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D21S11 Variants

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Allele Designation Allele Size  Instrument Amp Kit* Contributor Verification/Conformation Method(s) Notes Frequency
12 138.2 ABI 3130xl ID Denise Grover, Northern Territory Forensic Biology, Australia Re-extraction and re-amplification   5 separate individuals
23 180.46 (ID)

200 (PP21)

ABI 3130xl ID & PP21 (PowerPlex 21) Alain Stevanovitch, Institut National de Police Scientifique (INPS), Marseille, France Re-amplification - 2 different STR kits   1 in more than 50,000 profiles analyzed
23.3 183.04 +/-0.01 ABI 3130xl NGM Paulo Dario, Teresa Ribeiro, Isabel Lucas, Nádia Vital, Susana Sanches & Rosa Espinheira, National Institute of Legal Medicine – South Branch, Portugal Kit overlap and Inheritance (found in mother & daughter) Two samples collected from each family member and analyzed with diferent kits 2 (mother and daughter)
23.3 [2] 197.46 +/-0.04 ABI 3130xl PP Paulo Dario, Teresa Ribeiro, Isabel Lucas, Nádia Vital, Susana Sanches & Rosa Espinheira, National Institute of Legal Medicine – South Branch, Portugal Kit overlap and Inheritance (found in mother & daughter) Two samples collected from each family member and analyzed with diferent kits 2 (mother and daughter)
23.3 [3] 182.01 ABI 3500 NGM SElect Oscar García, Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country Reamplified and reanalyzed Convicted offender sample  
23.3 [4] 197.88 ABI 3130xl ESX 16 Malin Sanga, Swedish National Laboratory of Forensic Science (SKL) Re-amplified and re-electrophoresed Reference sample 1 (first observation)
<24 (20.2) 170.18-170.24 ID 184.72-184.80 PP ABI 3130 XL ID    PP 16 Marie-Beatrice Tonanny & Frederic G. Brard, IRCGN, Rosny-sous-Bois, France re-extraction and re-amplification - 2 different STR kits FTA card - saliva 1 in 110,000
24.3 187.17 ABI 3100 ID



Re-amplified AL Dept  of Forensic Science Convicted Offender 9 in 15543
24.3 [2] 187.22 +/-0.14 ABI 3130XL ID Arnaud Gleizes & Laurent Pene, Laboratoire de Police Scientifique de Lyon, FRANCE Re-amplified and re-analyzed   3 in 11500
24.3 [3] 187.68 ABI 3100 PS

Nicole Hahn


Previously seen – not verified   10
24.3 [4] 187.75 ABI 3100 PS

Nicole Hahn


Previously seen – not verified    12
24.3 [5] 187.91 ABI 3100 PS

Nicole Hahn


Previously seen – not verified    13
24.3 [6] 187.73 ABI 310 ID Johnson_E  USACIL Re-extracted and re-amplified Reference Blood  
24.3 [7] 187.53 ABI 310 ID King_C   USACIL Re-extracted and re-amplified Reference Blood  
24.3 [8] 187.72 ABI 3100 PS Nicole Hoffman    M U F S C No verification - previously seen   15
24.3 [9] 187.1 ABI 3100 ID Angela Withrow  M U F S C      
24.3 [10] 186.99 ABI 3100 ID Angela Withrow   M U F S C      
24.3 [11] 186.98 ABI 3100 ID Angela Withrow   M U F S C      
24.3 [12] 188.37 ABI 3100 PS Misty Marra        M U F S C      
24.3 [13] 188.32 ABI 3100 PS Kelly Beatty                     M U F S C      
24.3 [14] 187.8 ABI 3100 PS Kelly Beatty                  M U F S C      
24.3 [15] 187.57 ABI 3100 PS Nichole Hahn      M U F S V      
24.3 [16] 188.26 ABI 3100 PS Misty Marra        M U F S C      
24.3 [17] 187.85 ABI 3100 PS  Angela Withrow   M U F S C      
24.3 [18] 188.13 (average of five injections) ABI 310 PS Katherine Arendes, Illinois State Police   Observed in victim standard, penile swab and all fractions of rectal swab. 5 times in same case
24.3 [19] 187.92 ABI 310 PS Leslia Davis Mississippi Crime Laboratory Re-amplified Victim Unknown  
24.3 [20] 201.56 & 201.58 ABI 3130XL PP16 Chris Johnson, Wisconsin State Crime Lab, Milwaukee Re-amplified and re-analyzed    
24.3 [21] 187.2 ABI 3130XL ID Genetica, DNA Laboratories, Inc., Cincinnati OH Inheritance (found in Child  & Father)    
24.3 [22] 187.3 ABI 3130 ID Christine Ceniceros,TX DPS, El Paso Re-injection & present in two samples    
24.3 [23] 187.36 ABI 3130XL ID

Amanda Webb

South Carolina Law Enforcement Division

Re-injected and observed in two samples Developed from gloves for ownership  
24.3 [24] 187.19 ABI 3130 ID Ranee Ho, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime Lab Re-amplified    
24.3 [25] 187.34 ABI 3130 ID Jenna Oakes-Smith, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime Lab Re-amplified   1
24.3 [26] 187.37 ABI 3100 ID Matsuzaki, L.N.; Cantagalli, V.D.; Coudry, R.A.; Fleury - Medicina e Saude PowerPlex 16 testing Paternity samples 1 in 7207
24.3 [27] 201.42 ABI 3500 PP Massimo Mangiola, Rhode Island Blood Center Re-amplified and re-analyzed Alleged father (African American) 1 in 245
24.3 [28] 201.54 ABI 3500 PP16 Massimo Mangiola, Rhode Island Blood Center Re-amplified and re-analyzed Immigration case 2 in 370
24.3 [29] 187.23; 187.38 ABI 3130 ID Ranee Ho, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime Lab Re-amplified    
24.3 [30] 187.78 (ID), 201.24 (PP) ABI 310, ABI 3500 ID, PP Armando Cinturão Semo, Instituto Nacional de Medicina Legal-Delegação de Centro, Coimbra-Portugal 2 Chelex 100 5% extraction and 2 amplification Macua Ethnic Group from Mozambique Population, reference blood sample 1 in 160
24.3 [31] 187.37 & 187.4 ABI 3130 ID Ashley Trausch, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime Lab Evidence and reference standard both had variant allele Reference sample and evidence 2
24.3 [32] 187.42 (1), 187.33 (2), 187.55 (3) ABI 3130 ID Brenda Crosby, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime Lab Re-amplified and detected in an intimate sample from the same individual    
24.3 [33] 187.59, 187.67 ABI 3130 ID Ashley Trausch, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Dept. Crime Laboratory Evidence and reference standard both had variant allele    
24.3 [34] 187.00 ABI 3130xl ID Plus Domingos Biete Alfredo, Seccao de Biologia, Laboratorio Central de Criminalistica, Angola Re-extracted and Re-amplified with Prepfiler extraction method Reference sample (FTA) and evidence (blood, skin cells-vaginal swab) from the same case file first observation
24.3 [35] 185.53, 185.37 ABI 3500 ID Pamela Larkin, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Dept. Crime Laboratory re-amplified evidence sample 2
24.3 [36] 185.36 ABI 3500 ID Pamela Larkin, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Dept. Crime Laboratory re-amplified evidence samples 2
25.1 187.31 ABI 3100 ID Angela Withrow,   


Re-amplified   1 in 11,512
25.2 193.04 ABI 377 CO, PS Nicole Swinton Re-extracted and Re--amplified    
25.2 [2] 191.06 ABI 310 PS Daniel J. Merena Re-amplified and verified    
25.2 [3] 191.22 ABI 310 PS, CO Robert Sailors Kit overlap   1
25.2 [4] 191.14 ABI 3100 PS Jan Nicklas,VT Forensic Laboratory Re-amp   2 in 3750
25.2 [5] 190.46 ABI 3100 ID Marsha Garcia, Orchid Cellmark, Nashville Re-amplified    
25.2 [6] 189.34 ABI 3500 NGM SElect Oscar Garcia, Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country Reamplified and reanalyzed Convicted offender sample  
25.3 194.09 ABI 377 PS Catherine Allor Re-amplified and Re-analyzed Paternity samples only 1 in 16650
25.3 [2] 205.37 ABI 310 PP 16

