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HPRTB References

(Alphabetical Order; numbers refer to the listing in complete STR reference set)

364. (1995) Gene PrintTM STR Systems Technical Manual. (Revised 9/95): 1-44.

115. Alford, R. L., Hammond, H. A., Coto, I., and Caskey, C. T. (1994) Rapid and efficient resolution of parentage by amplification of short tandem repeats. Am.J.Hum.Genet. 55: 190-195.

158. Assev, M. V., Skakun, V. N., and Baranov, V. S. (1995) A study of allelic polymorphism of four short tandem repeats in the population of Northwestern Russia. Genetika. 31(6): 839-845.

693. Bender, K., Beller, G., and Lautsch, S. (1998) Tetranucleotide short tandem repeat polymorphisms and their possible mode of origin. Cytogenet.Cell Genet. 80(1-4): 34-36.

331. Bever, R. A. and Creacy, S. (1995) Validation and utilization of commercially available STR multiplexes for parentage analysis. Proceedings from the 5th International Symposium on Human Identification (1994). pp. 61-63.

1114. Brenner, C. H. (2000) Summary of polymorphic STR allele frequencies and Y chromosome haplotype frequencies. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 109-125.

116. Caskey, C. T. and Hammond, H. A. (1992) Forensic use of short tandem repeats via PCR. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 4, pp. 18-25.

121. Caskey, C. T. and Edwards, A. (1994) DNA typing with short tandem repeat polymorphisms and identification of polymorphic short tandem repeats. 647,655(5,364,759)

981. Cerri, N., Zorzi, F., and De Ferrari, F. (1998) Two STRs in a population of northern Italy: Phenotypes and allele frequencies. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 255-257.

55. Corach, D., Sala, A., Penacino, G., and Sotelo, A. (1995) Mass disasters: Rapid molecular screening of human remains by means of short tandem repeats typing. Electrophoresis. 16: 1617-1623.

271. Corach, D., Sala, A., Penacino, G., and Sotelo, A. (1996) Combined STR VNTR and MVR typing and mtDNA sequencing, led to the identification of human remains emergent from the AMIA explosion in Buenos Aires. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 6, pp. 337-339.

73. Crouse, C. and Schumm, J. W. (1995) Investigation of species specificity using nine PCR-based human STR systems. J.Forensic Sci. 40(6): 952-956.

133. Decorte, R. and Cassiman, J.-J. (1996) Evaluation of the ALF DNA sequencer for high-speed sizing of short tandem repeat alleles. Electrophoresis. 17(10): 1542-1549.

277. Decorte, R. and Cassiman, J.-J. (1996) Simple and rapid typing of STRs on an automated DNA sequencer. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 6, pp. 368-370.

1142. Decorte, R., Muslumanoglu, M. H., Mahieu, F., Gilissen, A., Cilinger, O., Ataman, C., Artan, S., Xiao, F.-X., Basaran, N., and Cassiman, J.-J. (2000) STR (autosomal and Y-chromosome) analysis reveals geographic differences in the Turkish population. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 215-217.

863. Edelmann, J. and Szibor, R. (1999) Validation of the HumDXS6807 short tandem repeat polymorphism for forensic application. Electrophoresis. 20: 2844-2846.

1. Edwards, A., Civitello, A., Hammond, H. A., and Caskey, C. T. (1991) DNA typing and genetic mapping with trimeric and tetrameric tandem repeats. Am.J.Hum.Genet. 49: 746-756.

343. Edwards, A., Hammond, H. A., Jin, L., Caskey, C. T., and Chakraborty, R. (1992) Genetic variation at five trimeric and tetrameric tandem repeat loci in four human population groups. Genomics. 12: 241-253.

176. Fourney, R. M., Elliot, J. C., Bowen, K. L., Robertson, J. M., and Fregeau, C. J. (1994) An evaluation of automated fluorescent PCR-based DNA typing. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 312-316.

2. Fregeau, C. J. and Fourney, R. M. (1993) DNA typing with fluorescently tagged short tandem repeats: a sensitive and accurate approach to human identification. BioTechniques. 15(1): 100-119.

368. Furedi, S., Budowle, B., Woller, J., and Padar, Z. (1996) Hungarian population data on six STR loci--HUMVWFA31, HUMTH01, HUMCSF1PO, HUMFES/FPS, HUMTPOX, and HUMHPRTB--derived using multiplex PCR amplification and manual typing. Int.J.Leg.Med. 109: 100-101.

