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121. Caskey, C. T. and Edwards, A. (1994) DNA typing with short tandem repeat polymorphisms and identification of polymorphic short tandem repeats. (U.S. Patent #5,364,759). (Patent)

155. Santos, F. R., Epplen, J. T., and Pena, S. D. J. (1993) Testing deficiency paternity cases with a Y-linked tetranucleotide repeat polymorphism. 261-265. (Book Chapter)

156. Holland, M. M., Fisher, D. L., Lee, D. A., Bryson, C. K., and Weedn, V.W. (1993) Short tandem repeat loci: application to forensic and human remains identification. 267-274.  (Book Chapter)

355. Sajantila, A. and Peltonen, L. (1994) Application of PCR-amplified DNA markers in identification of individuals. (29): 277-287. (Book Chapter)

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684. Butler, J. M. (1998) The use of capillary electrophoresis in genotyping STR loci. Methods Mol.Biol. 98: 279-289. (Book Chapter)

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690. Budowle, B. and Allen, R. C. (1998) Analysis of amplified fragment-length polymorphisms (VNTR/STR loci) for human identity testing. Methods Mol.Biol. 98: 155-171. (Book Chapter)

1240. Budowle, B. and Moretti, T. R. (1999) Forensics: Analysis of short tandem repeat loci by multiplex PCR and real-time fluorescence detection during capillary electrophoresis. (7): 101-115. (Book Chapter)

1241. Santos, F. R., Carvalho-Silva, D. R., and Pena, S. D. J. (1999) PCR-based DNA profiling of human y chromosomes. (9): 133-152. (Book Chapter)

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1342. Shewale, J. G., Richey, S. L., and Sinha, S. K. (2000) Anomalous amplification of the amelogenin locus typed by AmpFlSTR Profiler Plus amplification kit. Forensic Science Communications. 2(4) (FBI Electronic Publication)

1350. Righetti, P. G. and Gelfi, C. (1996) Capillary Electrophoresis of DNA. (10): 431-476. (Book Chapter)

1367. Ruitberg, C. M. and Butler, J. M. (2000) New primer sets for Y chromosome and CODIS STR loci. (Poster presented at the Eleventh International Symposium on Human Identification in Biloxi, MS).

1368. (2000) GenePrint (R) PowerPlex (TM) 16 System Technical Manual. 1-40. (User's Manual)

1369. Tyler-Smith, C. (1999) Y-Chromosomal DNA markers. (5): 65-74. (Book Chapter)

1370. Rolf, B., Rohl, A., Forster, P., and Brinkmann, B. (1999) On the genetic origin of the Turks: Study of six Y-Chromosomal short tandem repeats. (6): 75-82. (Book Chapter)

1371. Mehdi, S. Q., Qamar, R., Ayub, Q., Khaliq, S., Mansoor, A., Ismail, M., Hammer, M. F., Underhill, P. A., and Cavalli-Sforza, L. L. (1999) The origins of Pakistani populations: Evidence from Y-Chromosome markers. (7): 83-90. (Book Chapter)

1372. Zerjal, T., Pandya, A., Santos, F. R., Adhikari, R., Tarazona, E., Kayser, M., Evgrafov, O. V., Singh, L., Thangaraj, K., Destro-Bisol, G., Thomas, M. G., Qamar, R., Mehdi, S. Q., Rosser, Z. H., Hurles, M. E., Jobling, M. A., and Tyler-Smith, C. (1999) The use of Y-Chromosomal DNA variation to investigate population history: Recent male spread in Asia and Europe. (8): 91-102. (Book Chapter)

1373. Budowle, B., Smith, J., Moretti, T., and DiZinno, J. A. (2000) DNA Typing Protocols: Molecular Biology and Forensic Analysis. 1-292. (Whole Book)

1375. Butler, J. M. (2001) Forensic DNA Typing: Biology and Technology behind STR Markers. (Whole Book)

1432. Kinsey, P. T. and Hormann, S. (2000) Modification of the stutter position label-filtering macro in the PE Biosystems Genotyper(R) Version 2.5 Software Package: Resolution of stutter-filter back talk. Forensic Science Communications. 2(3): 1-6. (FBI Electronic Publication)


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