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D5S818 Variants

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Allele Designation

Allele Size


Amp Kit*


Verification/Conformation Method(s)



4 121.71 ABI 3100 ID Marsha Garcia, Orchid Cellmark, Nashville Re-extracted    
5 125.87 ABI 3130 ID Jintana Pradutkanchana, Sukone Pradutkanchana,Suwit Ruengkittisakul, Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Unit, Prince of Songkla University, HadYai,Songkla,Thailand Re-extraction of DNA and Re-amplification Paternity Samples 1
5177.05/177.17ABI 3130AGCU EX22 (made by AGCU SicenTech Inc.)Cao Li, Jin Xiaoping, Li Qianjin, Yu Jing, Meng Xingzi, Guo Xingzhong. - Judicial Identification Institute of Zhejiang Greentown Hospitalre-amplification with Microreader™ 21 ID , and sequencedObserved during routine parentage testing(Observed in father and his son).2



ABI 310

PP 16

Jackie Johnson MO State Highway Patrol Crime Lab

Re-extract and Re-amplify

Convicted Offender


6 [2] 129.64 to 129.81 ABI 3130 ID Laboratoire de sciences judiciaires et de médecine légale, Montréal, Canada Re-amplified, re-analyzed   3 times in the same case
<7 129.74 ABI 3130xl ID Monica Price, WA State Patrol Crime Lab, Seattle Re-extracted Convicted Offender  
<7 [2] 129.73 ABI 3130xl ID Robert Dorion, WA State Patrol Crime Lab, Seattle Re-extracted Convicted Offender  
8.3 139.64 ABI 3130xl ID Robert Dorion, WA State Patrol Crime Lab Re-extraction Convicted Offender  
9.1 140.38 to 140.51 ABI 3100 PS Laboratoire de sciences judiciaires et de médecine légale, Montréal, Canada Re-amplified, re-analyzed Caucasian reference sample duplicate



ABI 310


William Stubbs Washington State Forensic Lab Services Bureau

Re-extracted and re-amplified


Convicted offender


2 in 20,000

10.1 [2] 147.86 ABI 3100 ID Marsha Garcia, Orchid Cellmark, Nashville Re-extracted    
10.1 [3] 147.94 ABI 3130 XL ID Monica Price, WA State Patrol Crime Lab Re-extraction Convicted offender  
10.1 [4] 144.79 ABI 3130XL PS Peter McLaren, RCMP NCFS-Alberta      
10.1 [5] 149.22 ABI 3730 ID DNA Forensic Division, Supreme Prosecutor's Office, South Korea Re-analyzed with ABI 3730   1 in 31,330




ABI 310

ABI 377


William Stubbs Washington State Forensic Lab Services Bureau

Re-extracted and re-amplified

Convicted offender

1 in 30,000

11.1 [2]


ABI 310

PP 16

Malena B. Jimenez, MO State Highway Patrol

Re-extracted & Re-amplified

Convicted Offender

1 in 69600

11.1 [3] 152.19 ABI 3100 ID Marsha Garcia, Orchid Cellmark, Nashville Re-extracted    
11.1 [4] 152.08 - 152.17 ABI 3130 XL ID Marie-Beatrice Tonanny & Frederic G. Brard, IRCGN, France Re-extraction and re-amplification FTA card - saliva,

 POP 4

3 in 60.000
11.1 [5] 152.52 ABI 310 ID Oscar Garcia, Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country Re-amplified and re-analyzed Criminal case sample, no suspect from the  Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country  
11.3 154.34 ABI 3100 ID Marsha Garcia, Orchid Cellmark, Nashville Re-amplified    
12.1 156.56 ABI 3100 ID Marsha Garcia, Orchid Cellmark, Nashville Re-amplified    
12.1 [2] 156.33  156.40 ABI 3130XL ID Laurent Cardin & Frederic G. Brard. IRCGN - National Forensic Institute of the French Gendarmerie, Rosny-sous-Bois, France Re-extraction and Re-amplification FTA card - saliva 1 in  25000
12.1 [3] 156.3 ABI 3130XL ID Genetica, DNA Laboratories, Inc., Cincinnati OH Inheritance (found in Father & Child)    



