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Seventeenth Congress of the International Society for Forensic Haemogenetics

Elsevier, 1998


977. Andres, M. I., Prieto, V., Flores, I., and Sanz, P. (1998) Allele frequency distribution of D3S1358, vWA, and FGA loci in a southern Spain population. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 243-245.

967. Anjos, M. J., Souto, L., Carvalho, M., Martinho, A., Santos, P., Simoes, O., Breda-Coimbra, H., Vieira, D. N., and Vide, M. C. (1998) Forensic view for genetic profiles after bone marrow transplants. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 156-158.

1029. Ansell, R. and Kihlgren, A. (1998) During a rape investigation the suspect was found to be heteroplasmic in HUMVWA31/A. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 427-429.

1060. Arroyo-Pardo, E., Ocana, M. A., Arroyo, M., Arroyo-Merino, E., and Ruiz de la Cuesta, J. M. (1998) Creation of a PCR-based polymorphism databank of medico-legal interest. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 554-555.

948. Augustin, C., Grobevollmer, E., and Puschel, K. (1998) Identification of human remains: Short tandem repeat analysis versus mitochondrial DNA. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 83-85.

978. Benecke, M., Staak, M., and Schmitt, C. (1998) Forensic validation, German population data, and automated detection of alleles of the co-amplified STR loci D3S1358, VWA, and FGA. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 246-248.

955. Bruno, M., D'Errico, G., Iacovacci, G., Lago, G., and Garofano, L. (1998) Alternative source of DNA in cloths specimens. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 111-113.

946. Budowle, B. and Isenberg, A. R. (1998) Capillary electrophoresis for forensic DNA typing analyses. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 61-67.

979. Buscemi, L., Tagliabracci, A., Bianchi, F., Paoli, M., Sassaroli, C., Rodriguez, D., Caenazzo, L., Ponzano, E., Cortivo, P., Previdere, C., Peloso, G., Pierucci, G., Bibbiani, R., Nardone, M., Spinetti, I., Domenici, R., and Bargagna, M. (1998) Allele frequencies of the STR locus HUMFGA in an Italian population. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 249-251.

980. Caeiro, B., Luis, J. R., and Dios, S. (1998) Genetic studies of the nucleotide repeat CYP19. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 252-254.

1025. Caglia, A., Dobosz, M., Boschi, I., Fiori, A., and Pascali, V. L. (1998) Allele frequencies and haplotypes of eight Y-specific STRs: A comparison between Sardinians and continental Italians. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 416-417.

952. Capelli, C., Hall, D., and Maviglia, R. (1998) Fingerprints from fingernails? Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 100-102.

1040. Carvalho, M., Souto, L., Anjos, M. J., Vieira, D. N., and Vide, M. C. (1998) STR allele size variation due to dye labelling strategies. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 475-477.

1061. Cerri, N., Decarli, A., Zorzi, F., and De Ferrari, F. (1998) A statistical analysis by means linear model on Italian STRs population data. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 559-561.

981. Cerri, N., Zorzi, F., and De Ferrari, F. (1998) Two STRs in a population of northern Italy: Phenotypes and allele frequencies. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 255-257.

1026. Corach, D., Penacino, G., Sala, A., Iannucci, N., Martinez, M., Villafane, A., Kayser, M., and Roewer, L. (1998) Validation studies of Y-specific STRs: Forensic casework evaluation. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 418-420.

974. d'Aloja, E., Maviglia, R., Dobosz, M., and Pascali, V. L. (1998) Multiplex analysis and forensic validation of four new tetrameric STRs. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 195-197.

953. D'Errico, G., Zanon, C., Lago, G., Vecchio, C., and Garofano, L. (1998) DNA analysis on skeletal remains after months of permanence in sea-water. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 106-108.

