Eighteenth Congress of the International Society for Forensic Haemogenetics

Elsevier, 2000


1115. Aaspollu, A., Sumeri, I., and Kelve, M. (2000) Allele distribution at nine STR loci - D3S1358, vWA, FGA, TH01, TPOX, CSF1PO, D5S818, D13S317 and D7S820 - in the Estonian population. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 129-131.

1168. Aler, M., Gonzalez, A., Brion, M., and Gisbert, M. (2000) Y-chromosome STR haplotypes in a Spanish population sample. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 305-308.

1222. Allen, R. W., Harrison, C. R., Eisenberg, A. J., Roby, R. K., Walker, R. H., Wenk, R. E., and Polesky, H. F. (2000) Grading of quantitative data in the CAP/AABB parentage testing program. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 602-605.

1194. Alves, C., Amorim, A., and Gusmao, L. (2000) VWA STR genotyping: Inconsistency between Perkin Elmer's Profiler Plus(TM) kit and Promega's GenePrint(TM) CTTv. 8, pp. 467-469.

1101. Amorim, A., Alves, C., and Gusmao, L. (2000) Somatic and germinal mutations in STRs. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 37-39.

1140. Anjos, M. J., Carvalho, M., Andrade, L., Corte-Real, F., Vieira, D. N., and Vide, M. C. (2000) Allele frequencies of STR multiplex systems in two Portuguese population samples. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 208-211.

1100. Bacher, J. W., Helms, C., Donis-Keller, H., Hennes, L., Nassif, N., and Schumm, J. W. (2000) Chromosome localization of CODIS loci and new pentanucleotide repeat loci. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 33-36.

1109. Bar, W. and Fukshansky, N. (2000) Mixed stains: Biostatistics of 'incomplete' DNA-profiles. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 85-87.

1207. Barbaro, A., Falcone, G., and Barbaro, A. (2000) DNA typing from hair shaft. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 523-525.

1133. Barbaro, A., Cormaci, P., Falcone, G., and Barbaro, A. (2000) Population genetic study of 9 STR loci using AmpFlSTR Profiler Plus kit and capillary electrophoresis: Distribution of allelic frequencies in 20 Italian towns: Agrigento, Caltanissetta, Catania, Palermo, Ragusa, Siracusa, Messina, Reggio Calabria, Cosenza, Bari, Napoli, roma, Firenze Venezia Parma, Bologna, Milano, Tornino, Genova. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 184-189.

1191. Biondi, C., Ricci, U., Guarducci, S., Vieri, F., Gori, F., Sereni, A., Lazzerini, V., Pelagatti, S., and Giovannucci Uzielli, M. L. (2000) Automated infared DNA analysis system for forensic genetic purposes and genetic diseases (Rett Syndrome). Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 451-453.

1125. Biondo, R., Montagna, P., and Spinella, A. (2000) Allele frequencies of 9 STRs in Italian population by AmpFlSTR Profiler Plus using capillary electrophoresis. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 160-163.

1210. Boschi, I., Hall, D., Capelli, C., and Pascali, V. L. (2000) Of calves and men - a fraud case with final surprise. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 533-535.

1144. Brandt-Casadevall, C., Taroni, F., Dimo-Simonin, N., Baala, L., Sefiani, A., and Mangin, P. (2000) Moroccan population alleles frequency on 9 PCR-based loci. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 221-223.

1182. Brandt-Casadevall, C., Dimo-Simonin, N., Gehrig, C., Taroni, F., and Mangin, P. (2000) Disputed paternity: some problematic cases. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 393-395.

1114. Brenner, C. H. (2000) Summary of polymorphic STR allele frequencies and Y chromosome haplotype frequencies. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 109-125.

1157. Brion, M., Lareu, M. V., Pereira, L., Gonzalez-Neira, A., Salas, A., Prata, M. J., Amorim, A., and Carracedo, A. (2000) Y chromosome lineages in Iberians: Contruction of highly informative haplotypes using biallelic markers, STRs, and the minisatellite MSY1. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 263-265.

1181. Buscemi, L., Canestrari, S., Pesaresi, M., Pelotti, S., Pappalardo, G., and Tagliabracci, A. (2000) A case of paternity attribution by means of DNA analysis of skeletal remains. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 390-392.