Jackie Johnson

MO State Highway Patrol

Re-extract and Re-amplify Convicted Offender 1 in 32660
25.3 [3] 191.31 ABI 3130XL ID Arnaud Gleizes & Laurent Pene, Laboratoire de Police Scientifique de Lyon, FRANCE Re-amplified and re-analyzed   1 in 11500
25.3 [4] 191.13-191.29 ABI 3130XL ID Laurent Cardin and Frederic G. Brard. IRCGN - National Forensic Institute of the French Genarmerie. Rosny-Sous-Bois, France Re-extracted and Re-amplified FTA Card - saliva 3 in 85000
25.3 [5] 191.42 ABI 3130 ID Pamela Calogero, St Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime Lab Re-amplified evidence sample 1
26.1 193.29 ABI 3500 ID Denise Grover, NT Forensic Biology, Australia Re-amplification   1
26.2 197.25 ABI 377 CO, PS Nicole Swinton Re-extracted and Re-amplified    
26.2 [2] 197.24 ABI 377 PS Chad Hainley Re-amplified Convicted offender known 1
26.2 [3] 194.29 ABI 3100 ID Marsha Garcia, Orchid Cellmark, Nashville Re-amplified    
26.2 [4] 193.39 ABI 3500 NGM SElect Oscar Garcia, Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country Reamplified and reanalyzed Convicted offender sample  
26.3 209.85 ABI 3130xl ESX 16 Malin Sanga, Swedish National Laboratory of Forensic Science (SKL) Re-amplified and re-electrophoresed Reference sample 1 (first observation)
27.1 197.85 ABI 310 PS Nicole Swinton Re-extracted and re-amplified    
27.1 [2] 200.19 ABI 377 PS Catherine Allor Re-amplified and Re-analyzed Paternity samples only 1 in 6660
27.1 [3] 211.25 ABI 310 PP 16

Jackie Johnson

MO State Highway Patrol

Re-extract and Re-amplify Convicted Offender 1 in 32660
27.1 [4] 197.31 ABI 3100 ID Marsha Garcia, Orchid Cellmark, Nashville Re-amplified    
27.1 [5] 197.96 (average of two injections) ABI 310 PS Meredith Misker, Illinois State Police Sample re-injected Observed in victim standard l time in case
27.1 [6] 197.04 & 197.10 ABI 3130XL ID Regina Robinson, KY State Police Forensic Lab, Frankfort KY Re-analysis    
27.1 [7] 197.44 ABI 310 XL ID Amanda Webb South Carolina Law Enforcement Agency Re-inject Evidentiary blood item 1
27.2   ABI 310 PS C. Thomas Sequenced ABI Prism 310    
27.2 [2] 198.31 ABI 3100 ID Marsha Garcia, Orchid Cellmark, Nashville Re-amplified    
27.2 [3] 198.35 ABI 3130 ID Laboratoire de sciences judiciaires et de médecine légale, Montréal, Canada   Reference sample  
27.3 213.67 ABI 3130 PP Mike Peterson, Iowa Crime Laboratory Re-run Specimen genotyped as 27.3,28. Allelic ladder allele 27 sizes as 210.73 and 28 as 214.74  
27.3 [2] 214.25 ABI 3130xl ESX 16 Malin Sanga, Swedish National Laboratory of Forensic Science (SKL) Re-amplified and re-electrophoresed Crime scene sample 1 (first observation)
28.1 201.96
1338 rfu
ABI 3100 PS & CO Angela Withrow     M U F S C Re-extraction West Virginia Convicted Offender 1 in 9960
28.1 [2] 215.42 ABI 310 PP 16

Jackie Johnson

MO State Highway Patrol

Re-extract and Re-amplify Convicted Offender 1 in 32660
28.1 [3] 201.68 ABI 3100 PS

Nicole Hahn


Previously seen - no verification    3
28.1 [4] 201.13 ABI 3100 ID Marsha Garcia, Orchid Cellmark, Nashville Re-amplified    
28.1 [5] 201.12 ABI 3100 ID Angela Withrow M U F S C      
28.2 201.9 ABI 310 PS/ID Jose Manriquez, Servicio Medico Legal De Valparaiso - Chile Re-extracted and re-analyzed    
28.2 [2] 202.62 ABI 3130 PS Laboratoire de sciences judiciaires et de médecine légale, Montréal, Canada   Reference of victim; migrates with an allele 29 at this locus 3 times in the same case
28.3 203.65
ABI 310
PS Andrea Gemson Tucson PD Crime lab Re-injected/Re-analyzed on 310 (originally run on 3100 AVANT)    
28.3 [2] 203.18 ABI 3100 ID Angela Withrow     M U F S C Re-amplification x 1 Alabama Convicted Offender 1 in 13945
28.3 [3] 217.68 ABI 310 PP 16

Jackie Johnson

MO State Highway Patrol

Re-extract and Re-amplify Convicted Offender 1 in 32660
28.3 [4] 203.36 ABI 3130XL ID Arnaud Gleizes & Laurent Pene, Laboratoire de Police Scientifique de Lyon, FRANCE Re-amplified and re-analyzed   1 in 11500
28.3 [5] 217.71 (AF) 217.64 (CH) ABI 3500 PP Massimo Mangiola, Rhode Island Blood Center Re-amplified and re-analyzed Alleged father and child (Asian) 2 in 245
29.1 208.46 ABI 377 PS Albar Chavana Texas DPS Multiple amplifications Convicted offender 1
29.1 [2] 219.62 ABI 310 PP 16

Jackie Johnson

MO State Highway Patrol

Re-extract and Re-amplify Convicted Offender 1 in 32660
29.1 [3] 205.65 ABI 3100 PS Jan Nicklas,VT Forensic Laboratory Re-amp    
29.1 [4] 205.34 ABI 310 ID Overson_T  USACIL Re-extracted and Re-amplified Reference Blood  
29.1 [5] 219.66 ABI 3100 PP Laura Kuyper     


29.1 [6] 205.06 ABI 3130 ID Susana Maulini, Biology Laboratory of Catalonian Police Re-amplified Suspect known saliva 2 times in same case
29.1 [7] 219.74 ABI 3130 PP16 Kelly Beatty, MUFSC N/A   Seen 6 times at MUFSC
29.1 [8]224.95ABI 3500PP21François Chatenay-Lapointe, Rhode Island Blood CenterRe-amplified and Re-analyzedImmigration case.1 in 3450
29.3       Joanne Sgueglia      
29.3 [2] 207.92 ABI 310 PS Lorna Beasley Texas DPS Re-amplified Suspect known blood 1
29.3 [3] 210.54 ABI 377 PS Catherine Allor Re-amplified and Re-analyzed Paternity samples only 1 in 2220
29.3 [4] DMRI 226.9
PP 16 228.1
MegaBACE 1000 PP 16 Rita Yong & Eric Yap  DMRI Singapore detected in-house STR panel, confirmed with PP16   1 in 344 Indian
29.3 [5] 207.1 ABI 3100 ID Angela Withrow    M U F S C Re-amplified Alabama Convicted Offender 12 in 12115
29.3 [6] 207.33 +/-0.03 ABI 3130XL ID Arnaud Gleizes & Laurent Pene, Laboratoire de Police Scientifique de Lyon, FRANCE Re-amplified and re-analyzed   2 in 11500
29.3 [7] 207.68 ABI 3100 PS

Misty Marra


Re-amplified   14 in 16,579
29.3 [8] 207.89±0.04 ABI 3100 PS Jan Nicklas,VT Forensic Laboratory Re-amp   2 in 3750
29.3 [9] 207.65 ABI 3100 PS

Angela Withrow


Previously documented in our lab – not repeated   15
29.3 [10] 207.49 ABI 3100 PS