983. Dauber, E. M., Glock, B., Schwartz, D. W. M., and Mayr, W. R. (1998) Sequencing and population data of a short tandem repeat locus in the alpha fibrinogen gene (HUMFGA) in an Austrian population sample. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 264-266.

962. de Pancorbo, M. M., Rodriguez-Alarcon, J., Castro, A., Fernandez-Fernandez, I., Garcia-Orad, A., Tamayo, G., Melchor, J. C., Linares, A., and del Rey, F. L. L. (1998) Newborn genetic identification by microsatellite DNA. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 139-141.

1015. De Stefano, F. and Presciuttini, S. (1998) An Italian collaborative study on HUMFES/FPS locus (GEFI Project Ancona 2) - Allele and phenotype frequencies. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 369-371.

1052. Degenhartt, S., Leim, K., Clerici, S., Reichert, W., and Mattern, R. (1998) Studies on 7 autosomal and 5 Y-chromosomal STR loci in a south-west German population. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 527-530.

984. Dios, S., Luis, J. R., Caeiro, B., and Ribeiro, J. C. T. (1998) TPOX, HUMVWA31/A, HUMTH01, CYP19, D5S373, D8S323, D8S344, D8S345: STR database for a West African population. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 267-269.

985. Dobosz, M., Caglia, A., Maviglia, R., and Boschi, I. (1998) Allele frequencies of four STR polymorphisms in an Italian population sample. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 270-271.

986. Domenici, R., Bibbiani, R., Fornaciari, S., Nardone, M., Rocchi, A., Spinetti, I., and Bargagna, M. (1998) Allele frequencies distribution of three STRs loci (CD4, CSF1PO, F13B) in Tuscany (Italy). Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 272-273.

949. Domenici, R., Bibbiani, R., Fornaciari, S., Nardone, M., Rocchi, A., Spinetti, I., Venturi, M., and Bargagna, M. (1998) Application of conventional and DNA polymorphisms to paternity cases. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 89-91.

1022. Dupuy, B. M., Gedde-Dahl, T., and Olaisen, B. (1998) Comparisons of allele frequencies in three hyperpolymorphic STRs between Norwegian Saamis and the main population. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 395-397.

947. Dupuy, B. M., Mevag, B., Jacobsen, S., and Olaisen, B. (1998) Short tetramesr for degraded stains. A test of four STRs. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 71-73.

1055. Dupuy, B. M., Gjesti, A., and Olaisen, B. (1998) Population databases of DYS19 and DYS385 in 150 Norwegians. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 536-538.

971. Fily, M. L., Crubezy, E., Ebrard, D., Keyser, C., and Ludes, B. (1998) Funerary recruitment in a sepulchral cave dated from the bronze age. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 174-176.

1059. Flores, I. C., Andres, M. I., Prieto, V., and Sanz, P. (1998) Towards the establishment of a fraternity index in forensic identification cases. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 551-553.

988. Forster, R., Babler, G., Pflug, W., Schnee-Griese, J., and Uhl, S. (1998) Allele frequencies (HUMVWA, HUMTH01, and HUMFES/FPS) in a population sample of south-west Germany. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 278-281.

1030. Fregeau, C. J., Bowen, K. L., and Fourney, R. M. (1998) Two discriminatory multiplex STR systems for forensic identification: validation and Canadian casework experience with automated fluorescent technologies. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 433-435.

1056. Fregeau, C. J., Bowen, K. L., Bowen, J. H., Gaudette, B. D., and Fourney, R. M. (1998) National casework and national DNA database: The Royal Canadian Mounted Police perspective. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 541-543.

1031. Gabler, A., Luckenbach, C., and Ritter, H. (1998) Analysis of manual and automated typing of the STR locus SE33. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 436-438.

1014. Gamero, J. J., Souto, L., Vieira, D. N., Vizcaya, M. A., Arufe, M. I., Feliu, M. M., Vide, M. C., and Romero, J. L. (1998) Population study of the HUMVWA, HUMTH01, HUMFES, and HUMF13A1 STR polymorphisms in the south-west of Spain. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 366-368.