1098. Butler, J. M. (2000) MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 15-18.

1217. Caenazzo, L., Ponzano, E., Fenato, F. A., Messina, C., Cesaro, S., Zanesco, L., and Cortivo, P. (2000) Anaylsis of chimerism after allogenic bone marrow transplantation by short tandem repeats. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 564-566.

1167. Carvalho, M., Anjos, M. J., Andrade, L., Coxinho, C., Corte-Real, F., Gamero, J. J., Vieira, D. N., and Vide, M. C. (2000) Y chromosome polymorphisms: a comparison between Azores and Continental Portuguese sample. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 302-304.

1127. Cerri, N., Mascadri, S., Orizio, S., and De Ferrari, F. (2000) Gene Print Silver III Multiplex (D16S539, D7S820, D13S317): Population genetic data from Northern Italy. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 167-169.

1215. Clisson, I., Crubezy, E., Midant-Reynes, B., and Ludes, B. (2000) Megaplex analysis of brain remains from the necropolis of Adaima (Egypt, 3700-2800 BC). Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 555-557.

1169. Corach, D., Sala, A., and Penacino, G. (2000) Differential Y-STR haplotypes distribution in Argentina. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 309-311.

1113. Corradi, F. and Lago, G. (2000) The use of relatives genotypes in statistical identification of missing individuals. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 103-105.

1141. Corte-Real, F., Andrade, L., Carvalho, M., Anjos, M. J., Gamero, J., Vieira, D. N., Carracedo, A., and Vide, M. C. (2000) Comparative analysis of STR data for Portuguese spoken countries. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 212-214.

1160. Corte-Real, F., Carvalho, M., Andrade, L., Anjos, M. J., Pestoni, C., Lareu, M. V., Carracedo, A., Vieira, D. N., and Vide, M. C. (2000) Chromosome Y STRs analysis and evolutionary aspects for Portuguese spoken countries. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 272-274.

1131. Cossutta, F., Perossa, R., Frassanito, F., Altamura, B. M., and Fattorini, P. (2000) Population genetics of fourteen STR loci in North-East Italy. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 178-180.

1211. Crespillo, M., Luque, J. A., Paredes, M., Fernandez, R., Ramirez, E., and Valverde, J. L. (2000) Casework experience: identification of human remains. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 539-541.

1224. d'Aloja, F., Domenici, R., Alu, M., Asmundo, A., Caenazzo, L., Carnevali, E., Cerri, N., Cossu, G., Cucurachi, N., De Stefano, F., Di Nunno, C., Fattorini, P., Graziosi, G., Pascali, V. L., Pasqui, G., Pelotti, S., Piccinini, A., Previdere, C., Procaccianti, S., Ricci, U., Tagliabracci, A., and Presciuttini, S. (2000) Report of three further collaborative exercises on STR loci by the Italian Group of Forensic Hematology. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 622-624.

1099. Dauber, E. M., Glock, B., Schwartz, D. W. M., and Mayr, W. R. (2000) Mutational events at human micro- and minisatellite loci: Mutation rates and new STR-alleles. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 21-23.

1121. Dauber, E. M., Dorner, G., Stadlbacher, S., Glock, B., Schwartz, D. W. M., and Mayr, W. R. (2000) Denaturing versus non-denaturing electrophoresis for D21S11 and additional sequence and population data. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 148-150.

1132. de Pancorbo, M. M., Cuevas, N., Bujan, M., Martinez-Bouzas, C., Alvarez-Alvarez, M., Rodriguez-Tojo, M. J., Sanchez, P., and Leiva, F. (2000) Microsatellite DNA and forensic parameters in isolated populations. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 181-183.

1142. Decorte, R., Muslumanoglu, M. H., Mahieu, F., Gilissen, A., Cilinger, O., Ataman, C., Artan, S., Xiao, F.-X., Basaran, N., and Cassiman, J.-J. (2000) STR (autosomal and Y-chromosome) analysis reveals geographic differences in the Turkish population. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 215-217.

1126. Domenici, R., Fornaciari, S., Nardone, M., Rocchi, A., Spinetti, I., Venturi, M., and Presciuttini, S. (2000) Allele frequencies of the HUMTH01, HUMVWA31/A, HUMFES/FPS, HUMF13A1 loci in Tuscany (Italy). Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 164-166.