Angela Withrow


Previously seen – no verification    16
29.3 [11] 207.35 ABI 310 ID Overson_T  USACIL Re-extracted and re-amplified Reference Blood  
29.3 [12] 207.39 ABI 310 ID Johnson_E USACIL Re-extracted and re-amplified Reference Blood  
29.3 [13] 221.52 ABI 3100 PP 16 Laura Kuyper    M U F S C Re-amplification x 1 Convicted Offender sample 16
29.3 [14] 221.6 ABI 3100 PP 16 Laura Kuyper    M U F S C Amplified x 2   19
29.3 [15] 207.7 ABI 3100 PS Nicole Hahn        M U F S C  Previously seen - no verification   18
29.3 [16] 221.76 ABI 3100 PP

Laura Kuyper


Amplification x2   23
29.3 [17] 207 ABI 3100 ID Angela Withrow   M U F S C      
29.3 [18] 207.04 ABI 3100 ID Angela Withrow   M U F S C      
29.3 [19] 206.92 ABI 3100 ID Angela Withrow   M U F S C      
29.3 [20] 207.86 ABI 3100 PS Misty Marra        M U F S C      
29.3 [21] 207.89 ABI 3100 PS Kelly Beatty                     M U F S C      
29.3 [22] 207.85 ABI 3100 PS SM                     M U F S C      
29.3 [23] 207.76 ABI 3100 PS Kelly Beatty                     M U F S C      
29.3 [24] 208.02 ABI 3100 PS Misty Marra        M U F S C      
29.3 [25] 207.72 ABI 3100 PS Laura Kuyper      M U F S C      
29.3 [26] 207.79 ABI 3100 PS Laura Kuyper      M U F S C      
29.3 [27] 221.74 ABI 3100 PP Laura Kuyper      M U F S C      
29.3 [28] 221.69 ABI 3100 PP Laura Kuyper      M U F S C      
29.3 [29] 221.72 ABI 3100 PP Laura Kuyper      M U F S C      
29.3 [30] 221.81 ABI 3130xl PP Nicole Hoffman    M U F S C Twins_Tray3   25
29.3 [31] 221.82 ABI 3130xl PP Nicole Hoffman    M U F S C Twins_Tray3   26
29.3 [32] 221.89 ABI 3130xl PP Nicole Hoffman    M U F S C Twins_Tray4   37
29.3 [33] 221.9 ABI 3130xl PP Nicole Hoffman    M U F S C Twins_Tray4   36
29.3 [34] 207.05 & 207.26 ABI 3130 ID Ranee Ho, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Dept Crime Lab Re-amplified    
29.3 [35] 207.17 ABI 3130xl ID Plus Brent Hester, Texas DPS, Lubbock Re-injection Victim known sample 1
29.3 [36] 207.23 +/-0.17 ABI 3130xl ID Gillian Kaye, Georgia Bureau of Investigation Re-extracted and re-amplified   2
29.3 [37] 207.6 & 207.41 ABI 3130 ID Ashley Trausch, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime Lab Re-amplified Evidence sample 1
29.3 [38] 207.45 ABI 3130xl ID Plus Sandra Morais, Seccao de Biologia, Laboratorio Central de Criminalistica, Angola Re-extracted and Re-amplified with Prepfiler extraction method Blood and skin cells from the same case file first observation
29.3 [39] 221.81 ABI 3130 PP16 Kelly Beatty, MUFSC (Marshall University Forensic Science Center) N/A   Seen 60 times by MUFSC
30.1 208.97 ABI 3100 ID Marsha Garcia, Orchid Cellmark, Nashville Re-amplified    
30.1 [2] 215.21 ABI 3730 ID DNA Forensic Division, Supreme Prosecutor's Office, South Korea Re-analyzed with ABI 3730   2 in 31,330
30.1 [3] 208.73 ABI 3500 ID DNA Forensic Division, Supreme Prosecutor's Office, South Korea Re-analyzed with ABI 3500   1 in 31,330
30.1 [4] 224.25 ABI 3130xl ESX 16 Malin Sanga, Swedish National Laboratory of Forensic Science (SKL) Re-amplified and re-electrophoresed Reference sample 1 (first observation)
30.3 214.6 ABI 3767 PS Catherine Allor Re-amplified and Re-analyzed Paternity samples only 1 in 8325
30.3 [2] DMRI 230.7
PP 16 231.8
MegaBACE 1000 PP 16 Rita Yong & Eric Yap  DMRI Singapore detected in-house STR panel, confirmed with PP16   2 in 368 Chinese
30.3 [3] 225.55 ABI 310 PP 16

Jackie Johnson

MO State Highway Patrol

Re-extract and Re-amplify Convicted Offender 1 in 32660
30.3 [4] 211.74 ABI 310 PR Nora Rankin, Tucson Police Dept Crime Lab 2 samples from same piece of clothing    
30.3 [5] 211.14 ABI 3100 ID

Angela Withrow


Re-amp x 1 AL: Dept of Forensic Sciences Convicted Offender Sample 2 in 15763
30.3 [6] 211.31 ABI 310 ID Johnson_E  USACIL Re-extracted and Re-amplified Reference Blood  
30.3 [7] 211.31 ABI 310 ID King_C   USACIL Re-extracted and Re-amplified Reference Blood  
30.3 [8] 225.78 ABI 3100 PP

Laura Kuyper


Amplification x2   3
30.3 [9] 211.07 ABI 3100 ID

Angela Withrow


30.3 [10] 211.75 ABI 3100 PP Nicole Hoffman   


30.3 [11] 211.15 ABI 3130XL ID Genetica, DNA Laboratories, Inc., Cincinnati OH Inheritance (found in Two Children and the Father)    
30.3 [12] 211.40 ABI 3130 ID DNA Forensic Division, Supreme Prosecutor's Office, South Korea Re-analyzed with ABI 3130   54 in 31,330
30.3 [13] 210.85 ABI 3500 ID DNA Forensic Division, Supreme Prosecutor's Office, South Korea Re-analyzed with ABI 3500   22 in 31,330
30.3 [14] 211.95 ABI 3730 ID, ID Plus DNA Forensic Division, Supreme Prosecutor's Office, South Korea Re-amplified and re-analyzed with ABI 3730   121 in 31,330
30.3 [15] 211.09 & 211.41 ABI 3130 ID Ashley Trausch, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Dept Crime Lab Re-amplified Evidence sample  
30.3 [16] 225.86 ABI 310 PP16 Mary Grace Laya, St. Luke's Medical Center, Quezon City, Philippines Re-extraction and re-amplification Paternity sample 1
30.3 [17] 231.38 ABI 3500 PP21 Francois Chatenay-Lapointe, Rhode Island Blood Center Re-amplified and re-analyzed Immigration case; Cambodia 2 in 2947
31.1 216.7 ABI 377 PS

Albar Chavana 

Texas DPS

Multiple Amplifications Convicted offender 1 in 7500
31.1 [2] 213.88 ABI 310 PS Christine Moraczewski, NE State Patrol Crime Lab Re-ran amplicon Convicted Offender 1
31.1 [3] 227.69 ABI 310 PP 16

