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D19S433 Variants

To contribute to this table, click here.

Allele Designation

Allele Size


Amp Kit*


Verification/Conformation Method(s)



4 80.65 ABI 3130xl ID Plus Zhang Huai-Cai, Wang Dong-Jing, Zhou Zhi-Quan, Hangzhou Institute of Criminal Science and Technology, China Re-amplify and sequencing

Sequencing results of repeat region: AAGG AAAG AAGG TAGG [AAGG]2 AGGAGGTTGAGGCT

The people related to the case  
5192.19ABI 3500PowerPlex Fusion 6CErik Hall, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime LabRe-amplification1



ABI 3100


Sue Rogers, Alabama Dept of Forensic Sciences


Convicted Offender


5.2 [2] 87.80 & 87.20 Avg ABI 310

& ABI 3100

ID Lynette Stargardt, Independent Forensics. Hillside  IL Re-prepped , Re-amplified & Re-extracted Shared between alleged siblings: not shared with tested parent  
5.2 [3] 87.34-87.46 ABI 3130xl ID Catherine HOG, Laurent Cardin, Sylvain Hubac and Frederic Brard, National Forensic Science Institute of the French Gendarmerie. IRCGN, Rosny-sous-Bois, France male reference sample on FTA (buccal cells) extracted and amplified twice separately D19S433 heterozygous (5.2/15.2)  
Approximately 5.3 (Slightly >5.2, but <5.3)194.71 & 194.44ABI 3500PowerPlex Fusion 6CAshley O’Leary, Saint Louis Metropolitan Police Department LaboratoryRe-amplified for confirmationVariant allele did not appear in other extractions of the same DNA profile (evidentiary samples and reference sample). OL allele was only additional allele present in this sample (no indication of a mixture), but it did not appear to be normal artifact such as spectral overlap or stutter.1
6.1 196.00 ABI 3500xl PowerPlex Fusion Direct Rhonda Williams, Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation Re-punched, re-amped Convicted Offender  

6.2 (<9)


ABI 3130XL


Arnaud Gleizes & Laurent Pene, Laboratoire de Police Scientifique de Lyon, FRANCE

Re-amplified and re-analyzed


1 in 11500



ABI 3100


Ayeleth Reshef, Mark Barash, IDFS< Israel Police, Jerusalem, Israel


2 casework samples (3stains) and a duplicate of a reference sample


6.2 [2] 91.29


ABI    3130 XL ID Marie-Beatrice Tonanny & Frederic G. Brard IRCGN France re-extraction and re-amplification FTA card - saliva 6.2 homozygote 3/30,000
6.2 [3] 91.84 ABI  310   Katja Drobnic, Forensic Science Laboratory, Ministry of the Interior, Ljubljana. SLOVENIA Re-extraction and re-amplification Saliva sample of suspect - homozygote 1 in 1700
6.2 [4] 89.5 (SEFiler)

116.8 (NGM SElect)

ABI 3130 POP-4 SEFiler &  NGM SElect Peter Schneider, Institute of Legal Medicine, University of Cologne, Germany inheritance from mother to child confirmed with two amplification kits Family from Middle East Asia N/A
6.2 [5] 91.40 ABI 3130 ID Shannon Soltysiak, NYC OCME buccal swab cut twice for extraction, confirmed in 3130 run of each amp   2 (both 3130 runs)
6.3120.47ABI 3500GlobalfilerHOLLARD Clémence – VILLET Noémie – CHERPIN Marie-Hélène, Service National de Police Scientifique – Laboratoire de Police Scientifique de LyonRe-amplified & re-analyzed with NGS (Illumina)2x (shaver & muscle)


94 bp

ABI 310


Andre de Kock



37 in 729

7 [2]