1108. Dupuy, B. M., Gedde-Dahl, T., and Olaisen, B. (2000) DYS393 and its X chromosome counterpart. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 67-70.

1156. Dupuy, B. M., Andreassen, R., Flones, A. G., Tomassen, K., Egeland, T., and Olaisen, B. (2000) Y chromosome variation in a Norwegian population sample. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 260-262.

1147. Espinheira, R., Viriato, C., Silva, C., Ribeiro, T., Brito, M., Pinto-Ribeiro, I., and Geada, H. (2000) African population genetic data with AmpFlSTR Profiler Plus. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 230-232.

1135. Flores, I., Torres, Y., Prieto, V., and Sanz, P. (2000) Allele frequency distribution of D8S1179, D21S11, D18S51, and D16S539 in a southern Spain population. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 193-195.

1102. Fregeau, C. J., Leclair, B., Bowen, K., Elliott, J., Borys, S., and Fourney, R. M. (2000) The Swissair Flight 111 disaster: Short tandem repeat mutations observed. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 40-42.

1138. Frias, I., Torres, Y., Sola, D., Hernandez, A., Prieto, V., Flores, I., and Sanz, P. (2000) Allele frequency distribution of seven STRs in a Canary Islands population (Spain). Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 202-204.

1122. Furedi, S., Egyed, B., Vandenberghe, A., Angyal, M., Woller, J., and Padar, Z. (2000) Population genetic data on 5 autosomal and 8 Y-chromosomal STR loci in 2 Hungarian populations. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 151-153.

1145. Gamero, J. J., Romero, J. L., Arufe, M. I., Suarez, J., Cuesta, M. I., Carvalho, M., Anjos, M. J., Corte-Real, F., Vieira, D. N., and Vide, M. C. (2000) Analysis of allele distribution for nine short tandem repeat loci in autochthonous Canary Islands and immigrant Central West African populations. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 224-226.

1146. Gamero, J. J., Romero, J. L., Gonzalez, J. L., Arufe, M. I., Carvalho, M., Anjos, M. J., Vieria, N., and Vide, M. C. (2000) The distribution of D1S1656 system frequencies in two African immigrant populations and two populations in south-west Spain. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 227-229.

1162. Gamero, J. J., Romero, J. L., Suarez, J., Arufe, M. I., Carvalho, M., Anjos, M. J., Corte-Real, F., Vieira, D. N., and Vide, M. C. (2000) A genetic-population study of the DYS385 system in samples of the autochthonous population of the Canary Islands, the popoulation of southwest Spain and the West African immigrant population in Spain. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 278-280.

1136. Gene, M., Pique, E., Borrego, N., Mazzara, R., Brandt, C., Pinheiro, M. F., Corbella, J., Moreno, P., and Huguet, E. (2000) Catalonia population study of the STR loci: D5S818, D13S317, and D7S820 performed by PCR and monochrome automated laser fluorescence sequencer. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 196-198.

1197. Gino, S., Robino, C., and Torre, C. (2000) DNA typing of liquid blood samples stored at 4 degrees C for 15 years. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 476-478.

1120. Glock, B., Dauber, E. M., Schwartz, D. W. M., Stadlbacher, S., Eder, G., and Mayr, W. R. (2000) STR locus D8S1132: Population and sequencing studies in Austrian caucasoids and pan troglodytes. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 145-147.

1198. Glock, B., Dauber, E. M., Schwartz, D. W. M., and Mayr, W. R. (2000) Identity testing on retention samples of blood donations: A methodical approach. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 479-481.

1154. Gomez, M. V., Reyes, M. E., Mejia, D. F., and Cardenas, H. (2000) Genetic variation at 9 STR loci in a southwestern Columbian population. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 251-253.

1186. Gonzalez-Neira, A., Gusmao, L., Barral, S., Lareu, M. V., and Carracedo, A. (2000) Multiplexing Y chromosome STRs: Analysis of artifactual bands and PCR strategies. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 436-438.