Jackie Johnson

MO State Highway Patrol

Re-extract and Re-amplify Convicted Offender 1 in 32660
31.1 [4] 212.99 ABI 3100 ID Marsha Garcia, Orchid Cellmark, Nashville Re-amplified    
31.1 [5] 213.19 ABI 3130XL ID Genetica, DNA Laboratories, Inc., Cincinnati OH inheritance (mother and child)    
31.1 [6] 212.73 ABI 3130 ID Texas Department of Public Service, El Paso Multiple samples    
31.1 [7] 233.28; 233.34 ABI 3500 PP21 Massimo Mangiola, Rhode Island Blood Center Re-amplified and re-analyzed Immigration case (CH; shared with AM) 2:793
31.3 214.94 ABI 3100 ID Angela Zimmerman           M U F S C Re-amplification AL Dept  of Forensic Science Convicted Offender 1 in 6278
31.3 [2] 215.34 ABI 3130 ID DNA Forensic Division, Supreme Prosecutor's Office, South Korea Re-analyzed with ABI 3130   3 in 31,330
31.3 [3] 214.67 ABI 3500 ID DNA Forensic Division, Supreme Prosecutor's Office, South Korea Re-analyzed with ABI 3500   5 in 31,330
31.3 [4] 216.16 ABI 3730 ID DNA Forensic Division, Supreme Prosecutor's Office, South Korea Re-analyzed with ABI 3730   3 in 31,330
31.3 [5] 230.13 ABI 3500xl ESX 16 Malin Sanga, Swedish National Laboratory of Forensic Science (SKL) Re-amplified and re-electrophoresed Reference sample 1 (first observation)
32.1 217.69 ABI 310 PS George Schiro  Re-amplified Population study sample 1
32.1 [2] 217.38 ABI 310 PS MO State Highway Patrol Re-extracted and re-amplified Convicted offender 1 in 2575 to date
32.1 [3] 220.7 ABI 377 PS Catherine Allor Re-amplified and Re-analyzed Paternity samples only 1 in 8325
32.1 [4] 216.98 ABI 3100 ID Angela Withrow    M U F S C Re-amplification AL Dept  of Forensic Science Convicted Offender 7 in 14848
32.1 [5] 217.56 ABI 3100 PS Nicole Hahn,       M U F S C Previously seen – no verification   8
32.1 [6] 217.23 ABI 310 ID Johnson_E  USACIL Re-extracted and Re-amplified Reference Blood  
32.1 [7] 217.15 ABI 310 ID King_C   USACIL Re-extracted and Re-amplified Reference Blood  
32.1 [8] 217.11 ABI 310 ID King_C   USACIL Re-extracted and Re-amplified Reference Blood  
32.1 [9] 216.88 ABI 3100 ID Angela Withrow  M U F S C      
32.1 [10] 216.91 ABI 3100 ID Angela Withrow  M U F S C      
32.1 [11] 217.09 ABI 3100 ID Angela Withrow  M U F S C      
32.1 [12] 216.92 ABI 3100 ID Angela Withrow  M U F S C      
32.1 [13] 217.68 ABI 3100 PS Laura Kuyper      M U F S C      
32.1 [14] 217.74 & 217.72 ABI 310 PS Alison Tunstill, Kentucky State Police Forensic Lab, Frankfort Single amplification with 2 injections    
32.1 [15] 217.03 ABI 3130 ID and MiniFiler Cristina Garcia, Autonomous Police of Catalonia (Mossos d'Esquadra)   Obtained from reference sample and three stains related to the same case  
32.1 [16] 217.51 ABI 3130 ID and PP16 QFB Ricardo Garcia Flores, PGJ-DF Mexico Re-amp PowerPlex 16 Criminal case sexual attack sample, swap vaginal observed in male fraction 1
32.3 219.06 &218.97 ABI 310 ID Xiaoxun Wang, Ruiming Li, Zhixiang Liu, Daguo Xu, PRC Hubei province Shi Yan City, Taihe Hospital Affiliated to Yungang Medical College, Life Science Institute Re-extracted and Re-amplified x 3 Two samples are collected from one family (father and son) 2 in 728
32.3 [2] 219.12 ABI 3130 ID DNA Forensic Division, Supreme Prosecutor's Office, South Korea Re-analyzed with ABI 3130   2 in 31,330
32.3 [3] 219.06, 218.97 ABI 310 ID Xiaoxun Wang, Ruiming Li, Ming Chen, Taihe Hospital Affiliated to Hubei University of Medicine, Institute of Biomedical Research Re-extracted and Re-amplified x3 The two samples are collected from one family (father and son)

Allele 32.2 sequence:


2 in 1762
33.1 221.35 ABI 310 PS Grayson D. Amick Re-amplification    
33.1 [2] 221.71 ABI 310 PS Lorna Beasley Texas DPS Multiple extractions and amplifications Known and 1 evidentary stain  
33.1 [3] 224.79 ABI 377 PS Catherine Allor Re-amplified and Re-analyzed Paternity samples only  1 in 433 
33.1 [4] 224.68 ABI 377 PS BRT Labs Re-extracted & Re-amplified    
33.1 [5] 235.68 ABI 310 PP 16 Susie J. Odogba WI State Crime Lab Madison Multiple extractions and amplifications as well as re-injections of samples donor of African descent 1 in 2994
33.1 [6] 221.62
ABI 310 PS Tamara A. Camp, DuPage County Sheriff's Office Crime Lab, IL Re-amplification    
33.1 [7] 220.7 ABI 3130 XL ID U.Cetinkaya-Concyl Forensic Medicine-instanbul/Turkey Re-extracted and Re-amplified Observed both evidence and victim has same profile 2 in 15000
33.1 [8] 235.74 ABI 310   PP16 Angelo ABATI Institut de Medecine Legale de Liege Belgium 2 amplifications Convicted Offender 1 in 600
33.1 [9] 221.07 ABI 310   ID Angelo ABATI Institut de Medecine Legale de Liege Belgium 2 amplifications Convicted Offender 1 in 600
33.1 [10] 221 ABI 310 ID

