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ISHI 2010 Mixture Workshop


Principles, Protocols, and Practice


Module Topic Presenter
1 Introduction to the Workshop     Robin Cotton
2 Introduction to the SWGDAM Guidelines John Butler
3 Setting Analytical Thresholds Catherine Grgicak
4 Determining & Dealing with Stutter Products Mike Coble
5 Amplification Variation & Stochastic Effects Robin Cotton
6 Peak Height Ratios Charlotte Word
7 Estimating the Number of Contributors John Butler
8 Calculating & Using Mixture Ratios John Butler
9 Statistical Approaches (RMP, CPI, LR) Mike Coble
10 Mixture Principles & Reporting Basics Charlotte Word
11 Case Example 1: indistinguishable mixture Robin Cotton
12 Case Example 2: distinguishable mixture Charlotte Word & Mike Coble
13 Case Example 3: complex mixture John Butler
14 Wrap Up and Evaluation Robin Cotton


















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Last Updated: 10/07/2010