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D2S441 Variants

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Allele Designation

Allele Size


Amp Kit*


Verification/ Confirmation Method(s)



5 (< 9)199.91ABI 3500XLPowerPlex Fusion 6CAbby Hernandez, Washington State Patrol Crime LabRe-InjectionConvicted Offender1
6 (<8)ABI 3500xlPowerPlex Fusion, GlobalFilerRhonda Williams, Oklahoma State Bureau of InvestigationRe-punched and analyzed in another amplification system2
7 (<9)208.18ABI 3500xl PowerPlex Fusion 6CMatthew Fisher, Washington State Patrol Crime LabRe-direct amplificationconvicted offender
7 (<8) [2]Fusion: 208.78 & 208.61 GlobalFiler: 72.59ABI 3500PowerPlex Fusion 5C & GlobalFilerTara Scott, Iowa DCI Crime LabConfirmed by repunches in PPF 5C & GlobalFiler1
<8 84.30 ABI 3130xl ESX 16 Malin Sanga, Swedish National Laboratory of Forensic Science (SKL) Re-amplified and re-electrophoresed Crime scene sample 1 (first observation)
<8 [2]

(called as a 20.3 allele in D1S1656; most likely contains 7 D2S441 repeats)

204.89 ABI 3500xl PowerPlex Fusion Alyse Yacovone-Margetts, Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office Utilized the allelic ladder to determine the base pair difference between the called allele in D1S1656 and the smallest allele, from the allelic ladder, in D2S441. The sample was not reamplified or reinjected, however the same pattern was observed in evidence samples. This allele was called as a 20.3 microvariant within the D1S1656 locus. However, based on the fact that the locus already was called a heterozygote (14,16) and that tri-allelic patterns usually do not have a wide a repeat range as this would have been, it was investigated to see if this allele could be smaller than the smallest allele in the Fusion kit for D2S441. Using an allelic ladder, it was determined that the called peak of 20.3, 204.89 bp was exactly 4.02 bp smaller than the smallest allele (8; 208.91 bp) in the kit allelic ladder for this marker. 1
8 76.34 ABI 3130xl NGM

Nelson Gaburo Junior, Luciano Cesar Scarpelli, Daniela Moratori, Pamela de Melo Machado, Carla Naufal Fontes, Renato Bueno de Moraes, Maria Cristina Sales, Tamyrez Ayrez Marques - Department of Molecular Biology – Diagnósticos da América - DASA

Re-amplified and re-analyzed Observed in paternity identification  
8.1 89.18 ABI 3130xl ESX 16 Malin Sanga, Swedish National Laboratory of Forensic Science (SKL) Re-amplified and re-electrophoresed Reference sample 1 (first observation)
9.1 346 (ESI 17)

81 (NGM SElect)

ABI 3130xl NGM SElect and PowerPlex ESI 17 M.llo De Meo RIS ROMA      
9.1 [2] 93.30 ABI 3130xl ESX 16 Malin Sanga, Swedish National Laboratory of Forensic Science (SKL) Re-amplified and re-electrophoresed Crime scene sample 1 (first observation)
9.3 349.26 ABI 3500 ESI kit Margalit Sin David, Israel Police DNA Database, Jerusalem, Israel Re-extracted and re-amplified    
9.3 [2] 95.58 ABI 3130xl ESX 16 Malin Sanga, Swedish National Laboratory of Forensic Science (SKL) Re-amplified and re-electrophoresed Reference sample 1 (first observation)
9.3 [3]83.9ABI 3500xlVerifiler PlusSimon Knights & William Stevenitt – Anglia DNA ServicesRe-amplification and re-run on capillary electrophoresisBoth Father and Daughter share the variant allele2
9.3 [4]218.57ABI 3500XLFusion 6CMatthew Fisher, Washington State Patrol Crime LabRe-injection
10.1 351.42 ABI 3500xl ESI Sivan Mishan, Liron Elkayam, Carla Oz, Israel Police DNA Database Re-extracted and re-amplified reported size is average of 251.44 bp and 351.40 bp 2 samples
10.1 [2] 97.47 ABI 3130xl ESX 16 Malin Sanga, Swedish National Laboratory of Forensic Science (SKL) Re-amplified and re-electrophoresed Reference sample 1 (first observation)
10.1 [3]86.14ABI 3500Applied Biosystems GlobalFilerHortensia Cano y Valeria Marcucci- Laboratorio Regional de Investigación Forense- Santa Cruz- ArgentinaRe-amplification with PowerPlex Fusion-Promega (Allele Size: 217.84)sample of reference and evidence of the same judicial cause1 (First observation)
10.1 [4]86ABI3130xlGlobalfilerAsmer Aliyeva, Victoria Gellatly, Arati Iyengar - University at Albany, SUNY, USAReamplified and confirmed1/934
10.294.20 (ESX); 353.04 (ESI)ABI 3500Promega PowerPlex ESX17 Fast, Promega PowerPlex ESI17 FastDepartment of Forensic Genetics, University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein, GermanyRe-extracted and amplifiedNational DNA database sample1
10.3 220.60 ABI 3500 PowerPlex Fusion