Christine Cenicero

Texas DPS-El Paso

Multiple extractions and re-injection Two differential extractions – seen in both sperm cell fraction and epithelial cell fractions  
33.1 [11] 220.94 ABI 3100 ID Angela Withrow    M U F S C Re-amp x 1 Alabama Convicted Offencer 37 in 16334
33.1 [12] 221.27 +/- 0.12 ABI 3130XL ID Arnaud Gleizes & Laurent Pene, Laboratoire de Police Scientifique de Lyon, FRANCE Re-amplified and re-analyzed   5 in 11500
33.1 [13] 221.69 ABI 310 PS FuJum Liu, Central Laboratory of Yantai Yuhuangding Hospital,Shandong Stem Cell engineering Research Center, Yantai, Shandong 264000, Chain Re-extracted & Re-amplified Paternity Sample 1 in 461
33.1 [14] 221.38 ABI 3100 PS Angela Withrow, M U F S C Seen previously-not verified   38
33.1 [15] 221.61 ABI 3100 PS Nicole Hahn,      M U F S C Previously seen – no verification   39
33.1 [16] 221.43 ABI 3100 PS Nicole Hahn,      M U F S C Previously seen – no verification   40
33.1 [17] 221.36 ABI 3100 PS Angela Withrow, M U F S C Previously seen – not verified   42
33.1 [18] 221.11 ABI 310 ID Johnson_E  USACIL Re-extracted and Re-amplified Reference Blood  
33.1 [19] 221.07 ABI 310 ID Johnson_E  USACIL Re-extracted and Re-amplified Reference Blood  
33.1 [20] 221.09 ABI 310 ID Johnson_E  USACIL Re-extracted and Re-amplified Reference Blood  
33.1 [21] 217.23 ABI 310 ID King_C   USACIL Re-extracted and Re-amplified Reference Blood  
33.1 [22] 221.54 ABI 3100 PS Angela Withrow M U F S C Seen previously in our lab - No verification   49
33.1 [23] 221.36 ABI 3100 PS Nicole Hahn       M U F S C Seen previously in our lab - No verification    
33.1 [24] 235.8 ABI 3100 PP ICMP Re-extraction and amplification or observed intergenerational inheritance Blood Reference 4 in 11000
33.1 [25] 221.5 ABI 3100 PS Nicole Hahn       M U F S C  Seen previously in our lab - no verification   47
33.1 [26] 221.51 ABI 3100 PS Nicole Hoffman    M U F S C No verification  - Previously seen    50
33.1 [27] 221.6 ABI 3100 PS Nicole Hoffman    M U F S C No verification  - Previously seen    51
33.1 [28] 221.58 ABI 3100 PS Nicole Hoffman    M U F S C No verification  - Previously seen    52
33.1 [29] 220.89 ABI 3100 ID Angela Withrow   M U F S C      
33.1 [30] 220.82 ABI 3100 ID Angela Withrow   M U F S C      
33.1 [31] 220.75 ABI 3100 ID Angela Withrow   M U F S C      
33.1 [32] 220.93 ABI 3100 ID Angela Withrow   M U F S C      
33.1 [33] 220.8 ABI 3100 ID Angela Withrow   M U F S C      
33.1 [34] 220.92 ABI 3100 ID Angela Withrow   M U F S C      
33.1 [35] 220.9 ABI 3100 ID Angela Withrow   M U F S C      
33.1 [36] 220.98 ABI 3100 ID Angela Withrow   M U F S C      
33.1 [37] 220.97 ABI 3100 ID Angela Withrow   M U F S C      
33.1 [38] 220.81 ABI 3100 ID Angela Withrow   M U F S C      
33.1 [39] 221.07 ABI 3100 ID Angela Withrow   M U F S C      
33.1 [40] 220.86 ABI 3100 ID Angela Withrow   M U F S C      
33.1 [41] 220.92 ABI 3100 ID Angela Withrow   M U F S C      
33.1 [42] 220.96 ABI 3100 ID Angela Withrow   M U F S C      
33.1 [43] 220.79 ABI 3100 ID Angela Withrow   M U F S C      
33.1 [44] 220.95 ABI 3100 ID Angela Withrow   M U F S C      
33.1 [45] 220.947 ABI 3100 ID Angela Withrow   M U F S C      
33.1 [46] 221 ABI 3100 ID Angela Withrow   M U F S C      
33.1 [47] 220.91 ABI 3100 ID Angela Withrow   M U F S C      
33.1 [48] 221.56 ABI 3100 PS Misty Marra        M U F S C      
33.1 [49] 221.67 ABI 3100 PS Laura Kuyper      M U F S C      
33.1 [50] 221.62 ABI 3100 PS Angela Withrow   M U F S C      
33.1 [51] 221.46 ABI 3100 PS Nicole Hahn        M U F S C      
33.1 [52] 221.47 ABI 3100 PS Nicole Hahn         M U F S C      
33.1 [53] 221.41 ABI 3100 PS Nicole Hahn          M U F S C      
33.1 [54] 221.52 ABI 3100 PS Nicole Hahn        M U F S C      
33.1 [55] 221.57 ABI 3100 PS Angela Withrow  M U F S C      
33.1 [56] 221.67 ABI 3100 PS Laura Kuyper      M U F S C      
33.1 [57] 221.53 ABI 3100 PS Nichole Hoffman     M U F S C     53
33.1 [58] 236.04 ABI 3100 PP Justin Godby                      M U F S C     54
33.1 [59] 221.52 ABI 3100 PS Nichole Hoffman              M U F S C     55
33.1 [60] 221.69 & 221.73 ABI 310 PS Marci Adkins, Kentucky State Police Central Forensic Laboratory Re-injection    
33.1 [61] 236.02 ABI 3130 PP Justin Godby        M U F S C     57
33.1 [62] 221.56 ABI 310 PS Lyle Boicken, Illinois State Police   Sample from no-suspect burglary, hit to convicted offender  
33.1 [63] 220.9 ABI 3130 ID Christine Ceniceros TX DPS El Paso 4 separate samples extracted   4
33.1 [64] 221.19 ABI 310 ID Oscar Garcia, Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country Re-amplified and re-analyzed Criminal case sample, no suspect from the Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country  
33.1 [65] 220.93 ABI 310 ID Oscar Garcia, Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country Re-amplified and re-analyzed Convicted Offender Sample  
33.1 [66] 220.81 ABI 310 ID Oscar Garcia, Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country Re-amplified and re-analyzed Convicted Offender Sample  
33.1 [67] 220.81, 221.13, 221.06, 221.13 ABI 3130 ID Ranee Ho, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime Lab Re-amplified    
33.1 [68] 221.22 ABI 3130 ID DNA Forensic Division, Supreme Prosecutor's Office, South Korea Re-analyzed with ABI 3130   2 in 31,330
33.1 [69] 221.03 ABI 3500 ID DNA Forensic Division, Supreme Prosecutor's Office, South Korea Re-analyzed with ABI 3500   1 in 31,330
33.1 [70] 221.77 ABI 3730 ID DNA Forensic Division, Supreme Prosecutor's Office, South Korea Re-analyzed with ABI 3730   6 in 31,330
33.1 [71] 220.21 ABI 3500 ID Plus Oscar Garcia, Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country Re-amplified and re-analyzed Convicted Offender Sample  
33.1 [72] 221.13 ABI 3130 ID Patricia A. Huck, Los Angeles Police Dept., SID Reinjection Reference sample match to evidence samples 1
33.1 [73] 220.42 ABI 3130 ID Pamela Calogero, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime Lab Reamplified Sample was resampled and reamplified, variant still seen 1
33.1 [74] 235.93 ABI 3500 PP16 Massimo Mangiola, Rhode Island Blood Center Re-amplified & re-analyzed Immigration case 1 in 359
33.1 [75] 221.13 ABI 3130 ID Pamela Calogero, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime Lab Re-amplified evidence sample 1
33.1 [76] 221.21, 221.17, 221.03, 221.18, 221.16 ABI 3130 ID Ranee Ho, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime Lab Variant occurred 5 times in 5 different profiles in the same case   5
33.1 [77] 221.11 ABI 3130 ID Pamela Calogero, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime Lab Re-amplified Blood stain card 1
33.1 [78] 221.17, 221.1 ABI 3130xl ID Erik Hall, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime Lab Re-amplified variant was seen in the subject's reference standard 1
33.1 [79] 221.1 ABI 3130 ID Pamela Calogero, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime Lab Re-amplified evidence sample 1
33.1 [80] 221.07; 221.14 ABI 3130 ID Brenda Crosby, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime Lab Re-amplified occurred in an evidence sample  
33.1 [81] 221.09 ABI 3130 ID Pamela Calogero, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime Lab Re-amplified evidence sample 1
33.1 [82] 221.02 ABI 3130 ID Pamela Calogero, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime Lab Re-amplified reference sample 1
33.1 [83] 221.06 ABI 3130 ID Pamela Calogero, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime Lab Re-amplified reference sample 1
33.1 [84] 220.91 & 221.18 ABI 3130 ID Ashley Trausch, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Dept, St. Louis, MO Re-amplified Evidence sample 1
33.1 [85] 221.15 ABI 3130 ID Erica Oppelz, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime Lab Reamplified Reference sample 1
33.1 [86] 220.0 ABI 3500 ID Pamela Larkin, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime Lab Re-amplified evidence sample 1
33.1 [87] 221.31, 221.28 ABI 3130 ID Amy Rathmann, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime Lab Re-amplified Reference standard 1
33.1 [88]220.11+220.1ABI 3500IdentifilerAshley Trausch, St Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime LabRe-amplified
33.1 [89]241.04ABI 3130PowerPlex 21R.K. Kumawat and Rajesh Kumar, State Forensic Science Laboratory, Rajasthan , Jaipur- 302016Confirmed by re-PCR and re-electrophoresis.In autosomal STR at locus D21S11, we observed microvarient allele 33.1 which is not included in the allelic ladder of the pp21 kit.This microvarient allele first time observed in the population of Rajasthan. Instrument Note: Genetic Analyzer 3130 (4 capillary, POP-4)1
33.3 223.03 ABI 3130 ID Jenna Oakes-Smith, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime Lab Re-amplified    
33.3 [2] 224.94 ABI 3130 ID DNA Forensic Division, Supreme Prosecutor's Office, South Korea Re-analyzed with ABI 3130   1 in 31,330
33.3 [3] 222.78 & 223.16 ABI 3130xl ID Ashley Trausch, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Dept, St. Louis, MO Re-amplified    
33.3 [4] 238.4 ABI 3130xl ESX 16 Malin Sanga, Swedish National Laboratory of Forensic Science (SKL) Re-amplified and re-electrophoresed Reference sample 1 (first observation)
34.1 228.7 ABI 377 PS Chris Piwonka Texas DPS Re-extraction Convicted offender 1 in 13,000 to date
34.1 [2] 228.84 ABI 377 PP Craig O'Connor & Heather Nelson  University of Connecticut Re-amplified and Reanalyzed   1
34.1 [3] 225.65 ABI 310 PS Garon Foster Bexar County Criminal Investigation Lab San Antonio TX Multiple extractions and amplifications of different samples from same source    
34.1 [4] 239.92 ABI 310 PP 16