ABI 3100


Angela Withrow



Alabama Department of Forensic Science Convicted Offender

2 in 8844

7 [3] 93.3 ABI 3100 ID

Angela Withrow


7 [4] 93.7 ABI 3130XL ID Jennifer Montgomery, MA State Police Forensic and Technology Center Re-run to confirm Convicted Offender 1
7 [5] 93.91 & 94.00 ABI 310 ID Daniel Gregonis, Los Angeles Sheriff's Department 8 separate but case related samples including sperm and non-sperm DNA extracts multiple items in same case 1
7 (<9) 93.51 ABI 3100 ID

Angela Withrow


7 (<9) [2] 93.73 ABI 3130 ID Erica Oppelz, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime Lab   Reference sample 1
7.2 95.12 ABI 3500 ID and NGM Eduardo Leal Rodrigues, Laboratório Centro de Genomas Re-extracted and re-amplified by using two different amplification kits    
7.2 [2] 201.02 ABI 3130xl ESX 16 Malin Sanga, Swedish National Laboratory of Forensic Science (SKL) Re-amplified and re-electrophoresed Crime scene sample 1 (first observation)



ABI 3100


Angela Zimmerman



Alabama Department of Forensic Science  Offender

1 in 5367

8 [2] 97.39 ABI 3130 ID Direct DASA - Nelson Gaburo Junior - Department of Molecular Biology - Diagnosticos da America - DASA Re-amplified and Re-analyzed    
8.2 100 ABI 310 ID Cindy Carroll  Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Re-extracted and re-amplified Buccal reference 1
8.2 [2] 99.79 ABI 3130xl ID Genetica DNA Laboratories, Cincinnati OH Inheritance (child and father)    



ABI 3100


Angela Withrow



Alabama Department of Forensic Science  Offender

6 in 13652

<9 [2] 97.8 ABI 3100 ID Angela Withrow                   M U F S C      
<9 [3] 93.57 ABI 3100 ID Angela Withrow                   M U F S C      
<9 (7) [4] 93.3 ABI 3730 ID DNA Forensic Division, Supreme Prosecutor's Office, South Korea Re-analyzed with ABI 3730   1 in 31,330
9.1 102.5 ABI 3100 ID Marsha Garcia, Orchid Cellmark, Nashville TN Re-extracted    
9.2 106.63 ABI 3100 ID Marsha Garcia, Orchid Cellmark, Nashville TN Re-extracted    
10.1 106.42 ABI 3100 ID Marsha Garcia, Orchid Cellmark, Nashville TN Re-extracted    
10.1 [2] 106.59 ABI 3130 ID Karen Preiter, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Dept Extracted multiple evidence samples with same off-ladder allele   1 in 18159
10.1 [3] 106.7 ABI 3130 and ABI 3500xl ID Erica Oppelz, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime Lab Re-amplified Variant was seen in the victim's reference as well as evidence samples  
10.1 [4]212.15ABI 3500XLFusion 6CMatthew Fisher, Washington State Patrol Crime LabRe-injection
10.2 107.31 ABI 3100 ID Marsha Garcia, Orchid Cellmark, Nashville TN Re-amplified    
10.2 [2] 107.32 & 107.33 ABI 3130 ID Brittany Ross, KY State Police Forensic Lab, Frankfort KY Reanalysis Offender Sample  
10.2 [3] 213.13 ABI 3500 PP21 Massimo Mangiola, Rhode Island Blood Center Re-amplified & re-analyzed immigration case (CH only) 1 in 2730



ABI 3100


Ronny Decorte, Laboratory for Forensic Genetics and Molecular Archaeology, Leuven, Belgium

Re-extracted and Re-amplified

Paternity sample, Caucasian

1 in 3155 (mainly Caucasians

11.1 [2]