122. Hammond, H. A. and Caskey, C. T. (1993) Personal identification via short tandem repeats. Proceedings from the 3rd International Symposium on Human Identification (1992). pp. 163-175.

3. Hammond, H. A., Jin, L., Zhong, Y., Caskey, C. T., and Chakraborty, R. (1994) Evaluation of 13 short tandem repeat loci for use in personal identification applications. Am.J.Hum.Genet. 55: 175-189.

130. Hearne, C. M. and Todd, J. A. (1991) Tetranucleotide repeat polymorphism at the HPRT locus. Nucleic Acids Res. 19(19): 5450-5450.

359. Huang, T. H. M., Hejtmancik, J. F., Edwards, A., Pettigrew, A. L., Herrera, C. A., Hammond, H. A., Caskey, C. T., Zoghbi, H. Y., and Ledbetter, D. H. (1991) Linkage of the gene for an X-linked mental retardation disorder to a hypervariable (AGAT)n repeat motif within the human hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) locus (Xq26). Am.J.Hum.Genet. 49: 1312-1319.

503. Iriondo, M., Barbero, M. C., Izaguirre, N., and Manzano, C. (1997) Data on six short-tandem repeat polymorphisms in an autochthonous Basque population. Hum.Hered. 47: 131-137.

146. Jin, L. and Chakraborty, R. (1995) Population structure, stepwise mutations, heterozygote deficiency and their implications in DNA forensics. Heredity. 74: 274-285.

481. Lins, A. M., Sprecher, C. J., Micka, K. A., Rabbach, D., Bacher, J., and Schumm, J. W. (1997) High throughput multiplex STR systems without instrumentation. Proceedings from the Seventh International Symposium on Human Identification (1996). pp. 53-66.

1267. Lleonart, R., Riego, E., Sainz de la Pena, M. V., Bacallao, K., Amaro, F., Santiesteban, M., Blanco, M., Currenti, H., Puentes, A., Rolo, F., Herrera, L., and de la Fuente, J. (2000) Forensic identification of skeletal remains from members of Ernesto Che Guevara's guerrillas in Bolivia based on DNA typing. Int.J.Legal Med. 113(2): 98-101.

1255. Mauricio-da-Silva, L., Silva, R. S., Dellalibera, E., and Donadi, E. A. (2000) Population genetics of HPRTB, F13B, and LPL in Pernambuco, northeast Brazil. J.Forensic Sci. 45(3): 684-686.

1185. McKeown, B., Stickley, J., and Riordan, A. (2000) Gender assignment by PCR of the SRY gene: an improvement on amelogenin. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 433-435.

617. Mertens, G., Mommers, N., Heylen, H., Gielis, M., Muylle, L., and Vandenberghe, A. (1997) Allele frequencies of nine STR systems in the Flemish population and application in parentage testing. Int.J.Legal Med. 110(4): 177-180.

1035. Mertens, G., Gielis, M., Mommers, N., Heylen, H., Lamartine, J., Radawiec, S., Muylle, L., and Vandenberghe, A. (1998) Molecular analysis of a mutation generated at the HUMHPRTB[AGAT]n locus. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 452-453.

786. Mertens, G., Gielis, M., Mommers, N., Mularoni, A., Lamartine, J., Heylen, H., Muylle, L., and Vandenberghe, A. (1999) Mutation of the repeat number of the HPRTB locus and structure of rare intermediate alleles. Int.J.Legal Med. 112(3): 192-194.

72. Micka, K. A., Sprecher, C. J., Lins, A. M., Comey, C. T., Koons, B. W., Crouse, C., Endean, D., Pirelli, K., Lee, S. B., Duda, N., Ma, M., and Schumm, J. W. (1996) Validation of multiplex polymorphic STR amplification sets developed for personal identification applications. J.Forensic Sci. 41(4): 582-590.

167. Pai, A. P., Jackson, T., Pritchard, D. J., and Papiha, S. S. (1994) Population genetic studies of short tandem repeat loci (STRs): efficiency in paternity testing. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 184-186.

407. Pastore, L., Vuttariello, E., Sarrantonio, C., Coto, I., Roviello, S., Fortunato, G., Salvatore, F., and Sacchetti, L. (1996) Allele frequency distributions at several variable number of tandem repeat (VNTR) and short tandem repeat (STR) loci in a restricted Caucasian population from South Italy and their evaluation for paternity and forensic use. Molecular and Cellular Probes. 10: 299-308.

