Fifteenth Congress of the International Society for Forensic Haemogenetics

Springer, 1994


162. Alonso, A., Martin, P., Albarran, C., and Sancho, M. (1994) Evaluation of the tris-glycine/tris-chloride discontinuous buffer system for the electrophoretic analysis of VNTR and STR loci. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 124-126.

179. Berschick, P., Henke, L., and Henke, J. (1994) Analysis of the short tandem repeat polymorphism SE33: a new high resolution separation of SE33 alleles by means of direct blotting electrophoresis. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 323-325.

192. Berschick, P., Henke, L., and Henke, J. (1994) Analysis of the short tandem repeat polymorphism TC 11 (HUMTH01): allele frequencies and family studies. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 469-471.

330. Brinkmann, B. and Wiegand, P. (1994) Medicolegal implications of PCR based VNTRs. Proceedings from the 4th International Symposium on Human Identification (1993). pp. 149-160.

194. Cabrero, C., Diez, A., Valverde, E., Carracedo, A., and Alemany, J. (1994) Allelic frequency in the population of Spain using three hypervariable loci. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 478-480.

182. Caeiro, B., Luis, J., and Liste, I. (1994) Genetic studies of a STR at the vWF locus and its application to individualisation. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 346-348.

172. Cerri, N., Mignola, R., Paganelli, C., and De Ferrari, F. (1994) Genetic identification from dental pulp by using DNA amplification (PCR). Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 268-270.

195. d'Aloja, E., Dobosz, M., Pescarmona, M., Moscetti, A., Grimaldi, L., and Pascali, V. L. (1994) Allele frequencies of three STRs in an Italian population sample. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 484-486.

163. Dobosz, M., Pascali, V. L., Boschi, I., d'Aloja, E., and Fiori, A. (1994) Automated laser fluorescent analysis of amplified fragment length polymorphisms and short tandem repeats. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 139-141.

196. Domenici, R., Nardone, M., Spineeti, I., Venturi, M., Bargagna, M., Cucurachi, N., Buscemi, L., Regazzi, E., Ferrara, S. D., Tagliabracci, A., and Mencarelli, R. (1994) The distribution of HUMTH01 polymorphism in northern and central Italy. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 496-498.

202. Dupuy, B. M., Berg, E. S., and Olaisen, B. (1994) Four STRs in 300 Norwegians. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 539-541.

183. Eisenberg, M., Guerrieri, R., Maha, G. C., Mason, J. M., Heine, U., Burkhart, B., and Geyer, J. (1994) PCR-based analyses for identity testing. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 357-359.

176. Fourney, R. M., Elliot, J. C., Bowen, K. L., Robertson, J. M., and Fregeau, C. J. (1994) An evaluation of automated fluorescent PCR-based DNA typing. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 312-316.

197. Gene, M., Huguet, E., Corbella, J., and Mezquita, J. (1994) Suitability of the ACTBP2 (SE33) STR-polymorphism for legal medicine investigation in the population of Catalonia (North-east Spain). Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 502-504.

159. Holgersson, S., Karlsson, J.-A., Kihlgren, A., Rosen, B., and Savolainen, P. (1994) Fluorescent based typing of two short tandem repeat loci in a Swedish population sample and reproducibility of fragment size estimates. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 87-89.

164. Holland, M. M., Turni, L. A., Del Rio, S. A., Marino, M. A., Lofts, R. S., Fisher, D. L., Ross, J., Schumm, J. W., and Williams, P. E. (1994) Typing human DNA using capillary electrophoresis: comparison of slab gel and capillary formats. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 156-159.

198. Hou, Y., Gill, P., Staak, M., Schmitt, C., and Prinz, M. (1994) Population genetics of three STR polymorphisms in a Chinese population. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 508-510.

184. Huber, P. and Holtz, J. (1994) Random priming and multiplex PCR with three short tandem repeats in forensic caseworks. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 363-365.

175. Kimpton, C. P., Gill, P., Urquhart, A., Walton, A., Adams, M., Watson, S., and Millican, E. S. (1994) Automated DNA profiling employing multiplex amplification of short tandem repeat loci. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 309-311.

199. Kratzer, A., Granacher, A., Jamnicki, M., and Bar, W. (1994) Swiss population data for 3 STR-systems (SE33, HUMTH01, D21S11), HLA DQa and D1S80. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 515-517.

200. Kratzer, A., Scheffrahn, W., and Bar, W. (1994) RFLP and STR polymorphisms in a Swiss mountain population. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 518-520.

165. Lalu, K., Karhunen, P. J., and Sajantila, A. (1994) Comparison of DNA-extraction methods from compact bone tissue. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 160-163.

160. Lango, A., Ekdal, A. M., Nyberg, L., and Lindblom, B. (1994) Simultaneous analysis of STR and VNTR polymorphisms. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 109-111.

161. Lareu, M. V., Phillips, C. P., Pestoni, C., Barros, F., Munoz, I., and Carracedo, A. (1994) Anomalous electrophoretic behaviour of HUMACTBP2 (SE33). Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 121-123.

201. Lorente, M., Lorente, J. A., Wilson, M. R., Budowle, B., and Villanueva, E. (1994) Spanish population data for the short tandem repeat ACTBP2 (SE33). Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 527-529.

185. Luis, J., Liste, I., and Caeiro, B. (1994) Improved conditions for genotype diagnosis of a STR of the hTPO locus. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 366-368.

180. Mannucci, A., Sullivan, K. M., Ivanov, P. L., Kimpton, C. P., and Gill, P. (1994) DNA sex test: a new rapid and quantitative forensic approach using amelogenin gene based fluorescent PCR. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 329-332.

186. Martin, P., Alonso, A., Albarran, C., and Sancho, M. (1994) Sex determination in forensic samples by PCR: a comparison of two alternative (AMGL/AMG and DYZ3/DXZ1) markers. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 369-371.

191. Meyer, E., Rand, S., and Wiegand, P. (1994) STR-polymorphisms in non-human primates. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 418-420.

181. Moller, A. and Brinkmann, B. (1994) Extraction and PCR amplification of DNA from hair shafts. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 336-338.

169. Molteni, E., Laface, F., Sirchia, S., and Colucci, G. (1994) Characterization of three microsatellites and their application in paternity testing. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 223-225.

177. Montagna, P., Pezza, A. L., and Spinella, A. (1994) Comparison of manual and automated detection for STRs analysis. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 317-319.

167. Pai, A. P., Jackson, T., Pritchard, D. J., and Papiha, S. S. (1994) Population genetic studies of short tandem repeat loci (STRs): efficiency in paternity testing. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 184-186.

203. Pascal, O., Levayer, T., Aubert, D., Peneau, A., Markey, P., and Moisan, J. P. (1994) French population data of 6 AMPFL's. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 542-544.

173. Penacino, G., Sala, A., and Corach, D. (1994) Post-mortem molecular identification. Biological kinship established by DNA analysis. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 289-291.

190. Perlee, L. and Balazs, I. (1994) Genomic sequencing of alleles from STR loci. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 407-409.

187. Pflug, W., Eberspacher, B., Karl, C., and Bruder, W. (1994) PCR on reusable matrix-fixed DNA. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 372-374.

204. Phillips, C. P., Lareu, M. V., Lincoln, P. J., Carracedo, A., and Thomson, J. A. (1994) Investigation of the STR locus HUMTH01 using PCR in Caucasian samples from England and Galicia, NW Spain. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 554-558.

174. Previdere, C. and Peloso, G. (1994) Application of PCR technique for the characterization of human bones. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 292-294.

188. Prinz, M. and Schmitt, C. (1994) Effect of degradation on PCR based DNA typing. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 375-378.

178. Robertson, J. M. (1994) Evaluation of native and denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis for short tandem repeat analysis. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 320-322.

170. Sajantila, A. and Lukka, M. (1994) Proving paternity using formalin fixed, paraffin embedded tissue samples from a deceased father. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 232-234.

205. Savill, M. G. and Sensabaugh, G. F. (1994) Studies on the HUMFABP and HUMTH01 polymorphisms. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 575-577.

206. Schwartz, D. W. M., Jungl, E. M., Krenek, O. R., and Mayr, W. R. (1994) Typing for STR-loci by electrophoresis on rehydratable polyacrylamide gels: phenotype and allele frequencies of SE33 and TC11 in an Austrian population sample. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 581-583.

166. Schwartz, D. W. M., Jungl, E. M., Krenek, O. R., and Mayr, W. R. (1994) Simple and rapid typing for VNTR polymorphisms using high resolution electrophoresis of PCR products on rehydratable polyacrylamide gels. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 170-172.

207. Spinella, A., Biondo, R., Piumelli, N., and Benedetti, M. (1994) Allele frequencies of the HUMTH01 locus in the Italian population. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 587-589.

189. Tagliabracci, A., Buscemi, L., Cucurachi, N., Giorgetti, R., and Ferrara, S. D. (1994) Suitability and efficiency of PCR systems in forensics. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 387-389.

168. Trabetti, E., Casartelli, A., and Pignatti, P. F. (1994) Application of a Y-linked tetranucleotide repeat polymorphism to paternity cases. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 187-189.

171. Wiegand, P., Madeja, M., and Brinkmann, B. (1994) Investigations on vaginal cell/sperm mixtures from microscopical slides. Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics. 5, pp. 256-258.

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