ABI 3100


Angela Withrow

Ml U F S C

Re-amp x 1

AL Dept t of Forensic Science Convicted Offender

1 in 15543

11.1 [3] 215.73 ABI 3130xl ESX 16 Malin Sanga, Swedish National Laboratory of Forensic Science (SKL) Re-amplified and re-electrophoresed Reference sample 1 (first observation)
11.2 111.42 ABI 3100 ID Marsha Garcia, Orchid Cellmark, Nashville Re-amplified    
11.2 [2] 111.47 ABI 3100 SGM+ Mark Barash, IDFS, DNA lab, Israel 2 casework samples, re-amplified   1
11.2 [3] 135.83 ABI 3500 NGM SElect Oscar Garcia, Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country Re-amplified and re-analyzed Convicted offender sample  
11.2 [4] 136.02 ABI 3500 NGM SElect Oscar García, Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country Reamplified and reanalyzed Convicted offender sample  
11.2 [5] 217.14 ABI 3500 PP21 Massimo Mangiola, Rhode Island Blood Center Re-amplified & re-analyzed Immigration case (AM+CH) 2 in 2730
11.2 [6] 217.12 ABI 3500 PP21 Massimo Mangiola, Rhode Island Blood Center Re-amplified & re-analyzed Immigration case (AF+CH1+CH2) 5 in 2730
11.2 [7]243.22ABI 3500QIAGEN Investigator 24plex QS kitAndrew Bishop, Montana State Crime LabRe-amplificationEvidence sample1
11.2 [8]242.80, 242.87, 242.86ABI 3500xlInvestigator IDplex Plus KitKomal Mahajan - Regional Forensic Science Laboratory, Pune, India.Evidence sample and Reference sample




ABI 310


Kelly Beatty



US Embassy, Phillipines - Immigration

5 in 15410

12.1 [2]

114.36 +/-0.09

ABI 3130XL


Arnaud Gleizes & Laurent Pene, Laboratoire de Police Scientifique de Lyon, FRANCE

Re-amplified and re-analyzed


4 in 11500

12.1 [3]


ABI 310


Johnson_E   USACIL

Re-extracted and Re-analyzed

Reference Blood


12.1 [4]


ABI 310


Overson_T   USACIL

Re-extracted and Re-analyzed

Reference Blood


12.1 [5]


ABI 310


Johnson_E USACIL

Re-extracted and Re-analyzed

Reference Blood


12.1 [6] 114.2 ABI 3100 ID Angela Withrow                  M U F S C      
12.1 [7] 114.18 ABI 3100 ID Angela Withrow                  M U F S C      
12.1 [8] 114.22 ABI 3100 ID Angela Withrow                  M U F S C      
12.1 [9] 114.23 ABI 3130xl ID Plus Pinellas County Forensic Laboratory Reinjection   1
12.1 [10] 113.55 ABI 3500 ID Pamela Larkin, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime Lab Re-amplified evidence sample 1
12.1 [11] 3500: 113.55, 113.56, 113.50; 31300: 114.23 ABI 3500 & 3130 ID Pamela Larkin, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime Lab Re-amplified evidence sample and reference sample 4
12.1 [12] 219.72 ABI 3130xl ESX 16 Malin Sanga, Swedish National Laboratory of Forensic Science (SKL) Re-amplified and re-electrophoresed Crime scene sample 1 (first observation)
12.1 [13] 113.63 ABI 3500 ID Pamela Larkin, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime Lab re-amplified evidence sample 1
12.2115.08ABI 3730Applied Biosystems Identifiler PlusAqsa Rubab, Muhammad Shafique, Ahmad Ali Shahid, Forensic DNA Typing Lab, CEMB, University of the Punjab Lahore, Pakistan.Re-amplified and Reanalyzed.Christian population samples13 in 506



ABI 3130XL


Arnaud Gleizes & Laurent Pene, Laboratoire de Police Scientifique de Lyon, FRANCE

Re-amplified and re-analyzed


1 in 11500

13.1 [2] 142.66 ABI 3500 NGM SElect Oscar García, Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country Reamplified and reanalyzed Convicted offender sample  
13.1 [3] 224.08 ABI 3500xl ESX 16 Malin Sanga, Swedish National Laboratory of Forensic Science (SKL) Re-amplified and re-electrophoresed Reference sample 1 (first observation)