Paola Zanelli, Stefania Bardini, Silvia Giuliodori, Magda Benecchi, Valentina Sgobba –

Immunogenetics Laboratory, Parma University Hospital

Re-extracted and re-amplified    
10.3 [2] 99.47 ABI 3130xl ESX 16 Malin Sanga, Swedish National Laboratory of Forensic Science (SKL) Re-amplified and re-electrophoresed Crime scene sample 1 (first observation)
10.3 [3]222.89ABI 3500xl PowerPlex Fusion 6CMonica Price, WA State Patrol Crime Lab Re-direct amplificationConvicted offender
10.3 [4]88.19ABI 3500GlobalFilerMeagan Lesser; West Virginia State Police Forensics Laboratory; Biochemistry Sectionre amplified Convicted Offender 1
11.1 101.31 ABI 3500 PowerPlex ESX 17 and Fusion

Docteur Angelo ABATI

Responsable du Laboratoire d'identification génétique de l'Institut de Médecine Légale de l'Université de Liège, Belgium

2 extracts each of them 2 times with the 2 kits   1 individual
11.1 [2] 101.61 ABI 3130xl ESX 16 Malin Sanga, Swedish National Laboratory of Forensic Science (SKL) Re-amplified and re-electrophoresed Reference sample 1 (first observation)
11.1 [3]255.64 bpABI 3500XLPowerPlex Fusion 6CMonica Price, WA State Patrol Crime LabRe-injectionConvicted offender
11.1 [4]90.08 and 90.34ABI 3500GlobalfilerCrystal Beepot - Institute of Forensic Science and Legal MedicineSeen in two samples2
11.1 [5]222 bp (221.4 bp)Spectrum Compact CE System (Promega)Promega PowerPlex FusionLaboratorio de Diagnóstico Molecular, Argentina.Reextraction, reamplification, reinjection.Reference sample1 (first time)
11.2 103.17 ABI 3500xl ESX 16 Malin Sanga, Swedish National Laboratory of Forensic Science (SKL) Re-amplified and re-electrophoresed Reference sample 1 (first observation)
11.3463.49 bpABI 3500XLAGCU EX22 made by AGCU Scientech IncorporationXiao-Xun Wang; Department of Medical Laboratory, Taihe Hospital Affiliated to Hubei University of MedicineRe-extract , Re-amplify & re-analyzedObserved during routine parentage testing, chinese Han ,father-child transmission1 in 5500
12.1 105.78 ABI 3130xl ESX 16 Malin Sanga, Swedish National Laboratory of Forensic Science (SKL) Re-amplified and re-electrophoresed Reference sample 1 (first observation)
12.3 235.75 ABI 3500xl ESI Sivan Paz, Carla Oz, Israel Police DNA Database Re-extracted and re-amplified reported size is average of 235.78 bp and 235.71 bp 1 sample
12.3 [2] 94.03 ABI 3500 NGM SElect Oscar García, Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country Reamplified and reanalyzed Convicted offender sample  
OLA96.6ABI 3500XLGlobalFiler Express (GFE)DFSCRe-amp and/or Re-extraction (sample-type dependent)Multiple observations of alleles falling between bins. Some migration in and out of 12.3 or 13 bin. Nothing else unusual identified in the associated electropherograms.5 times. Once in 2018, once in 2019, twice in 2020, and once so far in 2021.
13.1 109.91 ABI 3130xl ESX 16 Malin Sanga, Swedish National Laboratory of Forensic Science (SKL) Re-amplified and re-electrophoresed Crime scene sample 1 (first observation)
13.1 [2]98.38 & 98.35ABI 3500GlobalFilerMeagan Lesser; West Virginia State Police Forensics Laboratory; Biochemistry Sectionre amplified Question Sample, Known Sample & Convicted Offender 3
14.1 113.61 ABI 3500xl ESX17 (Promega) Christophe Frippiat, National Institute of Criminalistics and Criminology, Belgium re-amplified with kit ESI17Pro (size of 367.09)   1 individual