1179. Guarducci, S., Ricci, U., Biondi, C., Lapi, E., Cecconi, A., Ricotti, G., Vieri, F., Gori, F., Sereni, A., Ombroni, L., and Giovannucci Uzielli, M. L. (2000) Practical application of DNA study for forensic genetic analysis in complex situations involving presumed incest as cause of Mendelian disorders. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 381-383.

1107. Gusmao, L., Sanchez-Diz, P., Gonzalez-Neira, A., Brion, M., and Lareu, M. V. (2000) Homologous STRs in the X and Y chromosomes: A contribution to understanding human sexual chromosomes evolution. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 64-66.

1173. Gusmao, L., Amorim, A., Martins, N., Prata, M. J., Gonzalez-Neira, A., Lareu, M. V., and Carracedo, A. (2000) Y chromosome STR haplotypes in Macau (SE China). Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 324-326.

1152. Hashiyada, M., Masayuki, N., Kanetake, J., Adachi, N., Ji, G., Takahashi, K., Mimasaka, S., and Funayama, M. (2000) Genetic and sequence polymorphism of 3 short tandem repeats (STRs) in Japanese; D21S11, D18S51, and D8S1179. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 245-247.

1119. Henke, J., Henke, L., Cleef, C., and Dulmer, M. (2000) On population genetics and family data of the human short tandem repeat polymorophism D5S2360. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 142-144.

1165. Henke, L., Cleef, S., Duelmer, M., and Henke, J. (2000) Segregation of Y-chromosomal STR haplotypes. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 296-298.

1192. Hidding, M., Schmitt, C., and Staak, M. (2000) Simultaneous amplification of eight STR-loci in two multiplex PCR-systems for typing a compound Y-chromosomal haplotype. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 454-456.

1212. Hoff-Olsen, P., Jacobsen, S., Mevag, B., and Olaisen, B. (2000) Postmortem human microsatellite stability in different tissues. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 542-544.

1214. Hoff-Olsen, P., Mevag, B., Staalstrom, E., Hovde, B., Egeland, T., and Olaisen, B. (2000) Extraction of DNA from decomposed human tissue. An evaluation of five extraction methods for short tandem repeat typing. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 552-554.

1180. Hou, Y., Song, Z., Li, Y., Wu, J., and Zhang, J. (2000) How many STR markers are enough for paternity identification. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 384-386.

1171. Hou, Y., Wu, J., Li, Y., Zhang, J., and Prinz, M. (2000) Polymorphisms of chromosome Y specific short tandem repeats in a Chinese population. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 315-317.

1151. Hou, Y., Li, Y., Wu, J., Tang, J., and Prinz, M. (2000) Polymorphisms of 13 STR markers in Chinese population. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 242-244.

1105. Huang, X.-L., Osawa, M., Yukawa, N., Saito, T., Kusakabe, T., Jin, Z. B., and Takeichi, S. (2000) Usefulness of PCR direct sequencing to analyze short tandem repeat loci. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 49-51.

1148. Huguet, E., Borrego, N., Pique, E., Brandt, C., Mas, J., Luna, M., Corbella, J., Moreno, P., and Gene, M. (2000) Bubi population (Equitorial Guinea) characterised by D3S1358, D8S1179, D18S51, and D19S253 STR-PCR polymorphisms. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 233-235.

1129. Iacovacci, G., Lago, G., Pizzamiglio, M., Grandi, M., and Garofano, L. (2000) Italian population study from forensic casework on a 6 STR loci. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 172-174.

1193. Ishii, A., Shaler, R., Baum, H., and Prinz, M. (2000) Mulitplex system for Y-STR testing using fluorescent primers: Artefacts caused by female DNA. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 457-459.

1205. Jobim, L. F., Jobim, M. R., and Fernandes, L. (2000) Identification of a decapitated lady found in the fields and her bloodstain in the boyfriend's car. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 517-519.

1206. Jobim, L. F., Fernandes, L., and Jobim, M. R. (2000) Identification of a carbonzied body found inside the boot compartment of a burnt car found in a farm. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 520-522.

1190. Junge, A., Steevens, M., and Madea, B. (2000) ACTBP2, D21S11, and D12S391: Experiences with the ABI Prism(TM) 310 Genetic Analyzer. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 448-450.