ABI 377

Made in Lab

Mechthild Prinz

Office of Chief Medical Examiner New York City






ABI 3100


Angela Withrow

M  U F S C


Alabama Department of Forensic Science Convicted Offender

1 in 14245



ABI 3130XL


Arnaud Gleizes & Laurent Pene, Laboratoire de Police Scientifique de Lyon, FRANCE

Re-amplified and re-analyzed


1 in 11500

14.1 [2] 122.17 ABI 3130XL ID Genetica, DNA Laboratories, Inc., Cincinnati OH Inheritance (found in Child and Father)    
14.1 [3] 227.63 ABI 3130xl ESX 16 Malin Sanga, Swedish National Laboratory of Forensic Science (SKL) Re-amplified and re-electrophoresed Reference sample 1 (first observation)
14.2123.05ABI 3730Applied Biosystems Identifiler PlusAqsa Rubab, Muhammad Shafique, Ahmad Ali Shahid, Forensic DNA Typing Lab, CEMB, University of the Punjab Lahore, Pakistan.Re-amplified and Reanalyzed.Christian population samples89 in 506



ABI 3130XL


Arnaud Gleizes & Laurent Pene, Laboratoire de Police Scientifique de Lyon, FRANCE

Re-amplified and re-analyzed


1 in 11500

14.3 [2] 124.42 ABI 3730 ID DNA Forensic Division, Supreme Prosecutor's Office, South Korea Re-analyzed with ABI 3730   5 in 31,330
15.2128.03ABI 3730Applied Biosystems Identifiler PlusAqsa Rubab, Muhammad Shafique, Ahmad Ali Shahid, Forensic DNA Typing Lab, CEMB, University of the Punjab Lahore, Pakistan.Re-amplified and Reanalyzed.Christian population samples78 in 506
15.3 127.09 ABI 3130xl ID Tara Roy, Washington State Patrol Crime Laboratory Re-extraction Convicted Offender  
16.1 130.47 ABI 3730 ID DNA Forensic Division, Supreme Prosecutor's Office, South Korea Re-analyzed with ABI 3730   1 in 31,330
16.1 [2] 130.28 ABI 3130 ID DNA Forensic Division, Supreme Prosecutor's Office, South Korea Re-analyzed with ABI 3130   1 in 31,330
16.2131.13ABI 3730Applied Biosystems Identifiler PlusAqsa Rubab, Muhammad Shafique, Ahmad Ali Shahid, Forensic DNA Typing Lab, CEMB, University of the Punjab Lahore, Pakistan.Re-amplified and Reanalyzed.Christian population samples13 in 506
17.1239.88ABI 3500PP21François Chatenay-Lapointe, Rhode Island Blood CenterRe-amplified and Re-analyzedImmigration case.2 in 3772
17.2163ABI 3130Applied Biosystems Huaxia PlatinumYingai Zhang, Shunlan Wang, Central laboratory, Central South University Xiangya School of Medicine Affiliated Haikou Hospital, China.Re-extracted, re-amplified and re-analyzed1
>17.2 136.46 ABI 3130xl ID Sherri Phillips, Washington State Patrol CODIS Laboratory Re-extracted    



ABI 310






Polish Lower Silesian Population

1 in 600

18 [2]


ABI 3100


Faruk Asicioglu

Re-extracted and re-amplified

Maternal heritage, mother & son


18 [3]


ABI 3100


Laimis Stankevicius, Lithuanian Police Forensic Science centre


Lithuanian Police, Forensic science centre, paternity father and son

1 in 1350

18 [4] 137.27 ABI 310 ID Demeter József Szabolcs, Popescu Octavian, Molecular Biology Center, Interdisciplinary Research Institute on Bio-Nano-Sciences, Babes Bolyai University Re-extracted and re-amplified   1 of 424
18.1 138.33 138.47 ABI 3100 Avant ID Julie M. Marschner, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Forensic Laboratory Re-amplification of reference standard 2 casework samples with matching reference standard of suspect 1 (three times in one case)
18.1 [2] 138.68, 138.54 (SGM+); 164.00, 163.92 (NGM); 138.22, 138.23 (ID+) ABI 3130xl SGM+