14.1 [2]238.3ABI 3500PowerPlex Fusion 6CErik Hall, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime LabMultiple samples2
14.1 [3]238.17ABI 3500PowerPlex Fusion 6CErica Mpoy, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime LabReamplifiedVariant was seen in the an evidence sample1
14.1 [4]102.45ABI 3130GlobalFilerObserved in multiple samples (crime scene sample and known suspect) and confirmed by re-amplificationObserved from one individual
14.1 [5]238.16, 238.12, 238.08, 238.13ABI 3500PowerPlex Fusion 6CAmy Rathmann, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime LabObserved in multiple samples from same case4
14.1 [6]102.4ABI 3500GlobalFilerMeagan Lesser; West Virginia State Police Forensics Laboratory; Biochemistry Sectionre amplified Convicted Offender 1
14.1 [7]237.86, 237.85, 237.33ABI 3500xlPowerPlex Fusion 6CKathryn Hoodenpyle St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime LaboratoryObserved in two unknown samples and one reference standard from the same case3
14.1 [8]238.03ABI 3500PowerPlex Fusion 6CKaren Preiter, Ph.D. St. Louis Metropolitan Police Dept. Crime Labseen in 7 separate evidence samples7 samples
14.1 [9]234.1, 233.97, 234.09, 233.98, 234.08, 234.17, 234.13ABI 3130xlPowerPlex Fusion 5CMegan May, Kentucky State Police Central Forensic LabRe-injectionpresent in 2 unknown samples and a standard/duplicate4
14.2 114.10 ABI 3130xl ESX 16 Malin Sanga, Swedish National Laboratory of Forensic Science (SKL) Re-amplified and re-electrophoresed Reference sample 1 (first observation)
16.1246.68ABI 3500PowerPlex Fusion 6CKaren Preiter, St. Louis Metro Police Dept, St. Louis, MOre-analyzed and re-amplified1 in 183,186
17.2 (>16)ABI 3500PowerPlex Fusion 6CErica Mpoy, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime LabRe-amplifiedObserved in multiple samples2
17.2 [2]251.04, 250.75ABI 3500PowerPlex Fusion 6CErica Mpoy, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime LabReamplifiedEvidence Sample2

13 reported variants as of 08/04/2016


Tri-Allelic Patterns

Allele Designation








Verification/Conformation Method(s)









8, 10, 14ABI 3500Promega Fusion 5C Megan O’Donnell, New Hampshire State Police Forensic Laboratory Reprep, Reamp, ReanalyzeConvicted Offender Sample1
10, 11, 12ABI 3500GlobalFilerReuben Berdugo, Head of the genomic DNA laboratory of the Israel Defense ForcesAllele Size: 85.09(10), 89.19(11), 93.31(12) - observed in multiple samples
10, 12, 14ABI 3500GlobalFilerMichael Schmit, Iowa DCI Criminalistics Laboratoryre-amplifiedReference sample1
11, 12, 13ABI 3500GlobalFilerTherese Gibler, Sedgwick County Regional Forensic Science CenterRe-extractTri-allelic pattern observed in buccal standards, but only 11,12 observed in evidentiary hair sample. Allele Size: 89.08 (11), 93.17 (12), 97.28 (13) 1 individual

1  reported tri-allelic patterns as of 11/29/2017

* Use the following abbreviations for amplification kit names:

§         CO: PE Applied Biosystems COfilerTM

§         PR: PE Applied Biosystems ProfilerTM

§         PS: PE Applied Biosystems Profiler PlusTM

§         ID: PE Applied Biosystems Indetifiler™

§         CV: Promega CTTVTM

§         CA: Promega CTTATM

§         PP: Promega PowerPlexTM

§         MP: Promega MonoPlexTM

  • Other: Please specify