1183. Katsumata, Y., Tamaki, K., Huang, X.-L., Uchihi, R., Mizutani, M., and Yamamoto, T. (2000) Paternal mutation at D3S1358 found in a single exclusion case. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 396-398.

1218. Keil, W., Anslinger, K., Wipper, S., and Rolf, B. (2000) Evaluation of chimeric status following allogenic bone marrow transplantation using short tandem repeats. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 567-569.

1213. Kido, A., Susukida, R., Oya, M., Hara, M., and Saito, K. (2000) Determination of three STR loci, vWA, TPOX, and F13A01, in aged seminal stains. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 545-547.

1112. Klintschar, M., Al Hammadi, N., Ebner, A., and Reichenpfader, B. (2000) Is it possible to determine the ethnic origin of caucasian individuals using short tandem repeat loci? Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 100-102.

1143. Klintschar, M., Ebner, A., and Reichenpfader, B. (2000) A study on the short tandem repeat systems TPOX and D8S1132 in Austria, Yemen, and Egypt. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 218-220.

1176. Kratzer, A., Germann, U., Schertler, A., and Bar, W. (2000) Efficiency of the Profiler PCR systems compared to the Profiler Plus PCR systems in cases of dusputed paternity. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 371-373.

1170. Kupiec, T., Branicki, W., van Mersbergen, C., van Hemert, G., and Kloosterman, A. (2000) Population genetic study of Y chromosome specific STR-loci in a population sample from southern Poland. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 312-314.

1106. Lach, C., Schmitt, C., and Staak, M. (2000) Sequence structure of the three autosomal STR-loci CD4, DHFRP2 and D8S306: A new triplex for forensic casework. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 52-54.

1187. Lago, G., Zignale, G., Podini, D., Iacovacci, G., Vecchio, C., and Garofano, L. (2000) Eight and nine loci STR multiplex genotyping with use of 12 cm plates on an ABI Prism 377(TM) DNA Sequencer. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 439-441.

1111. Leclair, B., Fregeau, C. J., Bowen, K. L., Borys, S., Elliott, J., and Fourney, R. M. (2000) Enhanced kinship analysis and STR-based DNA typing for human identification in mass disasters. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 91-93.

1164. Lessig, R. and Edelmann, J. (2000) Population genetics of Y-chromosomal haplotypes in Western Saxony (Germany). Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 293-295.

1104. Liu, C. Y., Takayanagi, H., Asamura, M., Ota, M., and Fukushima, H. (2000) Study on ACBP2 mutations in Japanese. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 46-48.

1208. Martin, P., Albarran, C., Garcia, O., Garcia, P., Sancho, M., and Alonso, A. (2000) Application of Y-STR analysis to rape cases that cannot be solved by autosomal STR analysis. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 526-528.

1134. Martinez-Jarreta, B., Nievas, P., Abecia, E., and Budowle, B. (2000) Genetic analysis of the short tandem repeat loci D16S539, D7S820, D13S317, D18S535, D1S1656, and loci D12S391 in two Spanish populations. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 190-192.

1184. Maviglia, R., Moscetti, A., Dobosz, M., Caglia, A., Pascali, V. L., van Boxel, D. W., and Dawid, A. P. (2000) Forensic inference from incomplete pedigrees by probabilistic expert systems. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 399-401.

1124. Maviglia, R., Dobosz, M., Caglia, A., Boschi, I., Capelli, C., Hall, D., and Pascali, V. L. (2000) An archive of Italian gene frequencies in the World Wide Web. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 157-159.

1185. McKeown, B., Stickley, J., and Riordan, A. (2000) Gender assignment by PCR of the SRY gene: an improvement on amelogenin. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 433-435.

1123. Mertens, G., Mommers, N., Heylen, H., Gielis, M., Boutrand, L., Muylle, L., and Vandenberghe, A. (2000) Frequency data, mutations, and allele structure of loci D3S1744, D12S1090, and D18S849 in the Flemish population. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 154-156.

1172. Mukoyama, R., Tsutsumi, H., Komuro, T., and Mukoyama, H. (2000) Allele frequencies of four Y-chromosomal STR loci in Japanese population and their repeat structures. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 318-320.