Monnie Michalik, North Louisiana Criminalistics Laboratory Re-amplified and re-amplified using different kits   2 samples from same person
18.1 [3]166.37ABI 3500GlobalfilerIan Perry; West Virginia State Police Forensic Lab, Biology Unit: Databasing Sectionre-extraction and reamplificationOffender Sample1

18.2 (>17.2)

139.59 +/-.0.1

ABI 3130XL


Arnaud Gleizes & Laurent Pene, Laboratoire de Police Scientifique de Lyon, FRANCE

Re-amplified and re-analyzed


2 in 11500



ABI 3100


Timothy D. Kupferschmid


Myriad Genetic Labs,    Salt Lake City UT




18.2 [2]

139.42, 139.25

ABI 3100-Avant


Forensic DNA Institute at Guangdong Maternal & Children Hospital, Guangzhou, Guangdong, P.R. China


These 2 specimens are from an alleged father and his son in a paternity case

1 in 170

18.2 [3] 139.44 ABI 3130 xl ID Marie-Beatrice Tonanny & Frederic G. Brard, IRCGN, National Forensic Institute of the French Gendarmerie.Rosny-sous-Bois, France Re-extraction and re-amplification FTA card - saliva. 23/154.000
18.2 [4] 139.31 ABI 310 ID Demeter József Szabolcs, Popescu Octavian, Molecular Biology Center, Interdisciplinary Research Institute on Bio-Nano-Sciences, Babes Bolyai University Re-extracted and re-amplified   3 of 424
18.2 [5] 139.36 ABI 310 ID Oscar García, Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country Reamplified and reanalyzed Convicted offender sample  
18.2 [6] 139.44 ABI 310 ID Oscar García, Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country Reamplified and reanalyzed Criminal case sample, no suspect  
18.2 [7] 163.41 ABI 3500 NGM SElect Oscar García, Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country Reamplified and reanalyzed Criminal case sample, no suspect  
18.2 [8] 163.54 ABI 3500 NGM SElect Oscar García, Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country Reamplified and reanalyzed Convicted offender sample  
18.2 [9] 163.56 ABI 3500 NGM SElect Oscar García, Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country Reamplified and reanalyzed Convicted offender sample  
18.2 [10] 163.46 ABI 3500 NGM SElect Oscar García, Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country Reamplified and reanalyzed Convicted offender sample  

19 (>17.2)


ABI 3130XL


Arnaud Gleizes & Laurent Pene, Laboratoire de Police Scientifique de Lyon, FRANCE

Re-amplified and re-analyzed


1 in 11500

19 [2] 141.66 ABI 3130 ID Laboratoire de sciences judiciaires et de médecine légale, Montréal, Canada Re-analyzed, re-amplified    



ABI 3100


Daiva Kairiene, Lithuanian Police Forensic Science Centre

Re-extracted and Re-amplified

Lithuanian Police Forensic science centre, comparative blood sample and blood stain

1 in 1300

19.2 [2] 144.15 ABI 3100 SGM plus Shlomit Avraham, Israel Police, Jerusalem, Israel Saliva on FTA Card, 3 Funs from same PCR   1
19.2 [3] 143.85 & 143.73 ABI 3130XL ID Regina Robinson, KY State Police Forensic Lab, Frankfort KY Re-analysis    
19.2 [4] 143.74 ABI 310 ID Oscar García, Forensic Genetics Department, Autonomous Police of the Basque Country Re-amplified and re-analyzed Convicted offender sample  
19.2 [5] 143.76 ABI 3500 ID and NGM Eduardo Leal Rodrigues, Laboratório Centro de Genomas Re-extracted and re-amplified by using two different amplification kits    
19.2 [6] 143.71 ABI 3130 ID Direct Nelson Gaburo Junior - Department of Molecular Biology - Diagnosticos da America - DASA Re-amplified and Re-analyzed    
19.2 [7] 143.95(1), 143.96(2), 143.92(3) ABI 3130 ID Amy Rathmann, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime Lab Re-amplified and detected in multiple samples in same case    



