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D10S1248 Variants

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Allele Designation

Allele Size


Amp Kit*


Verification/Confirmation Method(s)



7 73.08 ABI 3130xl ESX 16 Malin Sanga, Swedish National Laboratory of Forensic Science (SKL) Re-amplified and re-electrophoresed Reference sample 1 (first observation)
7 [2]251.03ABI 3500xlPowerPlex Fusion 6CKathryn Hoodenpyle St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime LaboratoryObserved in reference standard, re-amplified1
8.3257.71ABI 3500PowerPlex Fusion 6CAshley O’Leary; Saint Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime LaboratoryAttempted confirmation through re-extraction, but peak was below analytical threshold.
12.1272.37ABI 3500PowerPlex Fusion 6CAshley O’Leary; Saint Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime LaboratoryAttempted confirmation through re-extraction, but peak was below analytical threshold.
13.3 100.81 ABI 3130xl ESX 16 Malin Sanga, Swedish National Laboratory of Forensic Science (SKL) Re-amplified and re-electrophoresed Reference sample 1 (first observation)
14.3 104.88 ABI 3130xl ESX 16 Malin Sanga, Swedish National Laboratory of Forensic Science (SKL) Re-amplified and re-electrophoresed Reference sample 1 (first observation)
14.3 [2]277.87ABI 3500PowerPlex Fusion 6CTara Scott, Iowa DCI Crime LabReran1
15.3287.18+287.37ABI 3500PowerPlex Fusion 6CAshley Trausch, Saint Louis Metropolitan Police Department LaboratoryRe-amplified for confirmation
20 126.45 ABI 3130xl ESX 16 Malin Sanga, Swedish National Laboratory of Forensic Science (SKL) Re-amplified and re-electrophoresed Reference sample 1 (first observation)
20 (>19) [2]304.33 bpABI 3500XLPowerPlex Fusion 6CMonica Price, WA State Patrol Crime LabRe-injectionConvicted offender
>20 130.39 ABI 3130xl ESX 16 Malin Sanga, Swedish National Laboratory of Forensic Science (SKL) Re-amplified and re-electrophoresed Reference sample 1 (first observation)

6 reported variants as of 12/11/2017


Tri-Allelic Patterns

Allele Designation Instrument Amp Kit* Contributor Verification/Conformation Method(s) Notes Frequency

 12, 13, 15

ABI 310

Promega: ESX17 and ES117

Gergely Nagy  University of Pecs, Medical School, Dept of Forensic Medicine

Re-extracted, re-amplified and re-analyzed

Reference sample in a crime case, same pattern in case samples, not yet amplified with NIST NC01

1 in 354 ref. samples (Caucasian Hungarian, and Roma samples)

13, 14, 15ABI 3500XLPowerPlex Fusion 6CAbby Hernandez, Washington State Patrol Crime LabRe-InjectionConvicted Offender - Allele Size: 275.74, 279.71, 283.601
13, 14, 16 ABI 3500 ESI 16

Horolma Pamjav, Network of Forensic Science Institutes, Institute of Forensic Medicine, DNA Laboratory, Budapest, Hungary

  Observed in Hungarian population data 1 in 21,473
14, 17, 18ABI 3500GlobalFilerRyan Petruccelli, Iowa DCI Crime Lab"Allele Size: Known sample (110.12, 121.94, 125.85), Question sample #1 (110.06, 121.86, 125.77), Question sample #2 (110.06, 121.86, 125.77)"3

reported tri-allelic patterns as of 05/15/2015

  • * Use the following abbreviations for amplification kit names:

  • CO: PE Applied Biosystems COfilerTM

  • PR: PE Applied Biosystems ProfilerTM

  • PS: PE Applied Biosystems Profiler PlusTM

  • ID: PE Applied Biosystems Indetifiler™

  • CV: Promega CTTVTM

  • CA: Promega CTTATM

  • PP: Promega PowerPlexTM

  • MP: Promega MonoPlexTM

  • Other: Please specify




Last Updated: 05/15/2015