1216. Nagy, M., Massenkeil, G., Anders, P., Hahne, C., Kruger, C., Otremba, P., Arnold, R., and Geserick, G. (2000) Short tandem repeat anaysis to monitor chimerism after allogenic stem cell transplantation. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 561-536.

1149. Nakamura, S., Nagai, T., Matsui, H., Tabuchi, M., Sugie, H., Furukawa, M., Imai, H., and Kurihara, K. (2000) Genetic analysis of AmpFlSTR Profiler Plus loci in Japanese. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 236-238.

1199. Padar, Z., Barta, A., Egyed, B., Furedi, S., Kemeny, G., and Woller, J. (2000) Hungarian experience of examination of the fingernails in violent crime. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 492-494.

1117. Pawlowski, R. and Maciejewska, A. (2000) The forensic validation studies of Profiler Plus and allele frequencies of profiler loci in a Polish population. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 136-138.

1220. Pennekamp, P., Schmitt, C., Hidding, M., Caspar, C., and Staak, M. (2000) Somatic instability of six STR-loci in renal tumors and melanomas. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 578-580.

1163. Phillips, C. P., Thacker, C., Sandher, S., and Syndercombe Court, D. (2000) UK caucasian databases for six Y chromosome STRs. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 290-292.

1219. Piccinini, A., Betti, F., Bulfamante, G., Capra, C., Cattaneo, C., Fiori, S., and Farneti, A. (2000) Medical malpractice metaphase spreads and STR-PCR: A case report. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 570-573.

1139. Pinheiro, M. F., Pontes, M. L., Abrantes, D., Castro, A., Fernandez-Fernandez, I., and de Pancorbo, M. M. (2000) North Portugal population genetic data for nine STR loci. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 205-207.

1201. Pizzamiglio, M., Donato, F., Floris, T., Bellino, C., Cappiello, P., Lago, G., and Garofano, L. (2000) DNA typing of latex gloves. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 504-507.

1203. Pizzamiglio, M., Biondi, F., Bellino, C., De Meo, A., Vecchio, C., Bizzaro, G. P., and Garofano, L. (2000) Identifying the culprit through small amounts of saliva from two different robberies and use of database. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 511-513.

1209. Pizzamiglio, M., Donato, F., Biondi, F., Floris, T., Bellino, C., Tobiello, A., and Garofano, L. (2000) DNA typing of a mixed female and male material from a case of rape. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 529-532.

1189. Podini, D., Zignale, G., Lago, G., and Garofano, L. (2000) Simultaneous genotyping of all CODIS loci using GenePrint(TM) PowerPlex(TM) 1.2 aqnd AmpFlSTR Profiler Plus(TM) with ABI Prism(TM) 377 DNA Seqencer. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 445-447.

1128. Ponzano, E., Cerri, N., Caenazzo, L., Fenato, F. A., De Ferrari, F., and Cortivo, P. (2000) Distribution of the two STR systems HumMBP and D19S253 in Northern Italy. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 170-171.

1110. Presciuttini, S., Casarino, L., Verdiani, S., Mannucci, A., Peirano, L., Bailey-Wilson, J. E., and De Stefano, F. (2000) Distributions of the number of alleles identical by state (IBS), summed over several loci, among full-sib pairs and unrelated individuals. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 88-90.

1155. Previdere, C., Tyler-Smith, C., Grignani, P., and Peloso, G. (2000) Y-chromosomal haploypes and haplogroups in male identification. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 257-259.

1221. Prinz, M., Ishii, A., Sansone, M., Baum, H., and Shaler, R. (2000) Y chromosome specific STR testing and the US legal system. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 591-594.

1166. Reichenpfader, B., Al Hammadi, N., and Klintschar, M. (2000) Analysis of five Y chromosomal STRs in three populations. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 299-301.

1161. Ricci, U., Vieri, F., Guarducci, S., Biondi, C., Gori, F., Sereni, A., and Giovannucci Uzielli, M. L. (2000) A survey of nine Y-STRs as forensic identification markers in the population of Tuscany (Central Italy). Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 275-277.

1174. Rittner, C., Rittner, G., and Schneider, P. M. (2000) DNA and legal rights in paternity testing in Germany. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 365-367.

1130. Robino, C., Gino, S., and Torre, C. (2000) Allele and genotype frequencies of two STR loci (HUMTH01, HUMvWA) in the Northwest Italian population. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 175-177.