Jackie Johnson

MO State Highway Patrol

Re-extract and Re-amplify Convicted Offender 1 in 32660
34.1 [5] 225.61 ABI 3100 SGM+ Laure Delpech, Police Forensic Laboratory of Marseilles Re-amplification with ID   1 in 3000
34.1 [6] 225 ABI 3100 ID

Angela Withrow


Re-amp x 1 AL Dept of Forensic Sciences Convicted Offender Sample 3 in 15763
34.1 [7] 225.22 +/- 0.19 ABI 3130XL ID Arnaud Gleizes & Laurent Pene, Laboratoire de Police Scientifique de Lyon, FRANCE Re-amplified and re-analyzed   4 in 11500
34.1 [8] 225.6 ABI 310 PS Jan Nicklas,VT Forensic Laboratory Re-amp    
34.1 [9] 225.44 ABI 3100 PS

Angela Withrow


Previously documented in our lab – not repeated   4
34.1 [10] 240.1 ABI 3100 PP 16 Laura Kuyper       M U F S C Re-amplification x 1   5
34.1 [11] 225.4 ABI 3100 PS

Nicole Hahn


Previously documented in our lab – not repeated   6
34.1 [12] 239.89 ABI 3100 PP ICMP Re-extraction and amplification or observed intergenerational inheritance Blood reference 3 in 11000
34.1 [13] 224.88 ABI 3100 ID Angela Withrow  M U F S C      
34.1 [14] 225.56 ABI 3100 PS Nichole Hoffman                 M U F S C     7
34.1 [15] 225.65 (average of three injections) ABI 310 PS Nichol Smith, Illinois State Police   CODIS hit: Profile to convicted offender who also typed as 34.l Observed in F2 of vaginal swabs and F1 and F2 of semen stain in underwear.
34.1 [16] 224.89 ABI 310 ID Oscar Garcia, Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country Re-amplified and re-analyzed Convicted offender sample  
34.1 [17] 225.59 ABI 3730 ID DNA Forensic Division, Supreme Prosecutor's Office, South Korea Re-amplified and re-analyzed with ABI 3730   1 in 31,330
34.1 [18] 225.09 (1), 225.0 (2), 225.06 (3) ABI 3130 ID Brenda Crosby, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime Lab Re-amplified    
34.1 [19] 225.03 ABI 3130 ID Pamela Calogero, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime Lab Re-amplified Reference sample 1
34.1 [20] 223.82 ABI 3130xl ID Christine (Luu) Martin, RCMP Forensic Lab, Biology - Vancouver BC, Canada Variant occurred 3 times from 3 different samples in the same case   3
34.1 [21] 225.37 to 225.98 and 226.09, 226.15, 226.18 ABI 3130 ID Vaishali B. Mahajan, Amulya A. Pande, Neha P. Bhale, Nutan Pawde, Roshni Samarth, Narayan Fase, Regional Forensic Science Laboratory, Dhantoli, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India Multiple samples Reference samples and evidence samples  
34.1 [22] 224.11, 224.09, 223.90 ABI 3500/3130 ID Pamela Larkin, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime Lab re-amplified evidence samples and reference standard 3
34.1 [23]224.09 and 224.14ABI 3500IDVaishali B Mahajan, Deepak Y Kudekar, Shubhangi Gajre, Poonam Umale. Regional Forensic Science Laboratory, Dindori Road, Nashik, Maharashtra, India.Multiple samplesEvidence samples.8
34.2 226.42 226.39 ABI 3100 SRM+ Shiomit Avraham Isreal Police, Jerusalem, Isreal 2 samples from same exhibit   1
34.2 [2] 226.43 to 226.54 ABI 3100 Profiler Plus Laboratoire de sciences judiciaires et de médecine légale, Montréal, Canada     8 times in the same case
34.2 [3] 226.37 ABI 3130 Profiler Plus Laboratoire de sciences judiciaires et de médecine légale, Montréal, Canada      
34.2 [4] 226.23 ABI 3130 Profiler Plus Laboratoire de sciences judiciaires et de médecine légale, Montréal, Canada   In a mixture  
34.2 [5] 226.50 ABI 3130 Profiler Plus Laboratoire de sciences judiciaires et de médecine légale, Montréal, Canada   Migrates with an allele 33 at the same locus  
34.2 [6] 225.8 ABI 3130 ID Laboratoire de sciences judiciaires et de médecine légale, Montréal, Canada      
34.3 227.44 ABI 310 PS Nora Rankin Tucson PD Re-amplified both Unidentified donor 2
34.3 [2] 226.98 ABI 3100 ID Marsh Garcia, Orchid Cellmark, Nashville TN observed in multiple samples    
34.3 [3]226.67ABI 3500xlGlobalFilerMisty Marra; MUFSCSTRbase1
34.3 [4]226.81ABI 3500GlobalfilerIan Perry; West Virginia State Police Forensic Lab, Biology Unit: Databasing Sectionre-extraction and reamplificationOffender Sample1
35.1 232.81 ABI 377 PS, CO Nicole Swinton Re-extracted and re-amplified    
35.1 [2] 243.92, 243.89, 243.89, 243.88 ABI 310 PP16 John Ertl, Wisconsin State Crime Laboratory Single amplification of two separate samples, each run twice on the 310. The samples were a questioned and a known from the same case and matched at all sixteen loci in the kit (i.e. were from the same individual). 1
35.1 [3] 229.76 ABI 310 PS Christine Moraczewski NE State Patrol Crime Lab Re-injected Convicted Offender 1
35.1 [4] 232.58 ABI 377 PS Hiron Poon, RCMP Forensic Lab Service Vancouver All samples re-run Known sample matching case 1
35.1 [5] 228.91 ABI 3100 ID

Angela Withrow


Re-amplification AL Dept of Forensic Sciences Convicted Offender Sample 3 in 15543
35.1 [6] 229.41 ABI 310 ID Angelo ABATI Institut de medicine legale de l’Universite de Liege 2 extractions, 4 PCR (2 ID and 2 PP16) Convicted Offender 1 in 1200
35.1 [7] 243.82 ABI 310 PP16 Angelo ABATI Institut de medicine legale de l’Universite de Liege 2 extractions, 4 PCR (2 ID and 2 PP16) Convicted Offender 1 in 1200
35.1 [8] 229.03 ABI 310 ID Overson_T USACIL Re-extracted and Re-amplified Reference Blood  
35.1 [9] 229.12 ABI 310 ID King_C   USACIL Re-extracted and Re-amplified Reference Blood  
35.1 [10] 228.68 ABI 3100 ID Angela Withrow M U F S C      
35.1 [11] 228.94 ABI 3100 ID Angela Withrow M U F S C      
35.1 [12] 228.90 ; 229.01 ; 228.95 ABI 3130 ID Cintia Fridman, Department of Legal Medicine.Ethics and Occupational Health, Medical School,University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil Single amplification of 3 separate samples, each injected twice Paternity case, The new allele was inherited by 2 siblings from the mother 3
35.1 [13] 229.01 ABI 3130 ID Cintia Fridman, School of Medicine, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil re-extraction and re-amplification DNA Databanking Missing Kids Project "Caminho de Volta" 1 in 645
35.1 [14] 229.15 ABI 3100 ID M.B. Rodriguez Cardozo & M Abovich-Banco, National de Datos Geneticos, Buenos Aires, Argentina Re-amplification   1
35.1 [15] 228.74 & 228.68 ABI 3130XL ID Regina Robinson, KY State Police Forensic Lab, Frankfort KY Re-analysis    
35.1 [16] 229.1 ABI 3130 ID

Mirella Rego

Forensic Laboratory of Molecular Biology Tribunal de Justica Do Maranhão BRAZIL

Re-extraction and re-amplification   1 in 2120
35.1 [17] 231.59 ABI 3100 ID Cantagalli, V.D.; Matsuzaki, L.N.; Coudry, R.A.; Fleury - Medicina e Saude PowerPlex 16 testing paternity samples 1 in 7207
35.1 [18] 229.05 ABI 3130 ID Pamela Calogero, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime Lab Re-amplified Reference sample 1
35.1 [19] 229.03 ABI 3130 ID Pamela Larkin, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime Lab Re-amplified Reference sample 1
35.1 [20] 227.96, 228.07, 228.18, 228.82 ABI 3500 ID Erica Oppelz, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime Lab None Variant was seen in evidence samples and reference standard 4
35.2 230.55 ABI 3130 PS Laboratoire de sciences judiciaires et de médecine légale, Montréal, Canada      
35.2 [2] 230.57 ABI 3100 PS Laboratoire de sciences judiciaires et de médecine légale, Montréal, Canada   Profile of the victim (blood) many other samples
35.2 [3] 229.93, 229.95 ABI 3130 ID Laboratoire de sciences judiciaires et de médecine légale, Montréal, Canada Re-amplified (duplicated) Reference suspect (blood)  
35.2 [4] 229.99 ABI 3130 ID Laboratoire de sciences judiciaires et de médecine légale, Montréal, Canada     3 times in the same case
35.3 246.21 ABI 3500xl PowerPlex ESX 16 Malin Sanga, Swedish National Forensic Centre Re-amplified and re-electrophoresed Reference sample 1 (first observation)
36.1 233.53 ABI 310 PS Amy Yeatman Reamplified Known saliva  
36.1 [2] 237.06 ABI 377 PS Catherine Allor Reamplified and Reanalyzed Paternity samples only 1 in 33300
36.1 [3] 232.72 ABI 3100 ID Angela Withrow M U  F S C Reamplified Alabama convicted offender 1 in 12732
36.1 [4] 232.98 ABI 310 ID Johnson_E  USACIL Re-extracted and Re-amplified Reference Blood  
36.1 [5] 223.44 ABI 3100 PS Angela Withrow  M U F S C None-previously seen in our lab   2
36.1 [6] 232.71 - 232.75 ABI 3130XL ID Frederic G. Brard. IRCGN - National Forensic Institute of the French Gendarmerie. Rosny-sous-Bois, France Re-extraction and re-amplification FTA Card - Saliva 1 in 21000
36.2 234.56 ABI 310 PS Kelley Fitch Phoenix PD Crime Lab re-amplified and re-analyzed NOTE: range in allele size for four injections = 234.39 to 234.56  
36.2 [2] 234.48 & 234.47 ABI 3130 PS Joseph Abraham, Vermont Forensic Laboratory Re-amplified & Re-analyzed   2
36.2 [3] 233.91 ABI 3100 ID Marsha Garcia, Orchid Cellmark, Nashville Re-amplified    
36.2 [4] 233.86 ABI 310 ID Oscar Garcia, Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country Re-amplified and re-analyzed Convicted offender sample  
36.3 250.19 ABI 3500xl ESX 16 Malin Sanga, Swedish National Laboratory of Forensic Science (SKL) Re-amplified and re-electrophoresed Reference sample 1 (first observation)
36.3 [2]234.91ABI 3500GlobalFilerMeagan Lesser; West Virginia State Police Forensics Laboratory; Biochemistry Sectionre amplified Convicted Offender 1
37 236.84 ABI 377 PS, CO Nicole Swinton Re-extracted and reamplified    
37 [2] 240.44 ABI 377 PP Craig O'Connor, Linda Strausbaugh, University of Connecticut, Department of Molecular & Cell Biology, Center for Applied Genetics & Technology Re-amplified and reanalyzed Anonymous samples collected for Connecticut Database 1 in 600
37.1 236.33 ABI 3500 ID

Oscar García, Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country

Re-amplified and reanalyzed Convicted offender sample  
37.2 239.2 ABI 310 PS Cory Griffiths, Forensic Science Service Tasmania, New Town, Tasmania, Australia 7008 twice re-extracted and re-amplified person sample (FTA card) 1 in 1145 to date
38.2 241.5 ABI 3130xl ID Denise Grover, Northern Territory Forensic Biology, Australia Re-extraction and re-amplification   >100 people heterozygote, 6 homozygote
39 247.88 ABI 377 PS Nicole Swinton Re-extracted and reamplified    
39 (>38) 244.17 ABI 3130XL ID Arnaud Gleizes & Laurent Pene, Laboratoire de Police Scientifique de Lyon, FRANCE Re-amplified and re-analyzed   1 in 11500
39.2 245.3 ABI 3130xl ID Denise Grover, Northern Territory Forensic Biology, Australia Re-extraction and re-amplification   >100 people heterozygous, 4 homozygous
39.2 (>38) [2] 245.56-245.64 ABI 3130xl ID Claire Bartholini, Laurent Cardin, Sylvain Hubac and Frederic Brard, National Forensic Science Institute of the French Gendarmerie. IRCGN, Rosny-sous-Bois, France male reference sample on FTA (buccal cells) extracted and amplified twice separately D7S820 and D21S11 are both heterozygous  
40 (>38) 248.09 ABI 3100 ID Nicole Hoffman                M U F S C     1
>38 (40?) [2] 247.86, 247.85 ABI 3130 ID Christel M. Davis, Nebraska State Patrol Crime Lab Re-extract, re-amp, and re-analyze reference buccal swab  
40.2 249.4 ABI 3130xl ID Denise Grover, Northern Territory Forensic Biology, Australia Re-extraction and re-amplification   71 people, all heterozygous
41.2 254.2 ABI 3130xl ID Denise Grover, Northern Territory Forensic Biology, Australia Re-extraction and re-amplification   7 people, all heterozygous

45 reported variants as of 11/15/2017



Tri-Allelic Patterns

Allele Designation


Amp Kit*


Verification/Conformation Method(s)



26, 28, 29

ABI 310

PP 16

Malena B. Jimenez, MO State Highway Patrol

Re-extract and Re-amplify

Convicted Offender

1 in 69600

27, 30, 31.2ABI 3500XLPowerPlex Fusion 6CSt. Louis Metropolitan Police Department - Crime LaboratoryRe-extractionReference sample - Allele Size: Original extraction (215.45, 227.62, 233.75); Re-extraction (215.09, 227.38, 233.40)Only seen in this case at this time

27, 31.2, 33.2

ABI 377

In-house multiplex

Martin Whittle, Sao Paulo, Brasil

Re-amplification as a monoplex

Observed during routine parentage testing, Brazilian caucasian

1 in 23108

28, 29, 30

ABI 377


Karl Morton

Texas DPS



1 in at least 20,000

28, 29, 30 [2]

ABI 310

PP 16

Malena B. Jimenez, MO State Highway Patrol

Re-extract and Re-amplify

Convicted Offender

1 in 69600

28,29,30 [3] ABI 310 ID & PP16 Dr. Ulrike Schacker
Director DNA Laboratory
Galantos Genetics GmbH
Campus Universität-Mainz
Johann-Joachim-Becher-Weg 30a, 55128 Mainz
Re-extraction and re-amplification with Identifiler and PP16

Type II tri-allelic pattern


Paternity case:

Father: 27,28

Mother: 28,29

Child: 28,29.30

1 in 1500 paternity cases
28, 29, 30 [4] ABI 3130xl ID Francis Hermitte & Frederic Brard, National Forensic Science Institute of the French Gendarmerie, IRCGN, Rosny-sous-Bois, France male reference sample on FTA (buccal cells) extracted and amplified twice separately type 1 pattern

1st analysis: 28=1958rfu, 29=1493rfu, 30=331rfu

2nd analysis: 28=1585 rfu, 29=1224rfu, 30=350rfu

28, 29, 30 [5]ABI 3500xlPowerPlex Fusion 6CMonica Price, WA State Patrol Crime LabRe-direct amplificationConvicted offender, Type 1
28, 29, 31 ABI 3130 ID Plus Jennifer Hayden, Washington State Patrol Crime Laboratory, Tacoma, WA Re-extraction Type 2 pattern