502. Perez-Lezaun, A., Calafell, F., Mateu, E., Comas, D., Bosch, E., and Bertranpetit, J. (1997) Allele Frequencies for 20 microsatellites in a worldwide population survey. Hum.Hered. 47(4): 189-196.

916. Rangel-Villalobos, H., Rivas, F., Torres-Rodriguez, M., Jaloma-Cruz, A. R., Gallegos-Arreola, M. P., Lopez-Satow, J., Cantu, J. M., and Figuera, L. E. (11-1-1999) Allele frequency distributions of six Amp-FLPS (D1S80, APO-B, VWA, TH01, CSF1PO and HPRTB) in a Mexican population. Forensic Sci.Int. 105(2): 125-129.

965. Sakurada, M., Honda, K., Nakatome, M., Tun, Z., Shimada, S., and Misawa, S. (1998) Recovery of high quality DNA from 500-year-old skeletal remains for forensic DNA typing. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 150-152.

322. Sala, A., Penacino, G., Goycoechea, A., Carnese, F., Tomeo, A., and Corach, D. (1996) The genetic structure of four Argentine ethnic groups reflected by the analyses of ten STRs. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 6, pp. 662-664.

1008. Sala, A., Penacino, G., Iannucci, N., and Corach, D. (1998) STR database from Argentina: Statistical comparison with other population databases. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 347-349.

746. Sala, A., Penacino, G., and Corach, D. (1998) Comparison of allele frequencies of eight STR loci from Argentinian Amerindian and European populations. Human Biology. 70(5): 937-947.

821. Sala, A., Penacino, G., Carnese, R., and Corach, D. (1999) Reference database of hypervariable genetic markers of Argentina: Application for molecular anthropology and forensic casework. Electrophoresis. 20(8): 1733-1739.

326. Schumm, J. W., Lins, A. M., Puers, C., and Sprecher, C. J. (1994) Development of nonisotopic multiplex amplification sets for analysis of polymorphic STR loci. Proceedings from the 4th International Symposium on Human Identification (1993). pp. 177-187.

335. Schumm, J. W., Lins, A. M., Sprecher, C. J., and Micka, K. A. (1996) High throughput systems for analysis of STR loci. Proceedings from the 6th International Symposium on Human Identification (1995). pp. 10-19.

6. Sprecher, C. J., Puers, C., Lins, A. M., and Schumm, J. W. (1996) General approach to analysis of polymorphic short tandem repeat loci. BioTechniques. 20(2): 266-276.

428. Sprecher, C. J., Micka, K. A., Rabbach, D., Lins, A. M., Bacher, J., and Schumm, J. W. (1997) High throughput multiplex STR analyses without instrumentation. Proceeding from the First European Symposium on Human Identification (1996). pp. 54-62.

1076. Szibor, R., Lautsch, S., Plate, I., and Beck, N. (2000) Population data on the X chromosome short tandem repeat locus HumHPRTB in two regions of Germany. J.Forensic Sci. 45(1): 231-233.

944. Tun, Z., Nakatome, M., Sakurada, M., and Honda, K. (1998) Simultaneous detection on ABO genotyoes and an X-STR. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 49-51.

830. Tun, Z., Honda, K., Nakatome, M., Nakamura, M., Shimada, S., Ogura, Y., Kuroki, H., Yamazaki, M., Terada, M., and Matoba, R. (1999) Simultaneous detection of multiple STR loci on sex chromosomes for forensic testing of sex and identity. J.Forensic Sci. 44(4): 772-777.

1070. Um, J. Y., Kim, E. Y., Hwang, C. H., Oh, S. J., Kim, M. Y., Lee, K. J., Jang, G. Y., and Chung, Y. B. (10-31-1999) Survey of the Korean population for 9 short tandem repeat loci. Mol.Cells. 9(5): 526-534.

1103. Vandenberghe, A., Furedi, S., Boutrand, L., and Mertens, G. (2000) Structure of rare alleles of locus HPRTB in the Hungarian population. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 43-45.

249. Weispfenning, R., Luckenbach, C., and Ritter, H. (1996) Non-automatic multiplex analysis and detection of six STR-loci: HPRT, FABP2, CD4, F13A1, CYP19 and LPL. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 6, pp. 223-225.

588. White, H. W. and Kusukawa, N. (1997) Agarose-based system for separation of short tandem repeat loci. BioTechniques. 22(5): 976-980.

55 References as of 06/15/00 (part of complete STR reference list)