1223. Roewer, L., Kayser, M., Anslinger, K., Augustin, C., Caglia, A., Corach, D., Furedi, S., Geserick, G., Henke, L., Hidding, M., Kargel, H. J., de Knijff, P., Lessig, R., Pascali, V. L., Parson, W., Prinz, M., Rolf, B., Schmitt, C., Schneider, P., Szibor, R., Teifel-Greding, J., and Krawczak, M. (2000) Caucsian Y-STR haplotype reference database for forensic application. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 613-615.

1178. Sawaguchi, A., Wang, X., Sawaguchi, T., and Tezuka, Y. (2000) Analysis of STR and application to paternity testing. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 377-380.

1118. Schroer, P., Schmitt, C., and Staak, M. (2000) Western German population data for the two highly-polymorphic STR-loci D21s11 and FGA and sequence data for rare FGA-alleles. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 139-141.

1204. Schulz, M. and Reichert, W. (2000) A strategy for STR-analysis of cryptic epithelial cells on several textiles in practical casework. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 514-516.

1175. Sieglova, Z., Loudova, M., Dvorakova, R., Honzatkova, L., Rihova, H., and Brdicka, R. (2000) Fatherless cases in our paternity expertises praxis. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 368-370.

1116. Sippel, H., Hedman, M., and Sajantila, A. (2000) DNA-database in the Finnish population using AmpFlSTR Profiler and AmpFlSTR SGM Plus multiplex analysis by capillary electrophesis. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 132-135.

1159. Tagliabracci, A., Buscemi, L., Pesaresi, M., Rodriguez, D., Caenazzo, L., Ponzano, E., Fenato, F. A., Cortivo, P., Previdere, C., Peloso, G., Grignani, P., Pierucci, G., Polizzi, E., Nardone, M., Della Mora, C., and Domenici, R. (2000) Population study and paternity testing of seven Y-chromosome STR-loci in an Italian population sample. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 269-271.

1196. Thacker, C., Phillips, C. P., and Syndercombe-Court, D. (2000) Use of FTA cards in small volume PCR reactions. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 473-475.

1195. Thacker, C., Phillips, C. P., and Syndercombe-Court, D. (2000) Comparison of two commercial multiplexs for use in small volume PCR reactions. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 470-472.

1177. Thomson, J. A., Ayres, K. L., Pilotti, V., Barrett, M. N., Walker, J. I. H., and Debenham, P. G. (2000) Validation of multiplex STR systems for the investigation of parentage and other familial relationships. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 374-376.

1153. Tie, J., Tsukamoto, S., and Oshida, S. (2000) Polymorphism at four TGGA repeat sites in the Myelin basic protein gene. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 248-250.

1137. Torres, Y., Prieto, V., Flores, I., and Sanz, P. (2000) Allele frequency distribution of D5S818, D13S317, and D7S820 in a southern Spain population. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 199-201.

1158. Umetsu, K., Watanabe, G., Yuasa, I., Ago, K., Nakayashiki, N., Miyoshi, A., and Kashimura, S. (2000) Haplotype distribution of four Y chromosomal STR loci in the east Asian populations. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 266-268.

1200. Van Renterghem, P., Leonard, D., and De Greef, C. (2000) Use of latent fingerprints as a source of DNA for genetic identification. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 501-503.

1103. Vandenberghe, A., Furedi, S., Boutrand, L., and Mertens, G. (2000) Structure of rare alleles of locus HPRTB in the Hungarian population. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 43-45.

1202. Wiegand, P., Trubner, K., and Kleiber, M. (2000) STR typing of biological stains on strangulation tools. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 508-510.

1150. Yamamoto, T., Uchihi, R., Mizutani, M., Ohtaki, H., Tanaka, M., and Katsumata, Y. (2000) Allele frequencies at 13 STR loci in the Burmese population. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 239-241.

1188. Yoshida, K., Fujii, K., Senjyu, H., Kasai, K., and Sato, H. (2000) Multiplex system for amplification and detection of 9 short tandem repeat loci: reproducibility of size measurements with 377 and 310 DNA sequencer. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 (1999). 8, pp. 442-444.


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