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STR References

(Numerical Order 1-250)

1. Edwards, A., Civitello, A., Hammond, H.A. and Caskey, C.T. (1991) DNA typing and genetic mapping with trimeric and tetrameric tandem repeats. Am. J. Hum. Genet. 49: 746-756.

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4. Kimpton, C.P., Gill, P., Walton, A., Urquhart, A., Millican, E.S. and Adams, M. (1993) Automated DNA profiling employing multiplex amplification of short tandem repeat loci. PCR Meth. Appl. 3: 13-22.

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30. Puers, C., Hammond, H.A., Jin, L., Caskey, C.T. and Schumm, J.W. (1993) Identification of repeat sequence heterogeneity at the polymorphic short tandem repeat locus HUMTH01[AATG]n and reassignment of alleles in population analysis by using a locus-specific allelic ladder. Am. J. Hum. Genet. 53: 953-958.

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36. Sullivan, K.M., Walton, A., Kimpton, C.P., Tully, G. and Gill, P. (1993) Fluorescence-based DNA segment analysis in forensic science. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 21: 116-120.

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41. Isenberg, A.R., McCord, B.R., Koons, B.W., Budowle, B. and Allen, R.O. (1996) DNA typing of a polymerase chain reaction amplified D1S80/amelogenin multiplex using capillary electrophoresis and a mixed entangled polymer matrix. Electrophoresis 17: 1505-1511.

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53. Hochmeister, M.N., Budowle, B., Borer, U.V., Rudin, O., Bohnert, M. and Dirnhofer, R. (1995) Confirmation of the identity of human skeletal remains using multiplex PCR amplification and typing kits. J. Forensic Sci. 40: 701-705.

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58. Whitaker, J.P., Clayton, T.M., Urquhart, A.J., Millican, E.S., Downes, T.J., Kimpton, C.P. and Gill, P. (1995) Short tandem repeat typing of bodies from a mass disaster: high success rate and characteristic amplification patterns in highly degraded samples. BioTechniques 18: 670-677.

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62. Kimpton, C.P., Oldroyd, N.J., Watson, S.K., Frazier, R.R.E., Johnson, P.E., Millican, E.S., Urquhart, A., Sparkes, B.L. and Gill, P. (1996) Validation of highly discriminating multiplex short tandem repeat amplification systems for individual identification. Electrophoresis 17: 1283-1293.

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