989. Garcia, O., Martin, P., Uriarte, J., Albarran, C., and Alonso, A. (1998) Allele frequency distribution of 7 STR loci in the Basque Country autochthonous population. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 282-284.

1002. Gene, M., Borrego, N., Hidalgo, R, Pinheiro, F., Luna, M., Corbella, J., Moreno, P., and Huguet, E. (1998) HUMTH01, HUMVWA31A, and 3'APOB VNTR-PCR loci frequencies studied in Saharan sample population (West Sahara native population). Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 326-328.

991. Gessa, S., Carcassi, C., Floris, L., Paribello, F., Lai, S., Demontis, R., Alba, F., Montaldo, S., and Contu, L. (1998) Sardinian population data on STR locus HUMTH01. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 288-290.

1051. Ghio, F., Betti, F., and Piccinini, A. (1998) North Italian population genetic data for the Y STR systems DYS19, DYS390, DYS392 and their possible application to forensic routine casework. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 524-526.

1047. Glock, B., Dauber, E. M., Schwartz, D. W. M., and Mayr, W. R. (1998) Comparative investigation of the STR polymorphism at locus D12S391 in an Austrian population sample: additonal sequence data and allele distribution. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 512-514.

992. Glock, B., Schwartz, D. W. M., Dauber, E. M., Schwartz-Jungl, E. M., and Mayr, W. R. (1998) Austrian population data on the polymorphic STR loci DYS19 and HUMF13B. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 291-293.

1057. Harrison, C. R., Allen, R. W., Eisenberg, A. J., Polesky, H. F., Roby, R. K., and Walker, R. H. (1998) PCR systems used by laboratories participating in the AABB/CAP parentage testing program. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 544-545.

969. Hasskamp, J., Syndercombe-Court, D., Phillips, C. P., and Kelsey, S. M. (1998) Short tandem repeat analysis to monitor chimerism after bone-marow transplantation. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 162-164.

1048. Hidding, M., Staak, M., and Schmitt, C. (1998) Y-chromosomal DNa systems: application of a triplex PCR in forensic stain analysis. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 515-517.

1062. Hjelm, K., Beckman, A., and Jangblad, A. (1998) Screening for serial cases among unsolved crimes in Sweden. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 565-567.

1033. Hoff-Olsen, P., Jacobsen, S., Stenersen, M., Meling, G. I., and Olaisen, B. (1998) Somatic mutation spectra of three hyperpolymorphic STRs. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 446-448.

1003. Huguet, E., Borrego, N., Pinheiro, M. F., Luna, M., Corbella, J., Mas, J., Gene, M., and Moreno, P. (1998) Annobon island population (Equatorial Guinea) characterised by five VNTRs-PCR polymorphism. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 329-331.

1049. Junge, A. and Madea, B. (1998) Population studies of the Y-chromosome specific polymorphisms DYS19, DYS389-I + II and DYS390 in a western German population (Rhine area). Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 518-520.

1046. Kayser, M., Kruger, C., Nagy, M., Geserick, G., de Knijff, P., and Roewer, L. (1998) Y-chromosomal DNA-analysis in paternity testing: experiences and recommendations. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 494-496.

938. Kihlgren, A., Beckman, C., and Holgersson, S. (1998) Using D3S1358 for quantification of DNA amenable to PCR and for genotype screening. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 31-36.

994. Klintschar, M. and Al Hammadi, N. (1998) A study on five short tandem repeat systems in a Yemenian population sample. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 300-302.

995. Klintschar, M., Glock, B., Dauber, E. M., and Mayr, W. R. (1998) Allele frequencies and sequence studies of a highly variable STR at the D17S976 locus. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 303-305.

1045. Kloosterman, A. D., Pouwels, M., Daselaar, P., and Janssen, H. J. T. (1998) Population genetic study of Y-chromosome specific STR-loci in Dutch caucasians. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 491-493.