ABI 310







Paternity testing trio

2 in 600

20 [2] 146.06 ABI 3130XL ID Jennifer Montgomery, MA State Police Forensic and Technology Center Re-run to confirm Convicted Offender 1
20 (>17.2) [3] 145.95 ABI 3100 ID Kelli Byrd, Orchid Cellmark, Dallas, TX Re-amplified both samples with ID and re-amplified both samples with PS to confirm correct locus present in 2 casework samples from same case 2
20.1 146.02 ABI 3100 ID Anglia DNA Services Limited, UK Re-amplification   1
20.2 (>17.2) 148.23 ABI 3130xl ID Sherri Phillips, Washington State Patrol CODIS Crime Lab Re-extracted    
20.2 [2] 146.61 ABI 3500 ID Amy Rathmann, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime Lab Detected in multiple samples in the same case    
20.2 [3] 175.06 ABI 3500 GlobalFiler Ashley Callanan & Shanna Saunders, St. Louis County Police Crime Laboratory Re-injection at 10s, 15s, 20s Possible blood sample, single-source 1
20.2 [4]254.31, 254.07ABI 3500PowerPlex Fusion 6CKrista Spear, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime LaboratoryRe-amplifiedReference standard1
20.2 [5]254.28ABI 3500PowerPlex Fusion 6CErica Mpoy, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime LabReamplifiedVariant was seen in an evidence sample1
>20.2 254.50 ABI 3130xl ESX 16 Malin Sanga, Swedish National Laboratory of Forensic Science (SKL) Re-amplified and re-electrophoresed Crime scene sample 1 (first observation)
21.2 152.51 (ID/3130xl), 257.47 (Fusion/3500xl) ABI 3130xl,   ABI 3500xl ID, PowerPlex Fusion (5C) Brittany Ross and Regina Wells, Kentucky State Police Forensic Lab Sample was amplified twice in Identifiler and once in PowerPlex Fusion In Identifiler, the variant peak called as <11 (~10.2) in vWA, but appeared to be overlap from D19S433 as a > 17.2 (~21.2).  When retyped in PowerPlex Fusion the peak typed as >17.2 in D19S433  
21.2 [2]149.60, 149.59 (SiFaSTR 23 plex kit), 179.05, 178.97 (Huaxia Platinum PCR Amplification kit)ABI 3130xl, ABI 3500xlSiFaSTR 23 plex kit (Academy of Forensic Science, China) Huaxia Platinum PCR Amplification kit (Applied Biosystem)Shanghai Key Laboratory of Forensic Medicine, Academy of Forensic Science, Shanghai, ChinaRe-amplify and sequencing, Sequencing results of repeat region: AAGG AA-- AAGG TAGG [AAGG]20This peak was detected between D19S433 and D16S539 when it amplified with SiFaSTR 23 plex kit. By using Huaxia Platinum PCR Amplification kit, GeneMapper ID-X detected a tri-allelic pattern in TH01 locus. After comparing the data from two kits and sanger sequencing, we confirmed this peak is actually a new allele of the D19S433 locus. This allele is shared between a child and father in a paternity case.2
26.3198.79ABI 3130XL Applied Biosystems VeriFiler ExpressJennifer Malcolm and Melanie Marty, Genomic Diagnostics, Melbourne AustraliaRe-amplified, single-plex and Next Generation SequencingThis peak was not observed with Identifiler but was detected when amplified with VeriFiler Express and NGM Detect. This peak overlaps into the TH01 region in VeriFiler Express and the D22S1045 region with NGM Detect giving the appearance of a tri-allelic pattern, but this peak is actually a variant of the D19S433 marker. This peak is shared between a child and father. 2
27 173.80 ABI 3130 SGM Plus Janine Stickley, Orchid Cellmark UK Re-amplified with SGM Plus and confirmed designation with ID (173.76bp)   1