Allele sizes: 198.35, 202.35, 210.40


28, 29, 33.2

ABI 310

PP 16

Malena B. Jimenez, MO State Highway Patrol

Re-extract and Re-amplify

Convicted Offender

1 in 69600

28, 29, 33.2 [2] ABI 3130xl ID Robert Dorion, Washington State Patrol Crime Laboratory Re-extraction convicted offender  
28, 30, 31ABI 3100ABI AmpflSTR Identifiler plusPankaj Shrivastava, Toshi Jain, Sonia Kakkar, Veena Ben TrivediConfirmed by repeated PCR and re-electrophoresisAllele Size: 28(2261),30(1138),17(1020) This was paternally inherited trisomy, observed in a paternity establishment case- Published in Egyptian Journal of Forensic Science.1
28, 30, 31 [2]ABI 3500XLPowerPlex Fusion 6CMonica Price, WA State Patrol Crime LabRe-injectionConvicted offender, Type 1

28, 30, 31.2

ABI 377

In-house multiplex

Martin Whittle, Sao Paulo, Brasil

Re-amplification as a monoplex

Observed during routine parentage testing, Brazilian caucasian, Individual is known to be trisomic for chr 21

1 in 23108

28, 30.2, 31.2

ABI 377


Kelly Solis   Texas DPS  


Convicted offender

 1 in 39,000

28, 30.2, 32

ABI 310

PP 16

Malena B. Jimenez, MO State Highway Patrol

Re-extract and Re-amplify

Convicted Offender

1 in 69600

28, 30.2, 32.2

ABI 3100



Re-extraction and amplification

Type I

l in 11000

28, 31, 32 ABI 3130 ID Karen Preiter, St. Louis Metro Police Dept Re-extract & re-amplify Victim 1 in 10750
28, 31, 33.2ABI 3500xlPowerPlex Fusion 6CMatthew Fisher, Washington State Patrol Crime LabRe-injectionType 2 - Allele Size: 220.04, 232.35, 242.54

28, 31.2, 32.2

ABI 3100


Angela Withrow     M U F S C

Re-amp x 1

Alabama Dept of Forensic Sciences convicted offender

1 in 14245

28, 32.2, 33.2ABI 3500xl GlobalFilerHarold C. Sullivan, Scott M. Krummey, Howard M. Gebel, Robert A. Bray (Emory University)Re-extraction and re-amplification (observed on CD3 and CD33 fractions)Chimerism analysis for post-stem cell transplant engraftment monitoring (67 year-old female who underwent haploidentical stem cell transplant from her son for treatment-related ALL)One (first observation).

29, 30, 31

ABI 310

PP 16

Malena B. Jimenez, MO State Highway Patrol

Re-extract and Re-amplify

Convicted Offender

1 in 69600

29, 30, 31 [2]

ABI 3100

SGM Plus

Mark Barash, Ayeleth Reshef, IDFS, DNA Lab, Isreal




29, 30, 31 [3] ABI 3130XL ID Monica Price, Washington State Patrol Crime Laboratory,Seattle, WA Re-extraction Convicted Offender  

29, 30, 32

ABI 310

PP 16

Malena B. Jimenez, MO State Highway Patrol

Re-extract and Re-amplify

Convicted Offender

1 in 69600

29, 30, 32.2

ABI 310

PP 16

Malena B. Jimenez, MO State Highway Patrol

Re-extract and Re-amplify

Convicted Offender

1 in 69600

29, 30, 32.2 [2] ABI 310 PS Scott McWilliams, Wyoming State Crime Laboratory, Cheyenne Wyoming Re-extraction and re-amplification Type 2 Tri-allelic genotype observed in known casework sample  
29, 30, 32.2 [3] ABI 3130 ID DNA Forensic Division, Supreme Prosecutor's Office, South Korea Re-amplified and re-analyzed with ABI 3130   1 in 31,330
29, 30, 33.2 ABI 3100 PP Sun Hongyu, Chen Wenjing, Xue Tianyu. Faculty of Forensic Medicine, Zhongshan School of Medicine, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China Re-extraction, re-amplification with PP16, confirmation with Sinofiler Kit (Applied Biosystems) and AGCU 17+1 STR Kit (AGCU ScienTech, China) Paternity Samples, Type 2 1 in 28252

29, 30.2, 31.2

ABI 3100



Re-extraction and amplification

Type I

1 in 11000

29, 31, 32

ABI 310


Angela Zimmerman


Re-extraction X 2

Convicted offender

1 in 1120 to date

29, 31, 32 [2]

ABI 310

PP 16

Malena B. Jimenez, MO State Highway Patrol

Re-extract and Re-amplify

Convicted Offender

1 in 69600

29, 31, 32 [3]

ABI 3100



Re-extraction and amplification

Type I

1 in 11000

29, 31.2, 32.2 ABI 3730 ID DNA Forensic Division, Supreme Prosecutor's Office, South Korea Re-amplified and re-analyzed with ABI 3730   1 in 31,330
29, 31.2, 33.2ABI 3500GlobalFilerStanton Freilinger – Iowa DCI Criminalistics Laboratory6 distinct samples in the same caseFound in reference sample and 5 other samples in sexual assault kit1st time
29, 32.2, 33.2 ABI 3130xl ID Tara Roy, Washington State Patrol Crime Laboratory Re-extraction Convicted Offender  
29, 33.2, 34.2ABI 3500xlPowerPlex Fusion 6CAngela Z. Richardson-MUFSCobserved in both the reference sample and an intimate evidentiary sample collected from the victimAllele Peak Height: 4249,3409,8811

30, 30.2, 31

ABI 3100


Neil Quigley

Molecular Pathology Laboratory Network


Child in Paternity Test

 1 in  2000

30, 30.2, 33.2 ABI 3100 PP Sun Hongyu, Chen Wenjing, Xue Tianyu. Faculty of Forensic Medicine, Zhongshan School of Medicine, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China Re-extraction, re-amplification with PP16, confirmation with Sinofiler Kit (Applied Biosystems) and AGCU 17+1 STR Kit (AGCU ScienTech, China) Paternity Samples, Type 1 1 in 28252

30, 31, 32

ABI 3130XL


Arnaud Gleizes & Laurent Pene, Laboratoire de Police Scientifique de Lyon, FRANCE

Re-amplified and re-analyzed


1 in 11500

30, 31, 32.2ABI 3500GlobalFilerScott Stocksleger, Iowa DCI Criminalistics LaboratoryMultiple samples1
30, 31, 33.2 ABI 3130xl ID Sherri Phillips, Washington State Patrol CODIS Crime Laboratory Re-extracted    
30, 31.2, 32.2ABI 3500xl GlobalFilerNoora R. Al-Snan, PhD ongoing Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL), Kingdom of Bahrain, Part of PhD project for Arabian Gulf UniversityRe-amplified and re-electrophoresed1

30, 33.2, 34.0

ABI 310

PP 16

Malena B. Jimenez, MO State Highway Patrol

Re-extract and Re-amplify

Convicted Offender

1 in 69600

30, 33.2, 34.2ABI 3500XLPowerPlex Fusion 6CAbby Hernandez, Washington State Patrol Crime LabRe-extraction and Re-amplificationConvicted Offender, Type 11
30.2, 32.2, 33.2ABI 3500Promega Fusion 5CMegan O’Donnell, New Hampshire State Police Forensic Laboratory Reprep, Reamp, ReanalyzeConvicted Offender Sample1
31, 32, 33 ABI 3100 PP Sun Hongyu, Chen Wenjing, Xue Tianyu. Faculty of Forensic Medicine, Zhongshan School of Medicine, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China Re-extraction, re-amplification with PP16, confirmation with Sinofiler Kit (Applied Biosystems) and AGCU 17+1 STR Kit (AGCU ScienTech, China) Paternity Samples, Type 1 1 in 28252
31.2, 34.2, 35.2 ABI 3130 ID Plus Anna Wilson, Washington State Patrol Crime Laboratory Re-extraction Reference Sample 1
32.2, 37, 38 ABI 3130 ID Kari O'Neill, Washington State Patrol Crime Laboratory Re-extract and re-amplification    

27 reported tri-allelic patterns as of 12/30/2016


* Use the following abbreviations for amplification kit names:



Last Updated: 12/30/2016