996. Kozma, Z., Nagy, M., Woller, J., Furedi, S., Setalo, J., Nishimura, A., Bajnoczky, I., Ohya, I., and Nishi, K. (1998) Population genetic study for the STR loci D21S11 and HUMFIBRA analysed by using a fluorescent based coamplification and automated detection. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 306-308.

1034. Kozma, Z., Nagai, A., Setalo, J., Nishimura, A., Bajnoczky, I., Ohya, I., and Nishi, K. (1998) A new ".3" type variant allele in the STR locus HUMTH01: Allele 6.3 found in a Hungarian caucasian individual. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 449-451.

950. Kratzer, A., Furling, S., and Bar, W. (1998) DNA analysis of 1162 parentage cases. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 92-94.

975. Lareu, M. V., Barral, S., Salas, A., Rodriguez, M., Pestoni, C., and Carracedo, A. (1998) Further exploration of new STRs of interest for forensic genetic analysis. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 198-200.

1050. Lessig, R. and Edelmann, J. (1998) Population genetics of the two Y-STRs DYs19 and DYS390 in West Saxonia (Germany). Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 521-523.

957. Lorente, J. A., Lorente, M., Entrala, C., Alvarez, J. C., Villanueva, E., and Budowle, B. (1998) Dandruff as a source of DNA: Validation studies. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 123-125.

956. Lorente, J. A., Lorente, M., Lorenente, M. J., Alvarez, J. C., Entrala, C., Lopez-Munoz, J., and Villanueva, E. (1998) Newborn genetic identification: Expanding the fields of forensic haemogenetics. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 114-116.

1064. Lorente, J. A., Girela, E., Lorente, M., Alvarez, J. C., Rodrigo, M. D., Villanueva, E., and Eisenberg, A. J. (1998) Double paternity twins. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 117-119.

939. Luque, J. A., Crespillo, M., Ramirez, E., Fernandez, R. M., and Valverde, J. L. (1998) Analysis of STRs using capillary electrophoresis. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 34-36.

1042. Malmgren, H., Lango, A., Holmlund, G., Engdahl, L., Nordlof, S., and Lindblom, B. (1998) DNA-sequencing of an allelic ladder comprising AAAG repeats and inter-gel variation of allele sizes. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 481-483.

958. Mannucci, A., Verdiani, S., Casarino, L., Costa, M. G., De Stefano, F., and Canale, M. (1998) Maternity exclusion of skeletal remains by mtDNA minisequencing. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 126-128.

997. Martin, P., Garcia, O., Alonso, A., Albarran, C., and Sancho, M. (1998) Allele frequencies od D3S1358 and HUMFIBRA (FGA) in a Central Spanish population. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 309-311.

998. Martinez-Jarreta, B., Roche, P. D., Budowle, B., Abecia, E., Castellano, M., and Casalod, Y. (1998) Pyrenean population data on 3 tetrameric short tandem repeat loci - HUMTH01, TPOX, and CSF1PO - derived using a STR multiplex system. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 312-314.

961. Menoyo, C., Lamikiz, E., Zulaika, D., Castro, A., Fernandez-Fernandez, I., and de Pancorbo, M. M. (1998) DNA microsatellite polymorphisms and the Syringe Exchange Programme for AIDS Prevention. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 136-138.

1035. Mertens, G., Gielis, M., Mommers, N., Heylen, H., Lamartine, J., Radawiec, S., Muylle, L., and Vandenberghe, A. (1998) Molecular analysis of a mutation generated at the HUMHPRTB[AGAT]n locus. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 452-453.

1006. Miranda, C., Prata, M. J., and Amorim, A. (1998) Population genetics of the F13A1 STR polymorphism in North Portugal and S. Tome e Principe. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 338-340.

951. Miscicka-Sliwka, D., Grzybowski, T., Wozniak, M., and Czarny, J. (1998) Forensic DNA typing of a single hair: Mitochondrial DNA sequencing and highly discriminating STR multiplex. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 97-99.

1019. Miscicka-Sliwka, D., Wozniak, M., Grzybowski, T., and Czarny, J. (1998) A study of sequence polymorphism in human alpha fibrinogen gene in the Pomerania-Kujawy region of Poland. Identification of a new allele and two alleles previously reported to be absent in caucasians. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 384-386.

1032. Miscicka-Sliwka, D., Grzybowski, T., Czarny, J., and Wozniak, M. (1998) Increasing of informativeness of the high microvariation STR systems without sequencing. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 439-441.

982. Miscicka-Sliwka, D., Czarny, J., Grzybowski, T., and Wozniak, M. (1998) Population genetics of 14 STRs: vWA, TH01, TPOX, CSF1PO, D5S818, D13S317, D7S820, D16S539, F13A1, FES/FPS, F13B, LPL, D3S1358, and FGA in the Pomerania-Kujawy region of Poland. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 261-263.

1063. Molsberger, G., West, S., Huckenbeck, W., Scheil, H.-G., and Kuntze, K. (1998) The distribution of SE33 alleles in a German (Northrhine Westphalian) population sample and the dilemma of appropriate sample size. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 568-571.

959. Morhart, V., Keil, W., Weichhold, G., and Bayer, B. (1998) STR analysis of semen contained in vaginal swabs and postcoital interval. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 129-132.

999. Mornhinweg, E., Luckenbach, C., and Ritter, H. (1998) D3S1358 and D8S1179: Analysis and allele frequencies in a south German population. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 315-317.

960. Mukoyama, R., Ohtaguro, H., Komuro, T., and Mukoyama, H. (1998) Forensic application of human DNA quantitation: Species identification and human DNA quantitation in dental pulp. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 133-135.

1000. Nagai, A., Watanabe, T., Takayama, T., Yamada, S., Bunai, Y., Nakamura, I., and Ohya, I. (1998) Allele frequencies and sequence data of the STR locus D11S554 in a Japanese population. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 318-320.

972. Ota, M., Katsuyama, Y., Liu, C. Y., Arakura, A., Takayanagi, K., and Fukushima, H. (1998) Structure and gene frequency distribution of locus D16S543 (WG1F2) in the Japanese population. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 189-191.

1027. Pestoni, C., Cal, M. L., Bellas, S., Barral, S., Lareu, M. V., Rodriguez-Calvo, M. S., and Carracedo, A. (1998) Y-chromosome STR haplotypes: construction of allelic ladders, sequencing data, and population data from Galicia (NW Spain). Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 421-423.

1001. Pestoni, C., Lopez-Gomez, J., Aler, M., Lareu, M. V., Rodriguez-Calvo, M. S., and Carracedo, A. (1998) Complex STRs (ACTBP2, D21S11, and FIBRA/FGA) in two Spanish populations: New intermediate alleles and population genetic peculiarities in ACTBP2. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 324-325.

1041. Phillips, C. P., Syndercombe-Court, D., and Hasskamp, J. (1998) Band shift analysis of three base-pair repeat alleles in the short tandem repeat locus D12S391. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 478-480.

1023. Phillips, C. P., Syndercombe-Court, D., and Tamaki, N. (1998) UK caucasian databases for the short tandem repeat loci D21S11, HUMFIBRA (FGA), and D8S1179. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 398-400.

1004. Pinheiro, M. F., Pontes, M. L., Huguet, E., Gene, M., and Pinto da Costa, J. (1998) Validation of a frequency database for two loci (CD4 and D12S391). Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 332-334.

1058. Polesky, H. F., Allen, R. W., Eisenberg, A. J., Harrison, C. R., Roby, R. K., and Walker, R. H. (1998) Scoring systems for DNA test results from a parentage testing proficiency program. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 546-548.

1037. Poltl, R., Luckenbach, C., and Ritter, H. (1997) The STR-marker FGA: allele frequency data (SW-Germany), automated typing with different fluorescence markers. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 460-462.

1036. Poltl, R., Luckenbach, C., Fimmers, R., and Ritter, H. (1998) The STR-marker D8S347: Allele frequency data from a southwestern German population. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 458-459.

1005. Pontes, M. L., Pinheiro, M. F., Huguet, E., Gene, M., and Pinto da Costa, J. (1998) Automated typing of 4 tetrameric STR: A north of Portugal database. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 335-337.

963. Ponzano, E., Caenazzo, L., Vangelista, T., Fenato, F. A., and Cortivo, P. (1998) Human sex determination for forensic purposes: Comparison of different methods. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 145-147.

993. Prata, M. J., Gusmao, L., Mota, P., Silva, D., and Amorim, A. (1998) Genetic profiling of S. Miguel island (Azores). Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 294-296.

964. Prieto, V., Andres, M. I., Sanz, P., and Repetto, M. (1998) Drug abuse deaths: DNA individualisation of traces of blood from hypodermal syringes. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 148-149.

990. Ribeiro, T., Brito, R. M., Espinheira, R., and Geada, H. (1998) Duplex STR analysis of D19S253 and D18S51 in a Portuguese population. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 285-287.

987. Ribeiro, T., Brito, R. M., Espinheira, R., and Geada, H. (1998) New alleles of D12S391 STR locus in a Portuguese population. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 275-277.

1053. Ricci, U., Vieri, F., Scarselli, B., Knusel, P., and Giovannucci Uzielli, M. L. (1998) Analysis of the Y-chromosome: the Y27H39 polymorphism in a population sample of Tuscany region (Central Italy). Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 531-532.

1007. Ricci, U., Gori, F., Sereni, A., Biondi, C., and Giovannucci Uzielli, M. L. (1998) Typingof three STRs loci (Hum CD4, Hum CSF1PO, Hum TPOX). Development of a multiplex PCR system for forensic samples and parentage testing and allele frequency distribution in Tuscany region (Italy). Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 341-343.

1043. Richard, M., Murray, W., and Newall, P. (1998) Forensic casework experience with AmpFlSTR Profiler. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 484-487.

1024. Roewer, L. (1998) The Y-chromosome: Forensic application and evolutionary aspects. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 407-412.

945. Roy, R. and Steffens, D. L. (1998) Infrared fluorescence detection of genetic markers from forensic samples. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 52-54.

965. Sakurada, M., Honda, K., Nakatome, M., Tun, Z., Shimada, S., and Misawa, S. (1998) Recovery of high quality DNA from 500-year-old skeletal remains for forensic DNA typing. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 150-152.

1008. Sala, A., Penacino, G., Iannucci, N., and Corach, D. (1998) STR database from Argentina: Statistical comparison with other population databases. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 347-349.

940. Sanz, P., Prieto, V., and Andres, M. I. (1998) Validation of FES/FPS and F13A1 typing using capillary electrophoresis. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 37-39.

1038. Sasaki, M., Ishikawa, M., Fujimoto, S., and Shiono, H. (1998) Several STR markers and their genetic instabilities in some related diseases. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 469-470.

1009. Schneider, H. R., Wiegand, P., Schurenkamp, M., and Kleiber, M. (1998) STR system D8S1132: Genetic data of two German population samples. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 350-352.

1044. Schneider, P. M., Meuser, S., Waiyawuth, W., and Rittner, C. (1998) Repeat structure of the Y-chromosomal STR locus DYS385 and frequency studies in the German, Chinese, and Thai populations. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 488-490.

966. Schulz, M., Reichert, W., and Mattern, R. (1998) DNA typing from human dentine. Progress in Forensic Genetics 7 (1997). 7, pp. 153-155.

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