38  reported variants as of 01/31/2017


Tri-Allelic Patterns

Allele Designation


Amp Kit*


Verification/Conformation Method(s)



6, 13, 14ABI 3500PowerPlex Fusion 6CWilliam Christensen, OCPD Laboratory Services Division (DNA/Serology)In two question samples, both sample re-amplifiedQuestioned samples from blood; Allele Sizes: 6 (195.92); 13 (224.07); 14 (228.09)
12, 13, 14 ABI 3130xl ID

Monica Price, WA State Patrol Crime Lab


Convicted offender

12, 13, 14 [2] ABI 3730 ID DNA Forensic Division, Supreme Prosecutor's Office, South Korea Re-amplified and re-analyzed with ABI 3730   1 in 31,330
12, 14, 15 ABI 3130XL ID Sylvain Hubac & Frederic G. Brard,IRCGN, National Forensic Institute of the French Gendarmerie.Rosny-sous-Bois, France Re-extraction and re-amplification FTA card - saliva. -type 2 allelic pattern 1/160,000
12, 14, 15 [2]ABI 3500XLPowerPlex Fusion 6CMonica Price, WA State Patrol Crime LabRe-injectionConvicted Offender, Type 1
12, 15.2, 16.2 ABI 3130 ID Brenda Crosby, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime Lab Re-extracted    
12.2, 13.2, 14 ABI 3130xl ID Robert Dorion, WA State Patrol Crime Laboratory Re-extraction Convicted offender  
13, 14, 15 ABI 3130xl ID Robert Dorion, WA State Patrol Crime Laboratory Re-extraction Convicted offender  

 13, 14, 16

ABI 3130XL


Arnaud Gleizes & Laurent Pene, Laboratoire de Police Scientifique de Lyon, FRANCE

Re-amplified and re-analyzed


1 in 11500

13, 15, 16 ABI 3130xl ID Francis Hermitte & Frederic Brard, National Forensic Science Institute of the French Gendarmerie, IRCGN, Rosny-sous-Bois, France male reference sample on FTA (buccal cells) extracted and amplified twice separately type 1 pattern

1st analysis: 13=1163rfu, 15=289rfu, 16=879rfu

2nd analysis: 13=899 rfu, 15=256rfu, 16=651rfu

1 in 70,000
14, 14.2, 15 ABI 3130 ID Plus Marion Clark, WA State Patrol Crime Laboratory Re-extraction Buccal swab

Allele sizes: 120.22, 122.22, 124.17

14, 14.2, 15.2 ABI 3130 XL ID Sylvain Hubac & Frederic G. Brard,IRCGN, National Forensic Institute of the French Gendarmerie.Rosny-sous-Bois, France Re-extraction and re-amplification FTA card - saliva - type 1 tri-allelic pattern 1 in 131,650
14, 15, 16 ABI 3500 ESI 16

Horolma Pamjav, Network of Forensic Science Institutes, Institute of Forensic Medicine, DNA Laboratory, Budapest, Hungary

  Observed in Hungarian population data 1 in 21,473
14, 15, 16 [2]ABI 3500xl PowerPlex Fusion 6CMonica Price, WA State Patrol Crime Lab Re-direct amplificationConvicted offender, Type 1

 14, 15.2, 16.2

ABI 3130XL


Arnaud Gleizes & Laurent Pene, Laboratoire de Police Scientifique de Lyon, FRANCE

Re-amplified and re-analyzed


1 in 11500

14, 16.2, 17.2 ABI 3130 Identifiler Plus Beau Baggenstoss, WA State Patrol Crime Laboratory Re-extraction and re-amplification Allele Sizes: 119.81, 129.79, 133.65 2
14, 16.2, 17.2 [2] ABI 3130xl ID Robert Dorion, WA State Patrol Crime Laboratory Re-amplified Convicted offender  

 12 reported tri-allelic patterns as of 01/31/2017


* Use the following abbreviations for amplification kit names: