ministry of Justice, Department of Penitentiary Administration, Penitentiary Police- Rome ItalyAllele Size: 299.90, 303.73, 307.30, 311.42
39, 41, 42ABI 3500XLYFilerPlusCentral Laboratory for the National DNA Database, Ministry of Justice, Department of Penitentiary Administration, Penitentiary Police- Rome ItalyAllele Size: 299.56, 307.13, 311.00

1 reported as of 11/28/17


* Use the following abbreviations for amplification kit names:




Last Updated: 10/31/2012