ABI 377


Catherine Allor

Reamplified and Reanalyzed

Paternity samples only

1 in 16650

12.3 [2] 158.34 ABI 3100 ID Marsha Garcia, Orchid Cellmark, Nashville Re-amplified    
13.3 162.36 ABI 3100 ID Marsha Garcia, Orchid Cellmark, Nashville Re-amplified    
15.3 170.09 ABI 3130xl ID Direct Nelson Gaburo Junior, Luciano Cesar Scarpelli, Daniela Moratori, Pamela de Melo Machado, Carla Naufal Fontes, Renato Bueno de Moraes, Maria Cristina Sales, Tamyrez Ayrez Marques - Department of Molecular Biology – Diagnósticos da América - DASA Re-amplified and re-analyzed observed in paternity test  
>16 (18) 179.44 & 179.46 ABI 3130XL ID Regina Robinson KY State Police Forensic Lab, Frankfort KY Re-analysis    



ABI 310


MO State Highway Patrol

Re-extracted and re-amplified

Convicted offender

1 in 2575 to date

17 [2] 175.56 ABI 3100 ID Clay Davis

Houston, Texas Police Dept. Crime Lab

Re-injection   5
17 [3] 153.48 ABI 310 PP 16 Anthony J. Tambasco, Mansfield, Ohio Police Lab Re-injection Robbery Case, no suspect 1



ABI 377


Catherine Allor

Re-amplified and Reanalyzed

Paternity samples only

1 in 16650

18 [2] 179.45  179.53 ABI 3130 ID Sarah Cuddeback, Erie County CPS Forensic Lab Multiple samples and injections   1

18 (>16)


ABI 310

PP 16

Jackie Johnson

MO State Highway Patrol

Re-extract and re-amplify

Convicted Offender

1 in 32660

>18 177.00 ABI 3100 PS Nicole Hoffman        M U F S C Re-amplified   1
19 183.98 Avg & 161.50 Avg ABI 310 ID & PP Lynette Stargardt, Independent Forensics. Hillside  IL Re-prepped & Re-amped & Re-extracted Inheritance (Mother/Child)  
19 [2] 183.39 Avg ABI 3100 ID Lynette Stargardt, Independent Forensics. Hillside  IL Re-prepped & Re-amped & Re-extracted Inheritance (Mother/Child)  
20 187.5 ABI 3130XL ID Genetica, DNA Laboratories, Inc., Cincinnati OH Inheritance (found in Father & Child)    
20 [2] 165.27 ABI 3130XL PP 16 Genetica, DNA Laboratories, Inc., Cincinnati OH Inheritance (found in Father & Child)    
20 [3] 187.67 ABI 3130XL ID Genetica, DNA Laboratories, Inc., Cincinnati OH Inheritance (child and father) Also ran with powerplex 16 to verify locus of variant allele  

20 reported variants as of 10/21/2014


Tri-Allelic Patterns

Allele Designation


Amp Kit*


Verification/Conformation Method(s)



7, 9, 13ABI 3500xlPowerPlex Fusion 6CRobert Dorion, Washington State Patrol Crime Laboratoryre-injectionConvicted Offender
7, 10, 11 ABI 3130xl ID Robert Dorion, Washington State Patrol Crime Lab, Seattle Re-extracted and re-amplified Convicted Offender  
9,12,13 ABI 3130xl ID Monica Price, Washington State Patrol Crime Lab, Seattle Re-extraction Convicted offender  

10, 11, 12



 ABI 310


Christine Moraczewski  NE State Patrol Crime Lab

Re-extracted and Re-amplified

 Convicted Offender


10, 12, 13 ABI 3130  ABI 310 PS Melissa Beal, Jennifer Lee, Denis Rodier & Kim Smith, Washington State Patrol Crime Lab Re-extracted & Re-amplified    

10, 13, 14

ABI 310


Christine Ceniceros

TX DPS, CNMC Lab El Paso




11, 12, 13

ABI 377




Different non-sperm samples gave 3 banded pattern along with the known sample


11, 12, 13 [2]

ABI 310


Jan Nicklas, VT Forensic Laboratory




11, 12, 13 [2]

ABI 310

PP 16 & ID

Cintia Alves, IPATIMUP, Porto, Portugal

Re-extracted and Re-amplified

Portuguese Caucasian Sample

1 in 1267

11, 12, 13 [4]ABI 3500xlPowerPlex Fusion 6CMatthew Fisher, Washington State Patrol Crime LabRe-direct amplificationType 1 - Allele Size: 342.39, 346.44, 350.49

11, 13, 14

ABI 310

PP 16

Malena B. Jimenez, MO State Highway Patrol

Re-extracted & Re-amplified

Convicted Offender

1 in 69600

13, 13, 14 ABI 3130 PS Lisa Casey Washington State Patrol Crime Lab, Marysville Re-extracted and Re-amplified    

8 reported tri-allelic patterns as of 10/21/2014


* Use the following abbreviations for amplification kit names: